Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 576: Twelve. Conference, dance (6)

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Lin watched the black horse-drawn carriage merge into the traffic, and several words before Richelieu's parting were played repeatedly on the circuit.

——The Pope cannot be too happy.

It's hard to imagine a cardinal church saying this. Keliseliu was a complete statist. When the belief and the creed of "the supremacy of the state" conflict, the latter always takes precedence. Richelieu would have this kind of speech for the Pope who was too wide, but it was reasonable.

Things that are too reasonable and reasonable sometimes seem unnatural.

Richelieu would not easily make such a statement even before the Ministry, why did he confide this idea in front of his temporary ally?

Is it to relax yourself? Impossible. It has been more than 10 years since the first match. The first responder should be very clear that the other party is not the young and vigorous type. A little gesture will not let the vigilance be relaxed, but will attract unnecessary doubt.

Is it to let this place fall into suspicion? Taking advantage of v.e's indecision, causing a certain situation that forces the company to make concessions in certain ways? It is possible, but there is no evidence to prove this speculation.

Anyway, what can be determined now is that Richelieu may take action against the upcoming Virgin. It remains to be seen what action will be taken.

The identity of Cardinal Richelieu provided a huge advantage for his intelligence warfare in the direction of the church, plus a long-term layout over the past decades. I am afraid that the important people in the church have been grasped by him. It is a very simple matter to cause trouble to the church. In this regard, Stasi is far from being close, and so far has developed a group of peripheral personnel. There are no informants who can really touch the core of the church. It's okay to inquire about the trend, as soon as I encounter a job with a higher technical content, I'm blind.


With the vocabulary missed on his tongue, Li Lin turned and walked to the desk.

There is one more thing that makes him care, which also happens to have something to do with faith.

"I haven’t seen Sister Diana’s secretary recently... On the day when Her Royal Highness arrived at Rudes, I hope that she will attend the welcoming ceremony with her noble body and well-being. Humans, sisters are affectionate..."

Has the old fox noticed it? This is also expected, even though various confidentiality measures have been taken, but the church has announced that "Sister Clerk is sick. Decline to visit guests" has passed more than ten days. Even the dull people will wonder if something happened. After Richelieu ruled out the possibility of his men, the top priority for doubt was definitely v.e. After all, in terms of motivation and strength, the company is the number one suspect, and that's exactly how it is.

Sister who seriously injured and hid the saint. This is a felony sufficient to sentence the death penalty. Especially at the point where Her Royal Highness visited Rudes for peace. It was found that the saint’s sister was hiding and under house arrest in the company’s heir’s room.

A dead businessman acting only for the benefit. In order to undermine peace talks, secure orders for arms, and secretly abduct the sister of the Virgin, coercing the church not to interfere in crisis-ridden events. In order to provoke an unavoidable war-the hard-to-overturn script flashed through my mind, Li Lin lying on his office chair closed his eyes.

Until now, it doesn't make much sense to hold Diana in her hand, letting her go back is the best choice. But it can't be put away. After eating a heavy blow, the excellent combat power that can survive the β-type Chimera siege, there is no reason to just give it back to the church.

Reopening his eyes, the sunset close to the horizon dyed the room dimly, and Niederhogg was waiting for instructions.

"No way, just let Roland do me a favor."

The corner of the mouth raised, and the sound of a wry smile blurted out. It was at this time that the sunset light that had entered the office suddenly turned into a bright red, as if the whole office was covered with blood that had just flowed out of the body.

Behind Li Lin, the horrifying sun looks like a bright red eyeball.


The sweaty collision made a "poppy" sound, and muddy sweat swayed down.

"Oh ah……"

The boy moaned in the air in a jerky and cheerful manner, his palms clenched and relaxed, and his back bowed like a cat.


"For the first time... Sure enough... it hurts a bit."

The wheezing twisted in the throat scratched the auricle, and the hot body became more sensitive, and the body responded to the ups and downs of the opponent's movements.

"Here... Sure enough... Ah..."

"Strengthen... harder..."


After a long cry, the hustle and bustle subsided, and the rapid gasp echoed in the steaming room.

"All right!"

The flower mantis stood up and patted Roland on the back.

"Finally, the hardened muscles are softened, and if you insist on a weekly healthy massage for one year, you can get 10 years more puberty."

Most of the elderly people have muscle soreness, and the root cause is almost because they did not pay attention when they were young. If they are found to deal with it as soon as possible, there is still a chance to avoid such diseases.

"Sword training and other activities are also adequate. You can play what you can wield a sword 10,000 times. It is not as good as a systematic and scientific exercise."

The flower praying mantis sank into the hot water pool. After finishing the massage, he also got tired of a smelly sweat, stretched his body in the hot water, and complained comfortably.

The little girl-like body, but the gender is male, Mr. Elephant under the hips dangles at will-in other words, the so-called "cute boy".

According to himself, this is a derivative of the camouflage characteristics of the flower mantis, which is convenient for various actions. No matter how you look at it, it is obviously affected by certain orientations that deviate from common sense literature.

"I did exercise normally, but I started this exercise when I was young, and I couldn't do a massage for myself."

Rubbing his soothing shoulders, Roland also entered the pool and stretched the switch section comfortably, covering the important parts of the flower praying mantis with a V-shaped finger, such as a fake replacement girl appeared in front of him.

This is really a terrible feature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it's pretty eye-catching. It's better than bathing with a red-eyed **** who is very seductive and has an extremely ghostly character.

"Master Li Lin doesn't make horses and kill chickens for you?"

"Don't mention that kind of thing!"

Pressing his forehead, Roland's mouth crooked.

Of course, Li Lin will not miss this kind of detail. Every time, he carefully massages Roland, but now he recalls that he had been entangled with a lot of tentacles to make a chicken, and Roland had a stomachache.

There are obviously other ways to kill chickens, why did he choose which one? ! !

"...In other words, did you read the nun's medical report?"

Gently slashing the hot water, the flower praying mantis lay on his back and floated to Roland's chest. His big eyes looked up to Roland. (To be continued...)

ps: Roland is still virgin when she sees her and wants to crook her face

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