Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 349: 5. The first cry of the giant (6)

No matter who committed the murder, Charlemagne's face was completely torn off, thrown on the ground and kicked more than a hundred feet. All countries are watching Charlemagne's jokes, and secretly calculating to profit from this series of events.

This is not a good thing, especially in the context of the recent instability in the Aquitaine region.

The Aquitaine region is the domain of the prince-elect of the Duke of Ranurf. At the beginning of the formation of the Charlemagne Kingdom, this "bard poet's hometown" was the largest territory among the princes, almost independent of the Principality of Aquitaine. After all, the Duke's temperament was still kind, and he didn't use his brain to become king, which made Aquitaine still in Charlieman's territory.

But now this fertile land near the Western Ocean is starting to have problems.

The prince of this generation is the Duchess Eleanor, she has no ambitions. After two unlucky princes on the guillotine 10 years ago, they were even more cautious, and their thoughts of marrying with the Tudor family of Albion or the Habsburg family of Castile were also put away. To be honest, she was the duchess, and she did not dare to give any opinions to the royal family.

The cautious and timid, so that the heiress without heirs recently suffered a serious illness, and the royal doctor sent by the royal family was helpless, but just tried his best to extend the life and pain of the duchess.

After receiving this news, the nobles with some blood relationship between the nations and Ranurf's family began to rejuvenate their minds. The nobles, big and small, are looking for their relationship with the Ranulf family from the fake and real genealogy, proving that they can inherit the duke title, or how much scrape off the duke's territory.

Among the many active minds, there is a lady who cannot be ignored.

The Crown Kingdom of Eastbourne, the Grand Duke of Austria, and Lorienta chose the wife of the prince-Maria Theresia

The Duchess who was hated by the Charlemagne and hated a unified Charlemagne himself had a prominent surname-Hapsburg, the cousin of the new King Philip II of the Kingdom of Castile.

Under the semi-mandatory match of the Pope, His Highness Maria Theresa was reluctant and reluctant to marry the Duke of Loretta. For her fanatical love of the motherland Castilla, this is no less than the biggest insult. From then on, she dreamed of destroying Charlemagne. Just rely on her weak husband. There are also soldiers who are passionate about concerts and potato stews. It is impossible to realize this dream. No one can defeat the brave king with an army like Kaishen Logistics, even if the commander of this army is Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov.

Now she finally encountered an excellent opportunity for revenge and took immediate action.

The duchess kindly suggested to the king that she could pass on her eldest son Franz Joseph to the Duchess Eleanor to avoid the noble heirs of the noble ancient family.

On the surface, this is a good way to solve problems in one fell swoop. But neither the king nor the general public trusted the [Castilla woman] of the Duke of Lorraine. People generally believe a conspiracy theory. That is, Maria Theresia is actually a spy of Philip II. She pretends to be generous, the real purpose is to destroy this country.

It sounds a little ridiculous, but the Duchess's mind is indeed similar to that.

Let the successful son inherit the title and territory of Aquitaine, and then wait for the opportunity to separate Aquitaine and merge with Castile. Get the springboard of Aquitaine. Castile's cavalry drove the long leader straight in, drawing the entire south of Charlemagne into the territory and joining the domain of the Duke of Lorraine and the Crown of Eastvar. A Castilian empire that almost caught up with ancient Gilmania will be born.

Despite all the loopholes in this imaginary plan, it is not entirely without chance. Moreover, the Duchess put forward a reason that he could not refuse: Ranurf’s family had been married to the Habsburgs many times. Whether in terms of pedigree or identity, Franz Joseph was more suitable than other heirs of the royal family .

"But the royal family is not a fool. The cardinal is even less."

Li Lin spread his hands and laughed.

To the unbridled care of his adoptive father, Roland owes even a bitter smile.

"The Yuqian meeting was roughly agreed to let Bernard go down to inherit the Aquitaine region."

Very beautiful hand, both of them in the room showed meaningful appreciation.

The Duchess, who has concealed the mischief, disguised the second prince who was too close to V.e. This old calculation is indeed commendable.

"This decision will be announced after the opening ceremony. Therefore, the opening ceremony should not only save face for the kingdom. It also needs to settle people's hearts. It will pave the way for the major changes behind. The big guys above don't want to mess up, understand?"

"Will you also participate?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, the teenager looked away at the ground.

With a vague sense of sorrow, the question whispered in anticipation of something.

"As a college sponsor and an influential person in the community, I will also attend this ceremony, and maybe even give a speech. I have time to remember to meet with Brunn Hill. She is really worried about you. "

Stretching his hand into the chestnut hair, he stroked it roughly.

For some reason, the teenager's mouth smiled as if happily.


Was the expression at that moment so-called happy?

Turn the picture on the thinking circuit to freeze Roland's expression in an instant. Li Lin unconsciously raised this question.

Soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~He gave up and continued to think. While strolling in the male dormitory building of the college, I was thinking about major military affairs thousands of miles away.

There are too many things to pay attention to and deal with, and the emotional response of adopting a child at a moment cannot be ranked high.

Most of the palaces in Versailles are still noisy, and most of the final results of political discussions are also inconclusive. But as long as Fukai throws out that proposal, the goal has been reached. To encourage the indecisive kings and nobles to make decisions, they must always rely on stardust to fight.

At the moment when I exchanged my father and son's feelings with Roland, a large number of weapons and ammunition had already left the production line, were loaded on trains and U boats, and were transferred to various secret military bases. All military training for combat was basically declared over.

Now only waiting for the right time to start the combat gun.

The opening ceremony of the National Academy of Magic is the starting gun, as long as...

Thinking suddenly interrupted, Li Lin's eyes reflected a girl wearing a burgundy cloak.

The emerald green eyes are glancing towards here, and some intense emotion is lodged in it. (To be continued...)

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