Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 8 Onlookers Tai Er

Stark Enterprises.

At this time, Tony Stark and Obadiah Stan, two men wearing steel mechas, were colliding several times in mid-air.

This mecha is Tony's favorite product. When controlled by terrorists, Tony used the mecha he built to fight his way out of a desperate situation and escape. It's just that after Obadiah Stan got Tony's previous Mark No. 1, he created his own Iron Overlord on this basis.

Iron Overlord can be created, but the energy in his chest is a big problem. Obadiah Stan can't create it. In the end, he tricks Tony Stark and directly takes back the energy source in his chest.

At this time, the energy source used by Tony only had less than 20% of the total energy.

Iron Overlord, on the other hand, is full of energy.

Ever since, the battle has become one-sided.

Iron King is totally blasting Tony's Mark III.

"The battle of the century."

Taiji Yagami and Sharon Carter were sitting in a black car, watching the two Iron Men competing against each other here.

The black car was originally a SHIELD vehicle. After Sharon Carter removed some of SHIELD's surveillance devices inside, the two people drove the vehicle quickly towards Stark Industries.

After coming here, I saw this scene.

"This world is much more complicated than what we see!"

Sharon Carter saw the two Iron Men fighting each other and said to Taiji Yagami with some meaning: "So don't think that you can conquer the world just because you have obtained something. In cases like this, we SHIELD has already dealt with too much, and I don't want to wait until one day, you are dealt with too."

What is the theme of the Marvel world?

Superheroes save the world!

As for the villains in the Marvel world, they are basically all bad guys who want to bring down the world!

For example, the Iron Overlord in front of him looks like this.

After obtaining the mecha, he thought he was invincible. He first challenged S.H.I.E.L.D., and then blatantly launched the mecha to sweep them across.

He had previously tricked Tony into being imprisoned in a terrorist base, and had the board of directors sign off to drive Tony away. Even when he snatched Tony's Ark reactor with a kind face, Obadiah Stan was in the early stage. Show off and be sure to win.

But after the Iron Overlord was released, his IQ dropped and he fell into the level of a mid-term idiot.

Next, naturally, the weak defeated the strong by Tony, and it ended with a bloody collapse, and ended in confusion in the later stage.

"Aren't you just dealing with me now?"

Taiji Yagami raised his hand and looked at the handcuffs in the middle.

"Now I'm protecting you!"

Sharon Carter argued to Taiji Yagami, then turned around and saw Tony's red Mark III and Iron Overlord flying up into the sky one after the other.

"What are they doing?"

Sharon Carter asked as she watched the two people switch from fighting to high-altitude racing.

"I guess it's because of the icing problems encountered at high altitudes, so the two are competing for performance at this time."

Taiji Yagami explained casually.

Although Yagami Taiji's words were very light, both of them were receiving information through the mecha at this time, and these words also entered their ears.

Tony, who was flying in mid-air, twitched his feet, and Obadiah's face darkened closely behind.

Tony Stark's Mark III has already gone through many improvements and has already solved the problem of high-altitude icing, while Obadiah's Iron Overlord has only just been created and still uses the Mark I as a reference The improvements made have never encountered problems in this area, and there is no way to solve them.

Obadiah stopped flying, and a machine gun appeared in his hand, aiming at Tony Stark in mid-air and shooting at him.

"Oh, shit."

Tony cursed angrily in mid-air, dodged the bullets in mid-air, and dived towards Obadiah.

But when he was about to hit the target, Obadiah punched him and sent him flying to the side.

"you do this delibrately!"

Sharon Carter said to Taiji Yagami.

She understood that this was completely the revenge of Taiji Yagami, mainly because Tony Stark had not received him for so many days.

"I just told the truth."

Yagami Taiji said.

It's just that even if Taiji Yagami helped Obadiah once, it couldn't save him from losing the game with an advantage.

Although he could take Tony away in one wave, Obadiah had to make a move, but was bypassed by Tony, and then captured the main hub controlled by the Iron Overlord mecha. With one blow, he completely destroyed the Iron Overlord's mecha circuit. , so that Obadiah can only use the weapon system mounted on the armor.

However, after making this struggle, although Tony's Mark III had some energy, it was ravaged by the Iron Overlord and was in tatters.

The Iron Overlord opened its doors wide, and Obadiah's figure emerged from inside.

"Tony, you really make people laugh. When you want to clear weapons, you create the most powerful one!"

Obadiah laughed wildly and fired at Tony with the gun in his hand.

