Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 532: Eleven. Wind. 26 (26)

"Wine and coffee,

I just need a drink.

Thinking of the past,

Drink a second cup.

Knowing that love is like running water,

Whoever he loves.

I want fine wine and coffee,

One glass after another..."

The newly added gramophone in the coffee shop played a slightly decadent song. Roland in a bartender's vest wiped the crystal glass while sneaking a glance at his side.

The princess of the Golden Dragon clan dragged her head, her face covered by her long hair could not see the expression clearly, and a strong defeated dog breath rose from her back. Aside from being a middle-aged man, Ned Hogg pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and shook the Bellini wine in his hand.

Perhaps it is because there are many similarities between brewing coffee and bartending. Niederhogg’s bartending technology is also quite good. Like this, before the closing time, take out various high-end wines from the wine cabinet to mix and enjoy yourself. It is his unique way to relax with a personally prepared blended wine that far exceeds the level of a high-end hotel, while flipping the ledger and listening to the sweet and crisp sound of gold and silver coins.

But today, because of the flamboyant sound played by the phonograph, the sound of the precious metal was a little unclear, and he didn't investigate it. Just like his lord, he made a mocking expression and said silently "still a little devil..."

In his life cycle, there might be some standpoints in saying this, but Roland does not want to pursue a "child" of a few hundred years old. Fafna on the side is losing, and no one cares about him.

The two-headed dragon has just concluded a traditional non-violent race among dragons, who wins and loses. At a glance.

The dragon's dead temper also reduced the chance of conflicts to a minimum, but sometimes conflicts still broke out. If it is a very serious event, report to the Elder Council for ruling. If the problem is not big, it will be handled according to an unwritten rule.

The rule is very simple, that is, who has more collectibles and higher value in the competition, that is, show off the rich competition. The losing side must obey the winning side.

After leaving Li Lin's office, Niederhogger immediately challenged Faluna to fight the rich.

Expensive as the dragon princess, Favna's treasures are among the top ten among the dragon clan, although they did not take them out. But there is still a vision to appreciate the contrast. According to her thoughts. How many black dragon babies are under the age of 1,000? Fafna, who tried not to show her contempt, didn't think much, and agreed with a sneer. The sneer in Nidhogg's mouth was also regarded as a dead support by her, and she never thought of the possibility of failure. I never thought of accepting the challenge. It means failure.

The game takes about half an hour. It took 25 minutes to get on the carriage, 4 minutes to walk into Niederhogg’s mansion, and the final minute determined the outcome.

Niederhogg’s mansion itself has nothing special. Neither did he build the underground part into a bunker inhabited by survivors like his lord, nor did it flood the mansion with vulgar goods like upstarts.

Fountains, courtyards, flower gardens, mansions-every element that constitutes the mansion is still in the pattern of the rich merchants, and the interior decoration taste is also quite good. In addition to the little statues and paintings of the teenagers, the whole reveals a kind of scouring based on wealth .

These are just appearances. As soon as he walked into the garden atrium, Fafna's brain was blank.

A black dragon statue stands at the center of the pruning of neat shrub trails.

A large number of black diamonds as the main raw materials, amethyst as the embellishment, red diamonds as the final finishing touch, Niederhoge original body sculpture.

A finger-sized black diamond is enough for a family of five to eat and wear for several years, piled up as many black diamonds as a hill, and after being cut and polished by the hands of a skilled craftsman, a grain of grain is joined together to form a black dragon with its wings extended. Then use amethyst without a trace of amethyst to make claws and double wings, and use a red diamond the size of a human head to serve as an eye...! ! !

Black diamonds are already valuable, and red diamonds are the rarest among colored diamonds, not to mention the size of a human head.

What kind of big dog is this? ! This black dragon jerk, how rich is he? ! !

Favna almost screamed in her head and rushed into the bathroom in one breath, trying to wake herself up with cold water to get rid of this terrible nightmare, but just opened the bathroom door and she almost collapsed to the ground.

Bath and wash basin made of white gold, rhodium gold-also commonly known as black gold cast toilet, toilet paper holder made of ivory, screen made of millennium golden sandalwood...

In front of Niederhog, known as the "fighter of the local tyrants", it took only a minute for Favna to appreciate what was a complete defeat, and she has remained in a state of loss.

It's no wonder that she is so disoriented. Although the long life of the dragon family is long, in the long life cycle, it can also get a lot of top collections. But they created their own treasures, or a generous like Niederhogger, that never happened.

Don’t say that Furna’s own treasure is not as good as that sculpture, that is, to cheat out the miserable old grandfather’s family property, it’s not worth adding another bathroom!

All along, Niederhogger has paid dividends from the company's operations, because of concerns about personal interests. So he has always been a pioneer in pioneering colonies, trafficking in human beings, smuggling stimulants, financial fraud, squeezing workers, etc. And his amazing means did work. With bullets and leather whips, the factory's operating efficiency was maximized. At the peak, the workers of the company's factories, whether male, female, child, or foreign The slave laborers work at least 16 hours a day, without overtime pay, leave and sick leave. Open up your life to refresh the production value and Niederhogg’s bonus. Workers and guys who dared to die, tired and sick on the production line, without exception, were all pulled into the incinerator behind the plant and burned.

Darker than the factory are mines, railways, and cotton field plantations. The stories that happened there are enough to shut up the most crying children, saying that every meter of the pit is sleeping with an innocent soul, and every sleeper is buried under the sleeper. With a corpse, every cotton plant was filled with blood and tears. Not to mention the tragic stories of sending people to cut off the river and let the crops die, and the family of the landlord was surrounded by thousands of demolition thugs in the house until the thirsty and starved to death.

Under such an efficient and modern squeeze, Niederhogg's personal assets skyrocketed. Now he is the second richest man in the world after Li Lin, a big capitalist and a big landlord. Not only do they leave behind the rich merchants of humans and orcs, but even the dragon races can only count on them. And the little female dragon fighting rich with a golden dragon clan? There was no pressure to dump her three streets.

"So, according to the old rules, the loser should obey the winner's request?"

The smug face didn't make any disguise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The words mixed with alcohol breath sticked together, and Favorna's body was shocked, and she endured humiliating shaking.

The rules are the rules, even if you hate this little black dragon bastard, the restraint of the dragon princess is not allowed to violate the rules.

With his hands on his knees, his hands clenched into fists, and Favna clenched her lips tightly, waiting for Niederhog's declaration.

"Hmm...the face and figure are good, and the temperament is OK..."

After rubbing his chin and commenting, Nidhogg clapped his palms and said happily:

"It's decided! Just ask Miss Favna to make a guest appearance and gather the manpower needed for the show!" .

ps: I'm sorry... I uploaded it last night, but I forgot to post it once. I'm really sorry. Zhen and Salome's sensual passionate drama is about to appear. It looks like a lily, but it is! ! Please look forward to it!

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