Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 226: Jiraiya, how do you choose?

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"Xu Zuo Nenghu!"

Uchiha used Suzuo Nenghu in an instant.

A white giant appeared, much taller than in the previous fourth form.

Because this is the whole body.

There is a huge gap between Xu Zuo Nenghu's fourth form and the third form, and the gap between the complete body and the fourth form is even greater than the gap between the fourth form and the third form.

Called a true kaleidoscope.

Uchiha looked at it for a moment, and found that the current height of Suzuo Nenghu has reached a height of more than 100 meters.

Ordinary Xuzuo Nenghu is only tens of meters in height.

The half body must be shorter on the left.

And this is just the moment Uchiha has just awakened the eternal kaleidoscope, and he has just used the full body and left energy. Once Uchiha gets used to it, once Uchiha continues to improve,

Then, Uchiha's complete body Suzuo Nenghu will continue to improve.

In addition, the complete body Xu Zuo Nenghu also has a very special ability.

That is flying.

In the ninja world, flying is a more difficult ability.

Only very few ninjas can fly.

Deidara uses the power of clay to create.

Luo Sha and Gaara use the ability of the suspended sand.

Ohnogi uses the super light and heavy rock technique.

Several snake princesses in Longdi Cave will all have the secret technique of hanging in the air.

Xiao Nan created a pair of paper wings for himself.

Because the shape of the wings and the angel's wings are too similar, so Xiaonan is nicknamed an angel by many people.

Then there is the use of psychic beasts that can fly.

But the complete body must have the ability to fly. What is the concept?

Simply imagine that a person with a complete body must be left and can reach an altitude of 10,000 meters, abruptly cancels the ability to fly, and falls down. How strong will such an impact be?

Which ninja can resist?

Which ninja village can resist?

Uchiha doesn't need to use any ninjutsu to defeat everyone in the current ninja world.

"I am invincible."

Uchiha walked out of the Jizo space in an instant.

For a while, Uchiha's mentality changed again, and the strength of the eternal kaleidoscope Wan Uchiha's moment was raised to another level. In the current ninja world, no one can match.

Even Nagato with the eye of reincarnation will not work.

The eye of reincarnation is of course the eye above the eternal kaleidoscope.

But it also depends on who is using it.

Nagato is not the real owner of these eyes.

What Nagato is to Samsarayan is what Kakashi is to Samsara.

Kakashi couldn't use the full strength of Sharinyan.

Same goes for Nagato.

Even as a vortex clan, Nagato's chakra volume is even greater and its vitality is stronger.

But the consumption of the eye of reincarnation is also more.

The pair of eternal kaleidoscopes of Uchihasana are Uchihasana's own.

And it still absorbs the child power of 5 pairs of kaleidoscope writing wheels.

Coupled with Uchiha's own pair, that is the child power of six pairs of kaleidoscopes.

"My strength has reached this level, so other means and plans are actually not necessary."

Uchiha Obito?



Yunyin Village?

Uchiha was not paying attention at all.

When Uchiha was there, the so-called Eye of the Moon plan could not be successful. Now Uchiha needs to worry about Tototo Otsutsuki from above the moon, and Toshiki Otsutsuki from outside the sky.

That is not an existence that can be dealt with by a simple eternal kaleidoscope.

That is the existence of six levels.

"I remember that Uchiha Madara opened the reincarnation eye not long after he fused the cells between the pillars."

"I also have intercolumnar cells in my body."

"However, the crux of the problem should not lie in the intercolumnar cells, but in Indra and Asura, in other words, it is Otsutsuki Chakra. Turning around, it's the same."

"Toto Otsutsuki himself has Otsutsuki Chakra, so he evolved Tensei after he captured Hana's eyes and transplanted them to himself."

"Sixth-level opponents are indeed difficult to deal with."

"I am neither the reincarnation of Asura nor the reincarnation of Indra."

"But I have an emulator."

"After clearing the chapter of the organization, I will definitely be able to get very good rewards."

"With the eternal kaleidoscope, I already have the hope of clearing the chapter of the Xiao organization."

Uchiha looked at the Hokage Building in an instant.

"The situation of Konoha..."

Uchiha hesitated for a moment, his figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he was already in the dungeon.

A very tight dungeon, but for Uchiha Setsuna, it's useless.

It was Jiraiya who was imprisoned here.

"Jilai also."

Uchiha used the transformation technique in an instant, and simply changed his appearance.

Now Uchiha instant can do it completely, even if he uses the transformation technique, other people can't remember the degree of chakra characteristics of Uchiha instant.

Even if the other party has a writing wheel eye, or a white eye.

Therefore, Jiraiya didn't recognize Uchiha Setsuna who fought against him last time.

"You are?"

"I'm a Uchiha."

Uchiha said: "The result of the Konoha civil war has come out~www.readwn.com~ The Sarutobi camp was defeated, but it did not die, but escaped Konoha with some members of the Sarutobi clan."

"Now Sarutobi Hizan betrayed Konoha's information to Yunyin Village."

"Yunyin Village is attacking Konoha."

"How do you choose?"

"Continue to follow Sarutobi Hiizan?"

"Or protect Konoha?"

Uchiha Setsuna didn't say much.

I didn't say anything about Naruto, Konoha Baiya, or civilians.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Do you really not know these things?

Obviously, it is not, and it is not stupid.

As a mature old ninja, Jiraiya also knows a lot, but Jiraiya is also a typical ninja driven by position, not morality.

Jiraiya's stand is Konoha.

Sarutobi Hizan is Jiraiya's teacher.

In the Konoha Civil War, Jiraiya easily made a choice.

what about now?

Now that Sarutobi Hizan and Konoha are on opposite sides, what choice will Jirai make?

Uchiha Setsuna is looking forward to seeing Jiraiya's choice.

If Jiraiya chooses Sarutobi Hidden, Uchiha will kill Jiraiya directly.

If Jiraiya had chosen Konoha, Uchiha would have been looking forward to seeing Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiizan face off.

Zilai also fell into silence.

This is a tough choice.

After a long time.

Finally, Jiraiya made a decision.

"I will fight for Konoha."

"it is good."

Uchiha released Jiraiya's chains in an instant and said, "If that's the case, then go to the battlefield. I will watch you in the dark, I hope what you say is true."

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