Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 509: Eleven. Wind. 26 (3)

"As of now, there have been 15 assassinations including attempted attempts. In addition to various nonsense leaflets, the murder scene also left a "Tianzhu" murder statement."

It's a very creative move. If the murderer is a small man with long red hair and there is a cross-shaped scar on the left cheek, it will be more dramatic.

Just when Li Lin wondered whether the organization was a swordsman group specializing in dealing with such incidents, and uniformly distributed light-on-white feathers with white mountain-shaped patterns printed on the sleeves and a white "sincerity" flag on a red background, Mazarin The first hole card is revealed.

"Sir Prime Minister hopes your company can help calm the turmoil."

The secretary's hands were held together, staring casually at Li Lin.

This action attracted a sneer from Niederhogger's heart, and the secretary's acting skill was also extraordinary. Over time, it is not difficult to get a little gold man to be promoted to the film emperor. But after all, it was still too tender. If Richelieu came in person, it should be more euphemistic. Viewed from the side, the assassination riots in the country have made Secretary Secretary a bit irritable.

As one of the more prominent “Officials” on the assassination list, Secretary Mazarin didn’t want to get up in the morning, surrounded by a group of heavily armed Army soldiers by the bed, the leading officer bowed and said, “Sorry, Your Excellency , You are in the way, please let it go." Then came the roar of "Tianzhu" and various violent and **** pictures that required mosaics.

With a chuckle in his heart, he sighed secretly.

It does not matter whether the acting skills of Secretary Mazarin are clumsy or superb, based on self-interest considerations. v.e companies must keep pace with the Charlemagne government.

This is not because of the fear of assassination. In fact, Niederhogg personally welcomes the assassin to come to the house and help him move his muscles. The company v.e said that the intolerance was the possibility of provoking workers’ movements after the spread of royalist ideas.

This is not conjecture. A few days ago, during the trial of a missed capture, the public's dramatic performance was enough to verify the company's senior management's concerns.

The assassin's target was a bureaucrat of the Finance Bureau, and the failed assassination process was lackluster. But during the trial, not only the auditorium was full of people, but the corridors, aisles, and even outside the court were crowded with onlookers. A considerable portion of the citizens expressed sympathy for the assassins. When the assassin, an active army subordinate knight, declared that he and his associates were just taking decisive action to wake up the motherland. The public stood up and applauded. In their eyes, the murderer deserves more sympathy than the victim. The man will be assassinated. Doesn't it justify his lack of talent? For people who do not know the truth. These assassins are martyrs. It is a fighter dedicated to protect civilians and oppose tyranny. Who else will stand up for the vulnerable people. Take such drastic action? Who dares to publicly attack the nobles, court officials and chaebol giants? The people have an obligation and responsibility to protect these brave people who speak for them.

Sympathy for the murderer rose to unreasonable levels, so that there were tens of thousands of petitions for forgiveness written in blood or even written entirely in blood, flooding the desks of the judge and jury. Considering Charlemagne's literacy rate. The significance of these papers is not to be said to be heavy. Even more bloody, nine young people volunteered to punish customers for assassination. In order to express their firmness and sincerity, they also sent nine little fingers soaked in alcohol jars.

Niederhogg didn't want to laugh at those angry youths and fools whose brains flooded in water. It was meaningless and a waste of time. The attitude of the workers in the factory on this matter, as well as the subsequent impact, deserve his attention.

In the "three high" workshops of v.e's high salary, high intensity, and high suicide rate, workers who were oppressed by numbness or prepared to commit suicide were also full of sympathy for assassins and hatred for their employers. Although the "biped mule" on the production line has not shown any signs of change under the adequate and sufficient supervision system and military deterrence, as the assassinations continue to emerge, the public security environment is getting worse. No one can guarantee that these disgruntled workers will not take advantage of the situation and engage in incidents such as strikes and riots. Force the company to accept requirements such as salary increase, adjustment of working hours, stop unpaid overtime, establishment of annual leave, child labor salary adjustment, formation of unions, especially stop the vice president to adjust the working hours, extend working hours... and so on.

Salary increase! Shorten working hours! Increase rest! Form a union! It is forbidden to ring the work clock! Hell! Damn it!

Thinking of these words, Niederhogg's nose began to spray Mars. As the most determined and reactionary big landlord, big capitalist, and usurer, he is hostile to all left-wing ideas and the workers' movement-this is an instinct. More than once, he proposed on the board of directors to "find out the stings of the workers, pull them under the wall, and let them die like dogs." In-depth investigations have smashed several conspiracies to form trade unions. If it were not for Li Lin’s order to be there, he would surely smear the family members of those **** with their honey from beginning to end, instead of warning or expelling.

But in today's general environment, if a nonviolent struggle such as a strike really takes place, Niederhogg is unlikely to kill all the workers. In addition to public opinion factors, with the continuous upgrading of production machinery, the value of skilled workers is getting higher and higher, and the proportion of human skilled workers is also rising. This makes all simple and rude methods untimely, and the company must change its previous management methods and methods.

Prior to this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should give priority to ensuring the stability of the environment. Without a stable external environment, not to mention the internal system reform of the company, even the personal safety and normal production and management of company executives cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, those who disrupt the order and intend to subvert the current system must die.

"My company is of course willing to contribute to national stability and social security. This is an obligation as a citizen and a citizen. As long as it can be useful, the company will do its utmost to support the actions of the Royal Government. But before that, I want to know- —”

Playing teacups, Li Lin's cold eyes bet on the slightly cramped Mazarin.

"To what extent do you, Your Majesty, the Prime Minister and the court, hope that we can do it? It does not matter even if the army's base camp, the army, is purged, or does it ignore the harm caused by terrorist activities in an ambiguous and slow manner? Just like Lu When the mob of Des launched the Catapult chaos, what kind of slow and stupid government response?"

Oppressed by cold teasing and sight, Mazarin forgot his acting skills, staring blankly at the opposite business smile, showing a completely speechless expression. (To be continued...)

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