Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 526: Eleven. Wind. 26 (20)

The only highlight in the room.

This is Faluna's first impression of Li Lin sitting opposite the desk.

It's not that the rooms are tasteless and full of noble extravagance. On the contrary, the room is very simple, especially highlighting the presence of the room owner.

Once mankind has a successful career, what it wants to get next is nothing more than status and fame, and at the same time try to let others know this. The most common form of expression is to build a mansion and express yourself with a luxurious facade.

Favna has seen many fast-growing wealthy people, that is, the houses of the group of people commonly referred to as "upstarts." That group has many similarities, such as vassalism, vulgarity, lack of upbringing, etc. In addition, their tastes for houses are surprisingly similar.

The carvings packed on the walls and ceilings, and the stuccoes that are incompatible with the materials and the environment, spread the ground, covered with delicate embroidery from the beginning to the end. The more and more art works, the furnishings of gold and silver tone are meaningless. A large number of empty rooms...etc. are piled up and so on, full of tacky "houses", no matter where you go, the upstart's house is almost such a stereotype.

Li Lin, who has risen at an alarming rate and has become the richest man in the world in just over ten years, is also an upstart. It stands to reason that his home office house should be more tacky than its peers, becoming a fighter in the local house. But there is no such tackiness in this office. Not only that, in the headquarter building of V.e company Ruedes, almost no smell of precious metals can be smelled and replaced. It is an almost indifferent style of pragmatism and efficiency first.

Li Lin, who is your company's president and leader of the consortium, has only placed a few mid-range artworks in her office for decoration. Except for the meeting area, the rest of the space is completely filled with furnishings such as filing cabinets, safes, stationery cabinets, bookshelves, desks, and communication equipment. A workaholic of "this person will die from overwork sooner or later" breathed out, overwhelming. The subordinates' rooms are relatively better, and they know that they can add potted plants, bonsai, landscape paintings and other moods in the office, but their faces are always tight, and the conversation is all work, and the chat is hardly heard.

(This is actually more like a military camp than a company...)

Keeping a lazy smile, Fafna secretly commented.

If one side of the army of humans and orcs has the discipline and obedience of v.e employees. I am afraid that the territory of the countries will change drastically. The elves with fewer people rely on their efficient operation system and execution. Even if the three-legged structure cannot be formed, it is not difficult to work around the two camps and walk between the gaps to maximize the benefits for oneself.

Think about it more than ten years ago. The elves are still on the verge of extinction. Contrast today's form. Fafna had to admire Li Lin's wrist and ability.

Then, this transcendental species that brought the elves unprecedented prosperity, the agent of the will of the mother goddess. What kind of impact will the wave of world reform led by him on the Dragon tribe bring?

Breathing became steady and long, and the eyes of the dark-haired teenager narrowed, the handsome face that could not see the true idea-this was indeed the only bright spot in this room.

"I am not good at decorating and aesthetics."

The teenager raised his lips and issued an apology.

"Because of work needs, I made such a room that is not suitable for entertaining guests. Fortunately, the refreshments here are not bad, I hope to make up for Her Royal Highness a little."

The voice was unexpectedly cordial, and Favna almost obeyed the impulse and greeted her. She nodded slightly, and the appropriate response of "You are too polite" blurted out.

The waiter in the white uniform opened the door and poured black tea into the tea cup. A silver plate filled with exquisite snacks was set aside. When the waiter who did not interact with the guests looked away from the side, Favna noticed that she was not friendly. His eyes are staring at himself.

The sight came from Ned Hog, who was behind Li Lin, the attendant. I wonder if it was engulfed by Li Lin's sense of presence, or that it matched the layout of the room. Niederhog in a black suit deliberately kept a low profile with Li Lin and played down his presence. If it weren't for a quick glance, Favna hardly noticed that the same kind was in the office, and the slightly gloomy gaze was pressing on the expressionless face.

Boyish guy.

With a whisper in his heart, Fafna remembered the unhappy first meeting with Niederhog in the dessert shop.

The Black Dragon and the Golden Dragon have always looked at each other, and their origins can be traced back to the ancient times. At that time, in order to compete for the position of the dragon leader, the Black Dragon and the Golden Dragon almost broke out in a comprehensive battle. The battle was finally won by the Golden Dragon. Although the Black Dragons were not satisfied, they could only accept the result. Since then, the Liangzi between the two populations has also concluded, and the relationship has been stiff.

In the last few hundred years, the Black Dragon Clan has gradually disappeared, and the Golden Dragon Clan has gradually forgotten its old opponents. But when they met, the almost instinctive opposition between them broke out immediately. With Niederhogger's provocative opening remarks, the two poisonous tongues immediately fought, the words were subtle, and the logic was rigorous enough to make professional sprayers feel ashamed. If they don’t care about the rules and practical interests of the dragons, they even plan to upgrade their mouth guns to magical bombardments and come to a monster war.

Favna doesn't think there is any necessary connection between teasing human boys and debauchery. At best, it is just a little trick used to occasionally bore boredom during long life cycles. On the contrary, Niederhogg’s behavior really made her disdainful.

Even if the opponent is a transcendental species, the Tanglong clan cannot and should not be a subordinate of others. Leaving aside the scum of Azdahaka's lack of death, the actions of Niederhog and Silas are simply smearing the entire dragon's face, and a depraved act of abandoning the dignity of the noble dragon.

Looking back at that unpleasant line of sight with a white eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~Favna sent black tea to her lips, the warm and fresh taste of the best Darjeeling was rippling at the tip of the tongue, Li Lin's "good-natured" guest set was in the ear The shore echoed.

"The trick is a little abandoning recklessness, but the recklessness that originated from young people is also dazzling. For young people, it is really attractive."

Put the elbow on the mahogany desk, the fist clasped to support the lower jaw, and the gorgeous appearance issued a teasing evaluation. Realizing that it was a pun, Faluna almost showed an unexpected expression.

From the very beginning, the man grasped the situation he had laid, the burglary of the candy store, contact with Roland, and the v.e company's inside information-all these hands and feet were broken by him. Realizing this, Favna's heartbeat slightly accelerated, and the hands on her knees secretly wiped away the sweat beads.

Staring at the dark-haired youngster who smiled easily in front of him, for the first time, Favna felt that negotiation would become a heart-testing thing. To be continued. .

ps: There will be another release tomorrow morning, dear friends, please vote for support!

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