Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1878: 18. The end of gold(28)

A series of dark-black characters like entertainment entertained the whole body, penetrated into the body from the eyes, mouth, ears, nostrils, and capillaries of the whole body, and even invaded to the spiritual level, trying to rewrite the definition of existence itself.

It can neither be stopped nor removed, dialed by hand, rolled on the ground, cut with a knife, and shot with a gun-no means can produce an effect. The non-physical character string invades Favna without any hindrance, and the cursing touch, violent deprivation and blasphemy make Favna struggle with pain.

Unable to perceive and touch, all feelings are closed, only the only feeling left.


All I can feel is the feeling of increasing every minute and second.

If this situation persists for a few more hours, it will be as strong as Fafna, and the body and spirit will probably collapse.

Despite understanding this, Fafna was helpless.

Simply let the curse kill yourself-this idea has been there, but like verifying the maliciousness contained in the curse, the body does not produce any abnormal phenomena. There is indeed a disturbance in pulse and breathing, but there is no sign of recession at all, nor any pain, only the unhappiness that penetrates the inside and outside of the body and the sense of collapse that is constantly being pushed to the limit.

However, it is precisely because they are in a state of spiritual erosion that they will seek salvation with unprecedented intensity.

Like a person who is about to be drowned, Favna tries to grasp the "nucleus" used to endure the pain and the "pillar" used to survive.

"At the end of the final, I will directly confront Li Lin."

Roland's words before the war flashed in Favna's mind.

Roland Dalke.

Because of the encounter with Li Lin, the fate of the whole life is distorted.

Whether for Fafna or for this world-I am afraid that only he is the last hope.



Ten seconds after the broken consciousness resumed, Roland found himself in the white light.

It is very similar to the light emitted by the Mana formation technique, but it is a little different.


This is his most intuitive feeling.

It makes people feel nostalgic and at ease. It is like a lost child returning home and being embraced by his mother, which can make people feel completely relaxed.

Feeling at ease, he also noticed that the only consciousness he could control was that the physical feeling was so thin that it was almost impossible to confirm. He could not confirm the state at the moment. Whether he was standing or sitting, he could not feel up and down, he could not feel his hands, feet and breathing. He seemed to have become a soul separated from his body.

Roland lived well, he didn't die, he just "existed" in a special white space.

Confirming that the continuity of the memory is consistent with the self, knowing that he is still Roland Dalke, and the last memory before losing consciousness is engulfed by the frenzy of black text, Roland briefly breathed a sigh of relief.

I am still myself and have not been rewritten into something else.

Even if there is no more evidence to support this, why is the situation still unclear? The joy of survival and the joy of self-knowledge will still show the urge to cry.


Roland's eyes—whether he still has physical and physical sense of vision—was swaying.

In the next moment, there was a figure there.


A surprised murmur appeared in the consciousness.

The figure of a young girl appeared in front of her.

That girl is very unusual.

If someone asked her what was unusual, Roland did not know how to answer it.

Slender body, pale skin, slightly drooping eye corners, and vain steps-both the appearance and the breath emanating from the body are creating a feeling of extreme burnout. But this is not morbid, and there is no element in the girl that can be connected with the disease. I am afraid that what is present in her is not physical fatigue, but deep-seated fatigue at the source of the spirit. The haze-like fatigue emerged from the body. Devour everything of her and become a part of her.

Unreal girl who makes people sad.

Roland was not surprised by these.

The focus is on the girl's appearance.



Her facial features and the women Roland knows have several things in common. No, that face is full of uncertainty, and it will become those women from time to time.






and also--


Mother's kind smile is still the same as ten years ago, Roland couldn't help murmuring.

The next moment, Roland understood.

The girl standing in front of her eyes——

"All my memories?"

Roland raised his head and said.


The girl nodded.

"Because it is the first time that it appears in front of people, in order to make the dialogue go smoothly. Based on your memory and intelligence, plus your impression and imagination, build the image that appears. It is Roland Dalk who painted this image. Your own appearance doesn't really make any sense to me."

Roland nodded silently.

The reason for speculating the answer at once and accepting it is largely because of the mother's face.

The faces of people who have not left official funerals and portraits can be accurately reproduced, only by reading the memory.

After confirming that the other party can carry on the conversation normally, a large number of questions immediately appeared, and one of the most urgent and urgent came out.

"Now-what has become of me, the world, and Li Lin?"

"It's a subtle situation to insist on."


"Third strategic form-he called it that way. In fact, that is the posture and purpose he should have shown."

"That mass of black mud is Li Lin's due gesture? Before that, it was--"

"It's not disguise."

The girl shook her finger.

"That's all his real gesture."

"This kind of thing..."

"Possibly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was made like this, he was constrained to exist in such a way, to perform the tasks he was given. This is the fate of the transcendental species, the fate of the planet's guardian, the star eater's Fate."

"Beyond the species? Planet Guardian? Star Eater?"

Roland said three words.

He knows the transcendental species, and the inside of it also knows a little bit. The planetary guardians and star eaters are the first to hear.

"What is transcendental species? What are the planet guardians and star eaters?"

"To be clear, it's quite a long and in-depth topic. But the timeline is also given by the twisted stagnation. Now that the time is still ample, I will explain it in detail from the beginning. First of all, from who I am--"

Girl-the existence of the girl's appearance takes a step forward and raises the corner of the skirt to salute.

"My group is the unconscious collection of all the intelligent life of Planet Wilt, which is the "Alaya consciousness" in your human mouth. The first time I met, the brave Roland."

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