Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 20: First take refuge in Sarutobi Hizen, and then go to the 1st clan in the mountains!

After class, Uchiha returned home in a hurry.

The night passed quietly.

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of 6, you showed a genius attitude and attracted the attention of countless people. 】

[6 years and 1 month, Yamanaka Ino confessed to you, you accepted, Yamanaka Ino was very happy. 】

[However, your other tablemate, Hinata Hinata looks a little depressed. 】

[At 6 years and 2 months, Sakura found you and hoped that you would help Sasuke Uchiha. You agreed, but Sasuke Uchiha refused and scolded Sakura loudly. Sakura cried. 】

[6 years and 3 months old, the relationship between Yamanaka Ino and you has become better. The two of you often come in and go out together, like a real couple, which makes many people envious. 】

[6 years and 4 months old, you dated Yamanaka Ino. 】

[When it is determined that there are only the two of you around, you used the illusion and writing wheel eye on Yamanaka Ino, hoping to obtain information from Yamanaka Ino's body to search for the secret technique. 】

[But you failed, Yamanaka Ino will not. 】

[You try to acquire the art of turning your heart around. 】

[But you also failed. The learning of the mind-turning technique requires a special ninjutsu scroll. Without this ninjutsu scroll, it is impossible for you to learn it. 】

[6 years and 5 months old, you were warned by the Yamanaka clan to keep you away from Yamanaka Ino. 】

[6 years and 6 months old, you dated Yamanaka Ino again. 】

[You made a request to ask Yamanaka Ino to invite you to visit the residence of the Yamanaka family. 】

[Yamanaka Ino agrees. 】

[You were stopped by Anbu ninja on your way to the mountain family as a guest. 】

[You killed two Anbu ninjas, but more Anbu ninjas appeared. 】

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following two options. 】

[1: None. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

Uchiha opened his eyes in an instant.


"These people are really ruthless."

"what did I do?"

"But it's just a visit to the mountain family. Those Anbu ninjas killed me."

"And Anbu belongs to Sarutobi Hizen."

"These people don't want to leave any hope to the Uchiha family."

"Not a single Uchiha wants to let go."

Uchiha thought about it for a moment before, whether he could use Yamanaka Ino's love for him to get the protection of the Yamanaka family.

But now it seems that there is no possibility at all.

Sarutobi Hizen would not allow such a thing to happen.

"The night of the genocide, die."

"Escape early, die!"

"Trust Sarutobi Hiizan, die!"

"Join Danzo, die!"

"Too close to the mountain family, die!"

"No matter what you do, it's a dead end."

"The entire Uchiha is in Konoha. Except for Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi, no one else has even a half way to survive. This is Konoha!"

"It's disgusting!"

Uchiha Setsuna has long known the viciousness and shamelessness of the high-level Konoha, but this time, Uchiha Setsuna was surprised.

In this life simulation, Uchiha's actions were not serious at all.

But the senior officials of Konoha are not giving Uchiha a shred of hope for a moment.

"I choose 2!"

In the life simulation, Uchiha's death was so sudden that he didn't have time to acquire any ninjutsu, so he could only choose 2.

The next moment, a ninja sword appeared in Uchiha's hand.

Anbu's ninja sword.

Come to the classroom.

"Instantaneous, good morning."

"Good morning."

Uchiha's voice was a little hoarse.

Yamanaka Ino saw Uchiha's eyes in that instant. For some reason, he suddenly felt very distressed.

"In an instant..."

Yamanaka Ino wanted to say something, but Uchiha had already lowered his head.

"Why do you have such eyes in an instant?"

"Angry, desperate, and apologetic when looking at me."

"What happened?"

Iruka's voice sounded.

In the morning, there is a culture class.

Some people are listening carefully to the class, represented by Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura.

Sasuke Uchiha wants to be a perfect student.

Sasuke Uchiha wants to keep the No. 1 position in the grade, and it's all subjects.

Sakura's talent in other courses is not that high, but in the culture class, Sakura has a good talent, so she works very hard in this area, in order to get closer to Sasuke Uchiha.

Inuzuka Ya and Naruto sat in the back row, and neither of them attended the class.

Qiu Dao Dingji was secretly eating snacks.

Nara Shikamaru is in a daze.

Yamanaka Ino kept recalling Uchiha's eyes just now in his mind.

And Uchiha was thinking about how to make himself in the life simulator to achieve his goal.

"It seems to work like this."

"In a previous life simulation, I took refuge in Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Hiruzen Sarutobi agreed."

"He didn't kill me right away, he even arranged a mission for me."

"Until the night of the genocide, after discussing with Uchiha Itachi, Danzo and others, did I order Anbu ninjas to kill me."

"Then, can I do this?"

"First take refuge in Sarutobi Hizen."

"I'll accept Yamanaka Ino's confession later."

"Not long after I accepted the confession, I asked Yamanaka Ino to invite me to the Yamanaka family. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Using the shadow avatar technique, transformation technique, and illusion technique to get the secret scroll of the mountain family."

"You don't need to run away, just commit suicide the moment you get it."

"That esoteric scroll will become what I hold in my life simulation before I die."

"After the life simulation is over, I can use this arcane scroll as a choice for income."

"In the real world, learn the above secret techniques."

"Or at the cost of a life simulation, learn that secret technique."

This is the third usage of the life simulator.

The first is to get something.

The second is the test plan.

The third is to use a life simulation as a period of time. In the life simulation, it may be more than a year, or even longer in the future.

But for Uchiha-san in the real world, it was just a moment.

One day, Uchiha was able to perform a life simulation in an instant.

Iruka glanced under the podium.

Shaking his head helplessly, there were too many students who didn't attend the class.

Until her eyes fell on Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka was a little relieved.

All serious and responsible teachers hope that their students can study hard.

Like Iruka, Sakura was born as a commoner ninja, which gave Iruka a natural intimacy.

However, there is no discrimination against Uchiha Sasuke and Iruka.

The relationship between Uchiha and Konoha is indeed very rigid and discordant.

But Iruka doesn't really care about these things.

And Iruka doesn't know the plan of Konoha's high-level executives. Iruka's level is too low.

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