Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 61: Feng Ying is going to send his wife off.

When he first came to the ninja world, Yagami Taiji was very powerful, but he didn't have any chakra in his body.

Then he began to practice the method of refining chakra. As he accumulated, he began to try to condense it into a system dedicated to refining chakra in the body.

After a little trial and a little practice, the chakra refining system was finally perfected by Yagami Taiji and applied to Tyrande.

In terms of vitality, Tyrande is definitely the creature with the most terrifying vitality Taiji Yagami has ever seen.

Muscles are still alive thousands of years after death. This kind of vitality is extremely terrifying.

After the chakra system was implanted in Tyrande's body, it directly began to absorb Tyrande's vitality. According to Tyrande's terrifying vitality, chakra erupted in massive amounts every moment.

Tyrande is a perpetual motion machine that creates chakra.

The chakra formed in Tyrande's body will be absorbed by the reincarnation eye from a distance, so that it can be used to observe the ninja world, and the two form a whole.

Taiji Yagami left the moon, and when he left, he left the talisman of Hamura Otsutsuki on the moon, and at the same time destroyed the time and space channel between the moon and the earth.

If Taiji Yagami wants to go to the moon, he only needs a time and space jump. But if others want to go to the moon, the distance of 370,000 kilometers is there.

After returning to Earth, Taiji Yagami immediately returned to Ameno Village. Inside the Justice League Hall built in Ameno Village, he released the reincarnation eye that he had taken from Otsutsuki Toneri.

With the penetration of secret techniques one after another, the vision of the reincarnation eye in front of him and the reincarnation eye on the moon are shared with each other, and he already has the ability to monitor the ninja world.

"Xiao Nan, you will be mainly in charge of this place."

The magic power in Yagami Taishou imprinted a magic mark on Xiaonan's hand. This magic mark is similar to identification. Without this magic mark, others will not be able to use the reincarnated eye's ability.

Because of the sharing of sight, and the power of the reincarnated eye on the moon has spread throughout the ninja world, the reincarnated eye on the earth wants to view information, and consumes a pitiful amount of chakra, which Xiaonan can completely bear alone.

In the future, regarding this information point, Yagami Taiji will gradually send out more trustworthy people to fully operate the entire reincarnated eye ability.

After giving the right to use the reincarnation eye to Xiaonan, Taiji Yagami left the information office and came to the lobby of the Justice League.

"Sir, the daimyo of the Kawa Country has given us a reply."

After a Justice League ninja saw Taiji Yagami appearing, he quickly handed a file he was sorting to Taiji Yagami.

The Kingdom of Sichuan, like the Kingdom of Rain, is a small buffer country surrounded by large countries. It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Rain is surrounded by three large countries, the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Wind. But nearby the Kingdom of Sichuan are the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

The reason why the Kingdom of Sichuan became famous is also because of the Kingdom of Rain.

The Land of Rain, which has been raining for many years, has abundant water resources, and then formed rivers that passed through the Land of Kawa and merged into the sea. This gave it the reputation of the Country of Sichuan.

The Kingdom of Sichuan is also a small country, even worse than the Kingdom of Rain. There is not even a single ninja in the entire country. Ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind and Ninjas from the Kingdom of Fire can come and go freely in the Kingdom of Sichuan.

The reason why Yagami Taiji contacted the Kingdom of Sichuan was to form a cooperation with the Kingdom of Sichuan and bring the Kingdom of Sichuan into the territory of the Justice League, thereby dividing the Kingdom of Wind and forcing the Kingdom of Wind to submit.

"What did Kawanoguni say?"

Taiji Yagami asked the ninja next to him.

"The daimyo of the Kawa Country agreed to sign a treaty of justice to jointly contribute to the peace of the ninja world and provide us with financial support, but they also need the protection of our Justice League."

The ninja next to him quickly said to Yagami Taiji.

The so-called Justice Treaty is also something that Taiji Yagami created. It roughly means that if other countries join the Justice League, they need to provide funds and even military support to the Justice League. At the same time, the Justice League will carry out various aspects of this country's protection of.

There are no ninjas in the Kingdom of Sichuan, and its sovereignty is often trampled on. There are even various rebel ninjas lurking in it, separatist forces, and the Kingdom of Sichuan has nothing to do about it. After hearing the offer from the most prestigious Justice League in the ninja world, After such a treaty, there was no hesitation in agreeing to sign a just treaty.

"That's great."

Taiji Yagami said with a smile: "It is a good thing that Kawakuni has agreed to sign the Justice Treaty. Next, we will continue to spread the concept of the Justice League to the surrounding small countries. In this way, we can seek more countries to join us."

This is the reason why the creation location of Justice League was chosen in the Land of Rain.

There are various small countries mixed in between the big countries, acting as buffers. Taiji Yagami wants to gather all these small countries, and then form a division between these big countries.

The Country of Wind, Sand Hidden Village.

Rasa sat in the Kazekage's office. Nagato and Yahiko stood in front of him, introducing Rasa to cooperate with the Justice League to jointly transform the environment of the two countries and improve the living standards of the people.

"This is the plan created by our Justice League."

