Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 106: Seven. Reality that will not be shaken (3)

The term fengfengxueyu is often used to describe the scenery at the scene of the tragedy. Tucun’s well-deserved event of breaking the moral bottom line should be used to describe the brief description. [Just read the novel~]

The tragic situation of Bode Village is not enough to describe it in case of a storm.

After the dragon stepped on and destroyed the ant nest, it was ravaged indiscriminately, and the flames of burning flames burned into hell.

——Almost like this feeling.

Li Lin's power completely overwhelms the remaining members of the Knights except for the two. The advantage of the number is meaningless. Even the degree of relaxation is not counted. It is just a walk and leisurely movement of the body that brings great disaster to the village.

"This guy is a real monster..."

Campbell climbed up from the dust, his chest undulating violently, coughing up red and black mucus, rusty bad breath and men's arrogant swearing sprayed into the air.

When the ribs broke, I could not remember the sound or the feeling. The retribution that forgot the limits of the body is being presented through the severe pain of thinking about syncope but not being able to pay such a price, but the heroic behavior of the villagers is not even a fight, at best it can be said to be struggling to die.

The battle between the elves and scavengers was a one-sided slaughter, but the village of Bode faced a disaster called Li Lin like floods, landslides, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

Unpredictable and impossible to resist, that is, to destroy all the forces that surround it, regardless of the age of men, women, children, high and low. Human beings can't even excuse themselves, wake up, say goodbye, and be smashed with everything around them—whether it is good or not, whether it is good or evil.

From this level of definition, Li Lin has a high degree of consistency with disasters. But there are differences.

Disasters are not conscious and will not bother to explore more efficient ways of killing, but Li Lin will do so.

Observe the reaction of the target and try new tactics and techniques in the course of action. Peaceful exploration is a more effective means of achieving results. Complete the learning by collecting feedback results, and refine more precise killing techniques. -

The expressionless faces did not make any explanation. Campbell and their comprehension from the miserable death of their companions and the actions of Li Lin learned this chilling thinking consideration.

After crushing the pikemen, the silver blades that collapsed into a sphere immediately disappeared from their eyes.

Awakened to the fact that it was so fast that it would not leave an image in the naked eye before the ultra-high-speed movement, and already prepared a long time for the barrier to protect the front of the soldiers. The sonic boom and the unprecedented air pressure hit the defensive technique.

The sharp wind that is hundreds of times and thousands of times stronger than the wind blade fails to directly divide the target into corpses, but the impulse contained will not be zeroed immediately because of this degree of obstruction. The kinetic energy after part of the energy is cut will fly the barrier and the human and tree buildings hiding behind it. Like a frontal drunk driving container truck, the body under the hard leather armor collapsed and the internal organs shattered, and the victim suffered further torture before landing. The body flying in the air like a rag was dead.

The shock wave only released once and caused 17 people to die and 7 seriously injured tragedies. According to this progress, it can take up to ten seconds to release 4 to 5 shock waves. The entire Bode Village, no, the Golden Hen Knights will be wiped out by the whole army.

But apart from these victims, the Golden Hen Knights did not fall into collapse as imagined.

After the initial blow, the supersonic pressure blade failed to wreak havoc.

The root of the miracle lies in the stormy storms of Li Nadu and Alice. The breathless magic attack and the delicate sword technique that the squadron looked at before him caught the boy with the evil wings, as strong as Li Lin also had no time to continue the precise blow of the shock wave.

Wind Blade, Fireball, Lightning Strike, Ice Bolt-the most basic attack techniques continue to flood Li Lin with a large number of troops enough to submerge a thousand-person force, even if they are all primary magic attacks, a single hit will also cause damage . [It's there when I read the novel]] Now a huge piece of dense and dense so that even the sun is about to cover the uninterrupted rush, even the thick and rough giant dangerous species will be killed under it.

12 fau open shields. Another five entered the terminal intercept rapid fire mode, and 3200 rounds of low-power particle barrage per minute attacked all moving objects trying to approach Li Lin. Objects that touch high-energy particles have been vaporized, and the more troublesome lightning strikes are blocked by small beam shields. The splendid gorgeous saturated attack you come and go like a firework conference in another world or a grand carnival parade. The lengthy attack and defense war that you come and go and exchange energy ammunition has evolved into a trend of consuming saws. The current stalemate depends on which side is drained first.

Although Li Lin has powerful and outstanding magic skills, he still needs to take into account the two-line combat situation with Li Nadu. He looks relatively inferior. The bladed wings and Dirandal’s shocking impact is different from the magic consumption. The dazzling battle, but also full of gorgeous suspense.

Silver white light flew in the air.

