Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 188: 18. Trading (1)

Earlier, the cleaning carriage of the sanitation center drove through the streets and collected garbage from the door of each household. Today is the collection day of combustible garbage. Packed cardboard boxes are moved onto the cars and stacked. After them, the milk cart also went from house to house to take the empty milk bottle, and the bottle filled with hot milk was taken out from under the quilt and put into the milk box. In the crisp and sweet bell, the milkman sniffed the toast Qingxiang, driving the old horse to the next house. The sidewalk across the asphalt road walked past a group of workers who had gone off the night shift and rushed home to sleep.

Alfheim is a city that never lacks vitality but is also very disciplined. After a whole night of carnival celebrations, citizens who have only slept for a few hours have begun to work in an orderly manner according to their daily rhythm.

This certainly does not include Roland, Kaspar, Nona.

Last night yelled [Long live the consul! ], [Long live University! At the carnival party, the bad guys in the army got the license of [Allow One Night], not only drunk to belly dance, but also disgusted the children with apple juice mixed with sherry. It was said that it’s not the guys who don’t drink, [the order of the university is nonsense]...The result is that the loud wake-up numbers can’t wake up the three drunk cats who are in bed.

The law stipulates that it is not allowed to sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages to minors, but homemade juice does not seem to be included here...

In addition, the captain of the Guards was also inexplicably drunk.

Niederhogger has already passed the legal adult age-elven, so drinking is not illegal. However, the distilling liquor that poured the height of the entire barrel was a bit overdone. After getting drunk, he cried [Colonel’s bed sheet was stained!] ], [I am the main palace! ]Thinking things like this are really...

"Perhaps this matter should be written into the law."

Pick up the blanket that fell to the ground. Covering Roland's exposed navel, Li Lin withdrew from the dormitory.

Adopted fathers are either busy in councils, municipal councils, or in factories, military, scientific research institutions, etc., and they are still unmarried. Li Lin has no time, no interest, and no urgent pressure to solve his housing problem, at most in the office chair, or in the military dormitory like a junk mountain. This unique method of sleeping failed in the end. It is not a dragon who can sleep on a rope.) There is really no need to waste time and money to make a facility with little opportunity to use.

As a result, Li Lin carried some small drunks back to the military dormitory that night and had to spend some time cleaning up the empty room. Then I moved the sleeping ghosts to the bed one by one, covered the blankets, and then went back to his [ghost house] full of various reports and bottles.

"Maybe it's time to buy a manor and look for a spouse?"

Speaking to the salute of the guard on duty, the glass of the communication room was immediately sprayed black by the mouthful of coffee.

There is nothing terrifying about this, but it is too sudden...

There are a lot of contradictions between Li Lin and the conservatives, but they will never lift each other's backs when it comes to raising the population, raising the marriage rate and fertility.

The fertility rate of the elves is not high, and it has been a bit difficult to enter urbanization and industrialization in a state with a small population base. It's not far from finished.

The council and Li Lin have formulated many strategies for this, such as preferential policies for newly-married couples in terms of housing subsidies and tax exemptions; the title and bonuses for women with many children [Glorious Mother]; various public service advertisements Get married and have children. To report to the country. Radical elders further requested that the standard of marriageable age be further lowered, and a provision for non-married persons should be added to the law, which stipulates that those whose legal marriageable age is three years unmarried must perform military service, refuse to refuse, and pay a high fine.

What's more, they openly proposed a "Compulsory Marriage Law", arrested the guy who refused to marry according to law, and sent them to forced labor education in a labor camp...

I have to say that for the next generation and the future generations. No matter whether it is a face or something, the council will not need it.

Under the circumstances that the overall social atmosphere is so severe for singles, it is strange that Li Lin still maintains a single virginity.

With Li Lin's appearance, status, and property, it is not difficult to find a marriage partner. As long as his marriage advertisement is broadcast through the radio system, it will take less than half an hour to form an army of candidates from young girls to wives and mature women.

For social harmony and happiness of many families, it is better not to do this kind of thing.

Anyway, the child's affairs are temporarily helped by Brun Hill. There was no need to worry about it for a while.

Turning life issues into issues to be discussed, Li Lin opened the office door.

"Good morning! Your Excellency!"

The captain of the Guards team gave a hearty salute. His left arm was sandwiched with clean pure white fabric. The vase on the desk behind the finishing had been replaced with fresh roses. The blood red flower is blooming the color of life.

"Good morning, Niederhogg."

Li Lin smiled and returned the gift, and walked to the desk to deal with the accumulated official duties.

Niederhogger performed his job in silence—putting a rose in front of Li Lin’s desk every day, and then replacing clean white sheets for the chief who lacked the concept of a comfortable life.

Maybe Li Lin never paid attention, even the vase engraved with gold ornaments was selected by Niederhogger.

The hard quill pen continued to dance on the papers, and the slight rustling sound continued for about an hour, then stopped. After pressing the bell, the secretaries who worked full-time on the civilian work rushed in and moved the hilly pile of documents away. After the last secretary took the soundproof wooden door, Niederhog locked the door.

The Guards team opened several tightly packed boxes one by one, which contained a variety of dolls or puppets. Niederhogger held a small list in his left hand and put these small toys that were out of tune with the army green color. Arranged in order, it seems that the semi-circular seat layout of the opera house is presented in front of Li Lin.

Pull out the pocket watch, the second hand is at the position of the number 6.

"let's start."

Sit in front of a 3-meter-long desk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the small window into the hearty autumn wind, the long-planned evil fraud scheme is about to enter the first gathering of all the colluders, including him .

When the second hand and minute hand all overlap with 12, all the dolls will flash the magnificent light refracted through the crystal during magical operation at different positions, and the communication gem built into the toy will be fully activated at ten o'clock in the morning.

ps: Guess the small theater

Niederhogg: The colonel's sheets are stained! You let me... you let me shoot!

Roland: Human death should not be like this!

Li Lin: You two play water guns to go outside to play, I am here with water!

Luo Lan: It may be that the problem was too difficult yesterday. All the correct answers were only [Lieutenant Colonel Yang Hao Technology], [Lin Cup is a cat] book friends continue to work hard!

Niederhogg: Today’s question is 1. What is the prototype of the elves’ military song? What does h mean? 2. [Colonel's sheets are stained! Where does the stalk come from? Hurry up, everyone!

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