Yahiko stepped forward, held the plan in his hand and said to Kazekage: "The main reason why the Kingdom of Wind has a hot climate and most of the land is desertified is that rain clouds cannot drift over from the Kingdom of Rain."

“The land of the Kingdom of Rain is low-lying and belongs to the basin. The surrounding mountains are towering, which directly cuts off the rain clouds. We, the Justice League, want to cooperate with the Kingdom of Wind to flatten these mountains so that the Kingdom of Wind can have abundant rain. "

"What a genius idea!"

Kazekage Rasa praised Yahiko's plan: "This is a feasible method."

"As the rain clouds drift in, plants can be planted on a large scale in the Kingdom of Wind, making the conditions in the Kingdom of Wind the same as those in the Kingdom of Fire."

Nagato added to Yahiko's words: "At the same time, our country of rain will also reduce rainfall accordingly. This is a win-win plan for cooperation."

Luo Sha nodded.

Two days have passed since Yagami Taiji's one-hit group destroyed the fighting forces of Konoha and Kirigakure. At this time, the entire ninja world was in an uproar. Countless ninjas were waiting for Konoha and Kirigakure's actions, but Konoha and Kirigakure Kirigakure became strangely silent.

Luo Sha saw how big the huge hole was when Taiji Yagami bombarded him. He was very clear about the threat that Taiji Yagami could pose to the leader of the Justice League.

It is precisely because of this that he has always been kind to Yahiko and Nagato. But cooperation with the Justice League has always been considered.

Rasa was waiting for any movement from Konoha.

As an ally of Konoha, if Sunagakure changed hands and cooperated with the Justice League just after Big Brother was beaten, it would be almost like betraying the alliance.

It was also difficult for Rasa to choose between the Justice League and the Konoha Ninja Village.

"We hope Fengying can give us a clear attitude today. If we cooperate, we will cooperate. If we cannot cooperate, we will leave."

Nagato said clearly to the Kazekage.


Luo Sha hesitated again.

There was an eagle cry outside Fengying's office building. Luo Sha quickly stood up and opened the window. Then the black hawk flew down and Luo Sha untied the message tied to its legs and feet.

The Kingdom of Sichuan surrendered to the Justice League, and the Justice League protected the Kingdom of Sichuan and immediately began to clean up the ninjas in the Kingdom of Sichuan...

A series of information reached the eyes of the Fourth Kazekage.

Oh my God!

The Fourth Kazekage Luo Sa gently rubbed his head.

Third Kazekage-sama, where are you?

Luo Sha really felt that Sand Hidden Village was in a mess. As the Kingdom of Sichuan surrendered to the Justice League, a Justice League formed between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

If you want to go to the Land of Fire, you need to make a detailed report to the ninjas of the Justice League and pay the toll before you are allowed to pass. If he goes alone, he will be killed by the ninjas of the Justice League.

Luo Sha didn't want to turn against the Justice League. After all, the pit created by Taiji Yagami's bombardment was as big as two Sunagakure villages.

Under this kind of intimidation, Luo Sha didn't want Taiji Yagami to come to Sunagakure Village and launch such a bombardment.

But ninjas are all performing secret missions. If a mission needs to be reported to the Justice League, then there is no need to send out any missions. There is no secret in the entire operation.

"The Fourth Kazekage-sama, we want a clear answer from you."

Nagato said to the Fourth Kazekage again.

Luo Sha rubbed his head. With a hoarse voice, he said: "If we want to cooperate, how should we cooperate?"

"Sunagakure Village will send supplies, and we, the Justice League, will send out ninjas and large-scale equipment to bulldoze the mountains that cross between us in a short time."

Yahiko said to the Fourth Kazekage: "At that time, we may have to talk about building a road."

Sand hidden supplies?

The Fourth Kazekage was a little confused and asked, "What kind of supplies does Sunagakure need to pay for?"

"We have special means for digging mountains, otherwise we wouldn't dare to talk about moving mountains. So we don't need ninjas from Sunagakure Village."

Yahiko said: "What Sunagakure Village needs to pay is to offset more than half of the assets that our Justice League spent on moving the mountain. After all, we contributed material resources."

"At the same time, we need the power of the one tail of Sunagakure Village to use it as the energy for us to mine the mountains."


When he heard that he had to pay the price of the tailed beast, Luo Sha refused without thinking.

"The Kingdom of Sichuan should have formed an alliance with us."

Nagato said to the Fourth Kazekage: "If the Kazekage cooperates with us, the Justice League can open the door to Sunagakure Village and allow the ninjas of Sunagakure Village to travel freely. At the same time, it can also form the outermost layer of Sunagakure. A line of defense!”

Nagato's words directly made the Fourth Kazekage's eyes light up.

If the Justice League allows Sunagakure to accompany them, but strictly scrutinizes ninjas from other countries, a natural line of defense can be formed.

Ninjas in Sunagakure Village can come and go freely, but ninjas from other countries can only stay outside the Justice League.

And digging mountains to obtain water resources is also a great thing for the development of the Kingdom of Wind.

It's the one-tailed jinchūriki...

Luo Sha couldn't help but sigh.

The One-Tail Jinchuuriki is Rasa's newlywed wife. She has just gotten married, so she has to give herself up to the rhythm of seeing her off. (To be continued.)

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