Wilt’s only windmill that could be transformed into a sharp blade in the hands of Li Nadu by the sturdy and sharp Mithril holy sword Di Randall in the wings of the blade and the crisscross light, as Li Nadu slid like a fast movement and entangled In the moving Li Lin, within the gap of one step, the sword and the blade have 5 or 6 impacts.

It is hard to imagine that the speed and skill that human beings can compete with is beyond the common sense of the world. This fact is enough to scare a large number of developers of military artificial life.

Scholars who are only enthusiastic about alcohol, research, and ancient science fiction movies may imagine that the sword man has a rocky body, wears a leather jacket, wears sunglasses, drives a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, holds a Remington shotgun, and says k ! The robot killer may also be.

Li Nadu has no serial number of t800, and Li Lin, who wields the blade wings and even draws a silver arc, is not a liquid metal man who can't handle even a little **** and crazy women.

Construct a jungle of blades with all my strength, and Li Lin, who will split everything in front of him;

Holding a long sword, against the unpredictable trajectory of the high-speed blade of Li Nadu;

Appreciating from the perspective of bystanders, the two sides of the battle seem to dance with their lives as bets, infused with skilled skills, precision calculations, and fierce fighting moves, there is no one millimeter gap for outsiders to intervene.

Clang -!

During the sliding movement of middle-aged people and teenagers, the colored glass beads melted and re-solidified by the particle cannon's hotline leap into the air with the pace. The fireball and thunder light are pebbles-like stones stained with the brilliance of gemstones. Ye Yeshenghui's embellishment The stage that wielded the blade.

The dance steps reveal the beauty of indescribable fantasy, and the crisp singing of the collision of blades pierces the atmosphere of the battlefield.

Observe the other party’s actions and trends, and change their actions wisely—aside from the ultimate goal, the sword dance aimed at destroying the other party’s body and the dance that brings pleasure to each other’s body and mind. There is indeed something in common in achieving this.

Although this type of attack is of great power, there is also the problem that the attack track is easy to be judged. The close-knit melee combat experience is so explosive that Li Nadu is easy to master the mystery. If the speed is sufficient, whether the slash itself or the accompanying shock wave is indeed difficult to avoid and destructive, but if it cannot be accelerated enough to generate What if the supersonic speed of the shock wave is hit?

Li Nadu was aiming at the very short-term neutral gear that accelerated from zero again after the blade wing struck.

Since the acceleration action is generated by centrifugal force, the force point is the root of the wing. It is as if the fist of the arm will be contracted when swinging a fist, and the waist and abdomen will be turned sideways to accumulate strength and instantly burst out to give the target a blow. The silver-white metal foil will also have a slight retreat and stagnation action before the slash, the neutral gear is only one hundredth of a second. It is theoretically untenable to use human flesh to work in this gap.

The legendary brave, Li Nadu did it. It was extremely beautiful. It hit the junction of the hardened solid wing root support point and the soft and sharp blade in one thousandth of a second, and the condensed power instantly collapsed and cut The speed and power of strikes have decreased significantly.

The bladed wings created by cutting-edge technology are also weapons that operate in accordance with the principles of mechanics and fluid mechanics. The impact of the accumulated energy will reduce the destructive power, avoid the slash that loses most of its power and speed, and avoid the black. The stabbing and entanglement made were not difficult for Li Nadu.

In the battle space where the breath has been confronted several times, the juvenile and angerless judges make judgments.

The battle situation is at a disadvantage, and the bladed wings are suppressed.

In a calm and objective vision, the situation in front of you is not a close match, but an offensive that is completely contained and cannot be stretched.

There is a gap in skill~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Observing comments without feeling ashamed or ashamed The moment when you engage in an unrelated side view point, Dirandal hits the bladed wings twice in a row.

The attack method was seen through.

There is no weight pressure to point out the problem and the root cause of the disadvantage. The long sword escaped from the spiral strangling trap of the black hair at lightning speed, and the attack of the blade wing tangling to the target's waist and belly also failed.

The attack of the bladed wings is seen through-this kind of conclusion that lacks the sense of reality in the eyes of the designer will be scolded by relevant people for unscientific and delusional things. Shut up quietly.

After witnessing the large-scale destruction of the blade-wing wing's shock wave, Li Nadu grasped the operating mechanism of the colloidal nano metal wing.

Each wave of the bladed wings tightly combined by countless tiny nano-machine worms is a coordinated action of trillions of nano-machine groups as a whole. In order to reduce energy consumption while maintaining strength and tension, more circular cutting actions are adopted. The thin blade accelerated by the centrifugal force accumulates huge potential energy when moving along the arc trajectory. This force is enough to create a split armor or opponent's Shock wave.

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