Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 624: Twelve. Conference, dance (54)

The right foot swept across the tip of the nose fiercely, the whirlwind around the tip of the leg cut off a few strands of hair, and too late to wipe off the cold sweat of the forehead. The left foot kicked by the rotation accelerated kicked to the neck, distorting the low temperature of air and light A special shape opened on the wall, the break is as smooth as a mirror.

Roland, who was forced to retreat by a series of kicks, started to "collapse". The 4 spells that were being started on Li Lin's legs issued a crisp sound like glass shattering, and returned to the shiny mana. Without any hesitation to bully him, the arms holding the "barrier" are ready to face the opponent's inch.

This battle is both a contest of magic and a contest of martial arts, and the key to determining victory and defeat is not only speed and strength, but also the crucial "spacing".

The advantages of boxing are explosive power and speed, and kicking is longer than the control of the attack range. Although Li Lin can use the leg to exert an incredible skill at zero distance, the prerequisite is that the sole of the foot can be attached to the body of the opponent. Only a specific posture is required.

Roland's victory is in "zero distance".

Cut into Li Lin's attack circle in one breath, resist two kicks, and then grab Li Lin's clothes or force him to defend with his hands. This **** game can be over.

From the beginning, Roland had never thought that Li Lin could be defeated. No matter how the fighting was done, skill, or experience, both sides were far behind. The only chance is to crack according to the game rules set by Li Lin. Although this is also very difficult, it is not at least as close to 0 as the previous option.

Having said that, the difficulty is beyond imagination.

Roland's tactical choice is no problem, and the execution is decisive and firm. But it does not play the expected role.

The reason is the difference in fighting style.

As a child of man, the actions that can be done by magic blessing are still an extension of human actions.

Thousands of bodies smelt to the limit are turned into a part of instinct. It is impossible for these things to catch up with the speed of thinking and calculation.

In the world of high-speed thinking loops, the fast punches of speed and power are like the slow-freeze pictures taken by high-speed cameras. The flow of power, the energy wasted unconsciously, and the next actions are all at a glance.

Adjust the strength of the muscles, and at the same time start the operation of destroying the "barrier", and posture the posture of the body. Behind it is a "blade wing" that acts as a support.

This is the secret of standing on one leg and using your feet. Beyond the limitation of standing on both legs of human beings, the support framed by the mimicry of liquid metal supports the body, so that the strength can be gathered from the whole body to the soles of the feet. This time the Cinch Power output is much lower than before, enough to make Roland pass out. Get the time to finish the finishing work.

He is a good boy. Obedient, smart, and full of justice. Will cry for the misfortune of others, and like to see the happiness of others-growing up as Li Lin expected.

So even if Li Lin had long been expected to promote the outbreak of war, when he really encountered this situation. Will he do everything he can to stop it? So, what should be done at this time is...

A roar of impact erupted in the sewer, the water was scattered, and the two pulled apart again to face off.

"Beautiful response."

Against the law of gravity, standing firmly on the wall, Li Lin praised:

"Is it possible to change quickly at the first blow, is it already prepared, or is it a decisive decision?"

"Your tactics are too monotonous."

Roland blamed:

"When you come up with such a decent game rule, you should expect to be in trouble."

The "legs only" rule draws all attention to the legs, ignoring the coordination of other parts, and even less likely that the human body may cheat. Roland, who has a good understanding of Li Lindi, has doubted since the beginning that he only stands on one leg. How can he exert his strength? After recalling Li Lin's attacking methods, he boldly put forward the hypothesis that "something may be used in place of the legs to support", which prevents Li Lin from counterattacking at any time. Once counterattacked, Cunjin was also released to resolve it.

Despite preparations, in actual combat, it is difficult to grasp the time of the opponent's move and launch a blow to resolve the strength. Even if the opportunity can be seized, whether the gap between speed and power can be offset is unknown. All of these factors have led to this tactic being on paper, and it is no different from gambling.

In the end, Roland won.

At close range, Li Lin used his strength and deliberately lowered the power output, no more, no less, just evenly matched.

Are you lucky? Or Li Lin's calculation? Unintentionally tangled with these minutiae, Roland repositioned and stared at Li Lin motionlessly.

"Oh... it's so beautiful, it makes me want to take it seriously."

The red eyes narrowed.

Sharp red eyes reminiscent of beasts, do not want to miss staring at Roland with every move, the surrounding aliens seem to be sensed by the atmosphere, and together emit a cheerful scream.

More realistic than abstract concepts such as murderousness and grudge, the body can clearly feel the heavy weight, and the real sense of oppression continues to overflow from Li Lin and acts on Roland.

The next blow will be the winner.

A new key blade was snapped between his fingers, and Diana's thoughts came up for no reason.

Originally planned to take advantage of Roland and the man in black, entangled in the opportunity to make up for the death knife, or to solve the Milletti on the side. Now it seems... this is just a delusion

The guy hasn't taken it seriously, but now he's just a little more serious, and the pressure released from his body has made it impossible for him to move. With such a sense of oppression like Long Wei, the outcome of the battle can be foreseen.

Apart from the Black Grim Reaper, no one can walk out of this place alive.

"Brother Roland."

Supporting the body, a slight whisper of breath sounded behind the teenager.

"Although I'm sorry, this time it really involved you in trouble."

"Now what are you doing..."

"There is no equipment that can be dispatched at the scene, and there is no way to apply oil, but I am a clergyman anyway. I can still confess."

"That's really thank you, but I'm not happy at all when I hear this death flag."

"What are you talking about? This is important...!!!"

"I feel the same way, nun, is this the heroine's confession?"

Li Lin standing on the wall interjected, only listening to him with a playful tone:

"When life and death matter, the instinct to reproduce offspring will be very strong. At this time, the thought should not be God, but'I am still virgin, how can I die like this? At least to say goodbye to virginity'-hold this The idea, the last love, is the normal combination of body and mind?"



The time stopped, and immediately afterwards, the adolescent teenage girl's hormonal thoughts overheated and stormed away.

Leng Buding was calmed by this speech. Roland accidentally let saliva flow into the trachea and coughed like a tuberculosis patient. Diana, who was always calm, also blushed, and her indifferent pupils also lost focus and moved around.

"This... this kind of thinking is in conflict with the doctrine. As a person who uses God's body, mind, and life to serve God, he, he, and brothers. Roland unites, unites, unites... ...What kind of thing...think about it and never think about it..."

Not only the wording and word order, but even the pronunciation caused confusion, and Roland coughed worse on the side.

Like discovering some novel toys, or simply want to add chaos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lin continues to pursue.

"No problem, according to my observations, nuns, your pelvic shape and the curve of your buttocks are all of the childbirth type. If there is a crystallization of love and sensuality in the future, it will be quite safe during childbirth. Eight children is not a problem. I said this, so there must be nothing wrong with it."


Even coughing was unsustainable, Roland sprayed out the saliva directly. The surface temperature of Diana's face has reached an almost explosive level.

Regardless of the timing, occasion, or content of the speech, Li Lin's speech is not as shocking as usual.


He only listened to his hands drawn from his trouser pockets, his eyes wide open, his face filled with a warm smile.

"Youth is only once, don't miss the chance."

In line with the speech of the man in black, the human face spider posted on the wall sang loudly, and the "wedding march" that ran out of tone and broke through the sewers. (To be continued...)

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