Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 644: Fifteen. Preface (5)

The situation is very clear.

It is clear to most people that it is only a matter of time before the war between the Kingdom of Albion and the United Duchy of Roses. Some foresee that this may evolve into a war of two camps. A small number of people know that this will become a protracted local war. Only a handful of people know when and how the war will start.

"The first step of the Albion must be to seize the control of the sea at the beginning of the war, and then land in Lapland Bay in the shortest time to launch an attack on St. Petersburg. In an attempt to destroy the capital of the Principality within a week and a half months, the war End."

Tyre held the stick and stayed on the dot marked "St. Petersburg". The members of the General Staff under the stage said nothing.

A reasonably planned plan avoids getting yourself into a protracted battle that leads to disaster. However, an additional condition is required.

"According to all kinds of information, the Albian people are likely to use unsuccessful sneak attacks to launch the first wave of attacks."

It is also not difficult to predict, by using a sudden attack to destroy the Principality’s fleet, thereby obtaining sea power; each fleet acts simultaneously to attack the Principality’s naval bases and ports in various places-in line with the "concentrate all forces in the main direction" mercenaries In principle, the risk is relatively small. This is the safest approach until I have figured out what caused the two cruisers.

Of course, this is not glorious, it will push the principality to a moral high ground. But human beings are originally the most intelligent races in the world who are good at selective blindness. For them. Initiating a sneak attack to kill a pagan is something that should be praised rather than blamed. In addition, as long as the final victory, the blame will automatically disappear, after all, no one will condemn the winner.

The elves do not care about human moral issues. They have already seen enough human faces. It is not surprising that Albion may do this kind of trickery, and he is not even interested in paying attention.

What they pay attention to, or are ordered to pay attention to, is something deeper.

Strategic tactics, lessons learned, etc. of both parties. In order to collect these precious wealth. They are studying the strategic issues of the Principality of Albion and Ross.

The first is Albian.

-"Planned disease".

The consul is calling this phenomenon in such a way that the specific manifestation is over-reliance on the idea that "as long as a perfect plan is made, it will be realized".

It is like Albion now, who chose that the United Principality of Ross is not ready for war. There is no perfect time for specific strategies. Work out plans based on the premise of "sneak attacks" and "preemptive strikes". As long as many conditional elements in the plan can be realized. Then Albion can indeed win quickly and get a huge victory. But as soon as they encounter variables during execution, they will fall into a passive situation.

The staff here can list a bunch of troubles that the Albion will encounter. For example, excessively underestimating the perseverance and determination of the Principality and the entire orc population, such as changes in the attitudes of human allies, and the more direct and realistic trouble is mines.

Until now, the Wang family navy has not been able to figure out exactly what caused the two cruisers to sink. The sailors on those two ships have disappeared deep in the Arctic Sea, and the only principality that knows the truth will not tell them. So Wang Jiajun made a plan of war with a touch of fluke and arrogance.

Without knowing anything about the fighting opponent, it is very dangerous and stupid to make a raid plan. People with a little military knowledge are aware of the risks. But the Wang Jiajun still did this, and in addition to the arrogance caused by his absolute self-confidence, the deeper is the major mistakes made by the decision-making layer of the entire Albion Kingdom-they are convinced that by showing the giant guns The power of the country, such as putting St. Petersburg on fire, and other means, the Congress would rather "lost face" to beg for an end to the war as soon as possible, while the Albians themselves did not hesitate to wage a war against the Principality with the big fleet and even the country, instead of sitting down and negotiating. To resolve disputes with the Principality, because that is "faceless."

A group of fools turned upside down.

The staff labeled Albian people and then paid attention to the impact this group of fools would have.

The Wang family navy did not choose many directions. Most of the naval fleet of the Principality was shrunk in the military port, sheltered by the fire on the fjord and the shore. Lieutenant General Makarov also sent additional reconnaissance ships, aquatic orc races and flying beasts. To establish an all-round three-dimensional barrier to prevent Albion from launching a sneak attack. In addition to these visible protections, highly confidential minefields guard the military port. It is not an easy task to break through this layer of defense.

The only loophole is Kaliningrad.

Due to the priority allocation of various resources to the large military port, Kaliningrad, which has a relatively low status, could not establish a complete defensive system, but its military port still has a fleet of good strength, plus it guards the Arctic Strait The important geographical location of the bay entrance. Once a conflict erupts, it must be the first "key concern" of the Wang Family Navy. In view of the huge gap in strength, there is not much suspense for the Wang Family Navy to capture Kaliningrad in one fell swoop. Then use this as a base for advance, head north along the coastline, and conquer Riga, Reval, and Kronstadt one by one, and finally advance to St. Petersburg.

If there are no accidents, there is nothing to blame for this combat plan. If you change the defense, you will also choose this stable plan. Only under the premise that the Principality has made great efforts to deploy mines, how much is the feasibility of this combat plan is a question worth studying.

When the Albian people find that the route to St. Petersburg is densely covered with mines, it is also difficult for them to sweep a safe passage in the area where the anchor and oyster mines are mixed. When they find this, they have to Turning your sights back to land, along with the coalition forces of other countries, slowly consumed with the Principality.

This is the situation that the elves hope to achieve. In order to make this consumption more efficient and at the same time look natural, v.e has prepared a new fun for the human army-a blasting cylinder.

In fact, they can also manufacture "Arafat vests" or "paradise keys", but due to technical confidentiality and raw material issues, Li Lin finally decided to wait until the land battlefield entered the most intense stage and sell blasting cartridges to the human army. Then use the soldiers sacrificed by using this weapon as a prototype to create an example for humans and an object to imitate. He even thought about his name.

Three warriors.

The human army needs "three warriors of meatballs", not necessarily three, but they need such warriors. If they cannot produce themselves, then Li Lin and v.e will help them to be born into such a typical model.

On the muddy battlefield full of various mines and trenches, hundreds of thousands of gray cattle and human meatball warriors staged a thrilling killing show. Every minute, hundreds or more soldiers fell, but as long as They still have a breath, and they will find a way to kill their opponents until they are turned into powder in a blast of landmines and blasting canisters.

For the elves, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a delightful firework show. But that's not the only one. They still have a lot of novelty gadgets that will be unveiled in this war. When these new gadgets are added, it's really wonderful.

The participating staff members all showed expectant expressions, and now they only have one last question: the time when the war broke out.

Albion was ready, Charlemagne was preparing, and the United Principality of Ross also had some preparation. The rest, just don't know when to start.

Tyre coughed and opened his mouth to say something. A sudden knock on the door interrupted his speech.

A captain with a communication armband hurriedly slammed the door in, hurriedly saluted, handed the binder under his arm to Tyre, and the disgruntled lieutenant glanced at the text on the printing paper, immediately Threw the daredevil and a room of staff in the map room, running at full speed towards the consul's office.

There was only one sentence written on that paper:

"Port Kiel, 2340 found that a fleet was heading north, part of which was passing through the canal, with a predicted course of Kaliningrad." (To be continued...)

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