Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 539: Eleven. Wind. 26 (33)

Smart women are very attractive and can sometimes make annoyed men fooled.

Diana Heim is such a woman.

Li Linrao watched with interest the childish nun who remained in front of his face. Even if he judged it from his point of view, it was also a beautiful face.

The **** and mature beauty certainly attracts men, leaving a strong childish appearance and an easily overwhelming body, which can also arouse men's desire to conquer. In fact, child face can stimulate men’s pituitary gland to secrete hormones and endorphins more than mature, just push a little more-like a prostitute softly whispering in the root of the man’s ear, looking at the girl with a pitiful gaze The other side, showing the delicate body shivering slightly. The man will immediately abandon the only tinge of reason, torn the snow-like virgin body, and leave his mark on the snowfield where no one has ever stepped on, to get the ultimate pleasure of conquest.

If it is just such a woman, then Roland can handle it casually, but now the woman is not using the beauty plan, but weaving traps according to the rules of the other party, unwittingly reversing the pros and cons of the negotiation.

A pretty smart woman, as to whether she is a good woman, Li Lin can't distinguish it, and has no intention to investigate.

"Sister Diana, I want to confirm again that the church intends to let my company take over security work in the disarmament negotiations, right?"


Diana nodded without any hesitation.

Unlike Roland at that time, the smile was still elegant and dignified, but it was no longer seen as naughty and easy. In front of Li Lin who knew everything about the big picture and the details, she knew that playing smart was a shame.

Instead of turning around. It's better to create a chance for your opponent than to be straightforward. This is how she judges and does so.

"It really surprised me... I was really surprised when I heard this business from Roland."

At first glance, anyone would think that this employment requirement is like a joke, a low-level, crazy mistake.

Let Li Lin and v.e, the dead businessman who made a fortune by relying on war and the arms race, protect the representatives of the great powers involved in the disarmament negotiations? How is this different from asking ghosts to take prescriptions and let the weasel guard the chicken coop? The assassins might laugh madly because the mission suddenly became undifficult.

Is this really the case? Will the Holy See be so stupid? If there is no doubt about this and believe it to be true, it is really time to find a brain doctor to check to see if the brain is open.

Once this commission is accepted, the personal safety of the negotiator will be solely responsible for v.e. During the talks. In case something goes wrong with the delegates. Even if it was not done by v.e itself, the public would doubt whether it was a self-directed play by v.e, and various conspiracy theories will prevail. Once the company's image and credit are destroyed, the restoration will consume a lot of time and energy. During this period. No one can guarantee whether the Holy See will push countries to launch antitrust laws. A water dog was beaten down. Judging from the consistent temperament of the Holy See. The probability of this happening can be determined to be 100%.

(It seems that he has worked very hard to make strategic plans, and it is really worthy of the Holy See. The experience in this kind of thing is quite old.)

Li Lin left a comment on the thinking circuit. Still a serious and serious answer:

"Since Ms. Diana has come to visit in person, it is natural to say that. But Ms. Diana, freedom is not free, and security is the same. Do you understand this?"

"This...of course."

There were some surprises with Li Lin's brisk agreement. Diana didn't recover for a while, and understood the euphemism of "how much do you pay?" She nodded in a hurry and straightened her back.

"Yi Xia ordered the Finance Bureau to pay 30,000 florin coins for this **** operation."

With a soft "Oh", Li Lin's fingers tapped on the desk.

The Holy See, which has always been known for being stingy, actually made such a "huge sum of money" in one breath. This is really eye-opening, but there is a huge gap between this quotation and Li Lin's valuation.

Too few.

A foreign minister, a potential future prime minister, they have an important mission-these and 30,000 florin gold coins, in any case can not be equated.

"Yang's generosity makes me feel ashamed."

Taking the opportunity to fight back at the church ironically, Li Lin continued to beat the table rhythmically and began to bargain.

"It's just that, Ms. Diana, you must understand that considering the cost of confidentiality work, security work, and the risk of our company failing to take on the task... I'm afraid it's difficult to balance the revenue.

Diana listened quietly, without refuting or affirming. She knew very well that 30,000 florin gold coins plus empty preaching-it was really difficult to persuade the fox in front of them. If possible, she also hopes to increase the amount paid, so that when Li Lin forcibly refuses the commission, the church can avoid the accusation of "low bid" and successfully occupy the moral high ground, pouring dirty water to v.e. But the reality is that she has not been authorized in this regard, and the payment amount has been locked before the negotiation begins.

The Holy See is not as affluent as before. Since the beginning of the past few years, the tax situation of the church has been drastically reduced as more and more farmers enter the factory to work, and by the end of last year, they even had to ask the kings for financial assistance. Repair the main shrine. This was an unimaginable thing in the past.

Therefore, the Holy See can only pay 30,000 florin gold coins, and if it asks for further prices, it can only rely on selling a large number of papers such as "atonement vouchers" and "confession vouchers", as some poor cardinals continue to shout. This is to raise funds.

Faced with this embarrassment, it is no wonder that the church can't wait to suppress v.e. In addition to saving prestige and face, there are also considerable economic factors.

"I can understand your difficulty, but we can only pay 30,000 florins, and can't come up with more."

Diana clenched her fists secretly. Obviously, Li Lin intended to use the "insufficient payment amount" as a breakthrough to break the layout of the church in one go. But the church has already prepared for this. From the morning, the church clergy of the city of Rudes are intentionally or unintentionally telling the believers, "ve company will guarantee the safety of disarmament negotiations", "ve company directly participate in the negotiation "In" message. I am afraid that it is not necessary until noon, the whole city of Rudes will know this news, and it is difficult for Li Lin to ride a tiger.

He couldn't have had another choice~www.wuxiaspot.com~Only honestly jumped into the big pit dug by the church.

"Yes, I know very well that the church has encountered some difficulties recently. However, Sister Diana, I personally think that the Charlemagne government and the Albian authorities should also bear part of the responsibility for the security of the meeting. Arrived."

Diana, who was a little confused by jumping thinking, sat on the sofa, hardly throbbing with a heart that would shake almost anything. Various assumptions were made in advance, and a number of countermeasures were formulated. But Diana had never imagined that there was such a trick.

As a result, the secretary nun with a somewhat stiff expression nodded and replied in the calmest possible tone:

"I understand, I will reply to you as soon as possible, Mr. Li Lin."

Li Lin, across the desk, put a smile on his face, and said in a non-self-conscious tone:

"I'm waiting for your good news, ma'am." (To be continued...)

ps: The second appointment has been made. Those who have tickets in hand, please support!

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