Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 600: Twelve. Conference, dance (30)

The Albian people have always been a nation with a strong pragmatism atmosphere. Although they have been advertised as "personal power" before, they can quickly change their propaganda as long as necessary.

All voices against slavery disappeared overnight, and various theories defending slavery sprang up.

The famous slavist Sir Calhoun proposed that the world should not defend slavery as "necessary evil" but should be understood as "goodness-active goodness". This slavery advocate advocates that slavery is actually good for the white elephant orcs and black dwarves, because "these populations are inherently inferior races and require human management and care." Human workers in the mine eat well, dress well, and work in a safer environment. Slavery is the only way for various ethnic groups to coexist peacefully; slavery brings wealth to the country and is the key to the prosperity of the country...

This one is more important in the circle, and the most noble ones publicly declared that slavery is the best system in Albion and even the world. The Charlemagne are being influenced by money worship and abandoning the precious "tradition" Value", replaced by greed, debauchery and decadence. Compared with concentration camp-like factories, there is also the Charlemagne city where disease spreads, overcrowded, and the streets are full of corporate thugs. Albion is an orderly and stable society with a slow rhythm and full of human touch. Albian enslaved and made society great through forced labor, avoiding the social conflicts that afflict the Charlemagne’s monopoly and the gap between the rich and the poor, and guaranteed the welfare of the workers-the slave owner at least understood his own Property (slave) is responsible. The factory owner does not bear any obligations to the workers; although the slaves cannot eat as well as their owners, at least "Unlike the Charlemagne, they are poor, they can’t even eat tea and eggs, and eat high-grade food such as dark bread. Will be onlookers, buy underwear to put down the banquet to celebrate." And on this basis, the nobility can continue to enjoy a rich and elegant cultural life... In short, slavery is the closest social system that human civilization can reach, and its ideal social order provides prosperity and stability for all levels of society Protection.

In order to prove his point of view, the gentlemen of Albion also cited a large number of written and numerical evidence. In the information they provide. The lives of most slaves are in fact better than the workers in many factories in Charlemagne. And it must be better than the slaves in the United Principality of the Ross-under the harsh natural environment and the thousand-year-old brutality and even perverted abuse of the bears, many slaves were exhausted and killed. In contrast, work in cotton plantations is much easier; and v.e company's way of squeezing workers, slave owners treat slaves in a more human way. The most obvious evidence is that slave owners do not allow minor slaves to perform heavy physical labor. To make young slaves more loyal. Healthier after adulthood. Most slave owners personally supervise slaves and often work with them to form a more intimate relationship with slaves. Similar to father and child, full of warmth and love.

In addition to these things that add a lot of private goods and generalizations, there is something that has not been pointed out that can be appreciated. That is, although the Slave Management Law of the Nuremberg Race Act, which is as close to the Third Reich as specified, stipulates that slaves shall not own property; slaves shall not receive education; they shall not leave the land of their masters without permission; and shall not go out after dark; Do not carry weapons; bow to salute when you see the Albion; carry a bloodline certificate when you go out; you cannot attack the Albion even for self-defense; the slave owner punishes the slave and kills him without taking legal responsibility; the slave resists or Killing Albian people, or inciting riots, all death sentences... and other legal provisions and regulations, but Albian did not implement it as Nazi Germany did. In fact, all kinds of law enforcement regarding slaves are quite confusing, and many provisions are not followed. Many slaves have their own property, learn to read and write, and can gather other slaves. Even a small number of people still marry humans. The last one is far from being realized in Yalfheim. Due to the well-known demographic problems, the horror of inter-racial marriage may be assimilated by humans has been lingering in the minds of elves, so Yalfheim is right Such things have always been very tight.

Behind all the theories that justify slavery are real benefits. By planting and exporting cotton, Albion’s economic development has been promoted. V.e is also willing to buy cheap cotton and provide high-yield cotton seeds and seeds of other high-yield crops-all genetically modified crops that are sterilized by eating. The merchants in Albion profited by shipping, guaranteeing, and selling cotton on the market, and then used the profits to exchange machinery and equipment, scrap steel, and technical drawings from v.e to produce weapons and equipment for the Royal Army and Navy.

In today’s world, Albion’s industrial foundation is better than Castile, but it is still weaker than V.e’s industrial scale, and even slightly worse than Charlemagne. Civil products manufactured by Albion are almost synonymous with "garbage", so exporting "white gold" to obtain technology and equipment from foreign consortia is extremely important to Albion. Every year, cotton exports account for about two-thirds of Albion’s total exports, bringing revenue to the treasury of nearly 200 million guineas. Once the cotton trade and cotton plantations are lost, the entire country’s financial and industrialization process will encounter major setbacks. The Duke of Marlborough, who was far away from Charlemagne in the disarmament negotiations of the Navy, once said: "In my opinion, the main purpose of this country in building the navy is to maintain bank credit and overseas cotton plantations." His colleague Lord Harris said with pride: "Without a shot and a sword, we can step on the world... If we stop exporting cotton in the next three years, what will happen to the world? This world No force dares to fight against cotton. Cotton is the king!

The Albian people who cheered for the success of slavery and the cotton trade never expected that the shameless behavior of the lower limit of their show would not only bring huge benefits, but also bury the last chance-between humans and elves, using force There is no other way to achieve the chance of peaceful coexistence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is always a voice against the tide in the atmosphere of strong vengeance, national socialism and conservatism in Alfheim. They oppose the uncontrolled expansion of armaments; they oppose the unlimited expansion of the power of the consul, and eventually become a veritable dictator; they oppose the imperialist war; in their view, long-term uncontrolled arms expansion will make the entire national economy and social life subordinate For the needs of war, for this general mobilization system, the state's finances will inevitably shift from social development, education, medical care, and social welfare to armaments. In the long run, taxes will inevitably increase, resulting in a widening gap between the rich and the poor and unemployment, and eventually the country will become a slave to war and die.

In order to avoid this terrible prospect, what Alfheim does is not to blindly increase the performance and number of new weapons and expand the size of the army. Rather, it maintains moderate force, and on this basis, it achieves reconciliation with the human camp through political negotiations and economic ties. A more gentle way to build an open and inclusive, independent sprite country.

This voice has always existed in Yalfheim, where nationalism is prevalent, but it is not loud. With the development of the times, the number of identifyrs began to increase, and they gradually became enough to deal with conservatives and radicals.

This is liberalism, a group of liberal elves eager for reconciliation by nonviolent means. (To be continued...)

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