It's just that because the Iron Overlord's aiming system was destroyed, and the Iron Overlord was controlled to aim the weapon, after all, he didn't have the feel to hold it with his own hands, so when Obadiah fired the machine gun at this time, he was shooting completely randomly.

A series of bullets hit Tony Stark, but they did not hurt him at all.

"Aren't there agents lying in wait on your side?"

Taiji Yagami said to Sharon Carter: "At this time, it's time for you to strike a fatal blow. He has already removed his defenses. If you strike with a sniper, wouldn't everything be over?"

That makes sense!

Sharon Carter took out a small pistol and pointed it at Obadiah in Iron Overlord from a distance.

Obadiah saw the situation here with sharp eyes, turned the gun in his hand, and shot at Taiji Yagami and Sharon Carter overwhelmingly.

The weapons in both hands were fully fired at this moment.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

On the ground around the car where Taiji Yagami and Sharon Carter were, a series of sparks splashed around the vehicle amid the ferocious firepower.

This time there was no correction of Yagami Taiji's ability, it was entirely because Obadiah's own accuracy was too blind.


Tony on the side seized the opportunity. Mark Three suddenly ejected. Tony made a fist in his hand, and the mechanical glove completely hit Obadiah's face. This punch directly deformed Obadiah's face.

The gun stopped, and Obadiah's figure fell to the ground.

Phil Coulson came forward with several SHIELD agents and began to inspect Obadiah Stan.

"The cerebellum is displaced and the brain is bleeding. It is hopeless."

The agent responded to Phil Coulson.

The brain is an important part of the whole person. If there is a problem in this place, even a little bit can be fatal.

Sharon Carter pulled Taiji Yagami, and the two climbed out of the car and walked towards Phil Coulson.

"You are Taiji Yagami, a small real estate developer in New York. If you have anything you want to cooperate with, you can just say it, but I may not agree!"

After Tony saw Taiji Yagami, his tone was very unkind.

During this period, Taiji Yagami sent out invitations to visit one after another, which made Tony very impressed with him. Even the photos of Taiji Yagami were seen several times in the hands of Pepper. Although Taiji Yagami helped in today's battle and attracted firepower, Taiji Yagami also caused trouble in the front.

So besides Tony's unkind tone towards Yagami Taiji, he still expressed his intention to discuss cooperation.

"Stop dreaming!"

Taiji Yagami glanced at Tony lightly, said coldly, and then completely ignored Tony.

Compared to Tony, Taiji Yagami chose Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries. He wanted to surpass Stark Industries. This was a simple matter for Taiji Yagami, and such a little person was very easy to master.

"Agent Coulson, I have something to report to you!"

Sharon Carter said solemnly to Carlson.

Colson nodded and followed Sharon Carter and Taiji Yagami to a corner.

Coulson skillfully turned off all the equipment on his body, and then listened to Sharon Carter's report about what happened today, the Winter Soldier and Hydra, and the news about Hydra lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D. .

After Coulson heard the news, he immediately sent a message to Nick Fury and passed the news to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury, who is in a high position and is always shocked, was also shocked on the spot after hearing the news, but because the news was provided by Bucky Barnes, and although Bucky Barnes is usually a weapon, After being woken up by Taiji Yagami, these memories were maintained, and the general distribution of Hydra was clearly stated.

After Nick Fury heard the news, he opened his director's privileges, clearly checked every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and eliminated any that were connected to the departments controlled by Hydra, and then screened out a group of clean ones. agent. Prepare for war.

"Let Agent No. 13 take Taiji Yagami to hide in a safe place first."

Nick Fury relied on the news network and said: "Colson, come back to SHIELD as soon as possible!"

A war cannot be avoided.

As for Yagami Taishou's items, he can only wait until after the war to make plans.

"The problem is, Director, No. 13 used our SHIELD's special handcuffs to handcuff Taiji Yagami. And he threw away the key!"

Phil Coulson reported to Nick Fury, hoping that Nick Fury could use his authority to remotely unlock the handcuffs.

"That's better, foolproof!"

Nick Fury said, cutting off the Internet.


Coulson shook his head, looked at the disconnected network, and said apologetically to Sharon Carter: "The director doesn't have time to unlock it for you now. You two can only be together for a while longer, maybe until the end of the war." .”

Coulson looked at the handcuffs between the two people and said apologetically.

Unlocking is just a matter of a word from Nick Fury.

Sharon Carter looked a little uncomfortable.

She wanted to go to the bathroom and had been holding it in for a long time...

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