Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1887: 18. The end of gold (37)

After gaining a foothold, he returned to the library again. A cup of black tea and a plate of small biscuits were placed in front of him. The man who claimed to be a memory manager made his own tea.

The fragrance of black tea, the touch of the tea cup, the sound of the cup-all are exactly the same, as long as you don’t deliberately remind yourself that everything in front of you is not reality, you can enjoy the peace and comfort of the tea party.

At this moment Roland really needs a drink. This is not a physical need, but a spiritual need to release inner emotions through a certain behavior and regain psychological balance.

There is demand and ready-made black tea, but he has no idea of ​​touching that cup of black tea at all.

The root of all tragedies, the truth behind the shady scene is actually--

"The two snakes biting each other's tails devoured each other, and finally died together-the curse and conspiracy that tortured everyone. The source behind it was such a boring story."

Sipping black tea, the memory manager said in an indifferent tone:

"Old and boring stories are always repeated. Since the birth of the universe, the same thing has been staged time and time again, never ending."

Some people say that the lesson that mankind has learned from history is never to learn a lesson. Others say that the essence of mankind is a repeater. The same mistakes are always repeated over and over again. This is true of all intelligent life.

A great thinker with a long history said: "All our discoveries and progresses seem to turn out material power into wise life, and human life is reduced to dull material power."

The era in which this ideological master lived was a time when the electrical industry revolution was in full swing. At that time, electrification brought earth-shaking changes to the entire society and even human civilization. Everything was full of hope. The future in everyone's eyes was full of hope and enthusiasm. The prophecy made by the thought master seems to be out of step with the background of the times. No one would think that his prophecy would be outdated hundreds of years later, and even made a fortune, accurately pointing out the dilemma that human civilization ultimately faces.

The huge revolutionary force generated by the rapid advancement of science and technology magically transformed the huge material power, but also made human beings placed in the framework of technology. The uncontrolled expansion of modern technology has formed a huge tension and formed a huge In the vortex of technology, more and more people are involved and have to follow the logic of technological supremacy to survive.

The history of the development of human civilization is the history of technology, as well as the history of humanities. The original primitive technology fully condensed and released humanistic wisdom, but the rise of modern technology, while releasing huge material power, also led to unprecedented tension between the relationship between man and nature, technology and humanities. The resulting imbalance has thrown mankind into a world with highly developed technical capabilities but with survival crises. As a result, in order to solve the survival crisis, human beings have relied more and more on technological power, just like drowning people who are fast catching straw. Instead of getting out of the crisis, it sinks more and more.

The vicious circle is constantly escalating, and the contradiction between humanistic rationality and technical rationality, value rationality and instrumental rationality is increasingly prominent. In the end, technical rationality was generalized as a ruler to dominate other rationality and measure the value of meaning. It was regarded as the most fundamental and the only way of thinking and survival for human beings. The science and technology that should have served humanity in turn restricted the humanities and culture, and the entire human society has become "right" slaves. With the development of scientific and technological strength, civilization has become more and more vulnerable. Until the beginning of the industrial age, the frequent wars between humans did not develop to the point where the entire human civilization was completely destroyed, but by the time the weapons of mass destruction were introduced, this was already a problem in front of us rather than a distant imagination.

By the end of the civilization led by the worship of technology and the rational development of tools, the awe of nature and the yearning for humanities have disappeared. The entire civilization loses its objective view of the relationship between itself and nature, and becomes a machine focused on "survival and prosperity". For this purpose, it expands and grabs unscrupulously. Eventually, the parent star and itself were pushed into a completely opposite dead end, and the confrontation and conflict continued to rise, and they all ended up in one.

In addition to human civilization on earth, the civilizations established by many intelligent lives in the universe have all come to an end. If the world does not have the suppression and interference of civilization by the goddess, it is likely that it will repeat the same mistakes and become another earth.

But this does not mean that this approach is correct.

"There is nothing absolutely right. Everyone has their own justice, and everyone thinks that their justice is the only justice. That's how wars come. In this matter, both sides are actually trying to survive for their own sake. How do you define who is right and who is wrong?"


"Step back and say, even if you define right and wrong, what can you change? Is it right or wrong for those who have already happened and who have died?"

Will not make sense.

The spilled water cannot be recovered, and the broken mirror cannot be recovered.

What has happened will not change, and the dead will not feel or express their opinions.

Only people who are alive can face what is happening, get feelings and inspiration from them, and make choices after judgment.

"Alive people may make changes and explore the way of salvation. But after a maximum of one or two generations, everything is back on track. The so-called salvation is nothing but delaying the time of the death penalty. What? It hasn’t changed. Instead of prolonging pain and suffering—"

The memory manager didn't go on.

You can understand the latter words without having to speak.

Since the final result is all the way to destruction, rather than prolonging the pain unnecessarily, it is better to use euthanasia to obtain a painless and decent end, and to use death and destruction to completely cut this endless cycle.

"What is real salvation? As long as it is a wise life, you can't get rid of the fear of losing. If you want to get rid of restlessness and fear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to survive, you can only get ahead of others...maybe the form The methods and methods will change. The law of'killing others so that you can live' will not change, and it will not change. Keeping time forever and breaking the cycle... is the real salvation."


Roland, who has been silent, countered:

"That's just despair and escape."

He finally understood what happened to the calm tone of the memory manager.

This is the nature, the routine business-there are deeper, fundamental reasons behind these.

Complete despair of everything, lost interest in everything including survival, and faced everything with indifference.

"--Obviously still alive."

Focusing on the memory manager, Roland said:

"Obviously, I don't want to give up. I still love this world, and I want to pursue the freedom and happiness of the future or everything else."

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