Two-dimensional System

Chapter 463: Four hundred and forty-third sheet: What if Uchihaban is not dead? (∩???∩)

Life will inevitably be accompanied by various embarrassments, and it is obvious that Senjujuma is also very embarrassed at this time.

In the subconscious, Qianshouzhujian knew the source of all these faults.

Even though they were all from their own family, Shimura Danzo did it.

Senjujuma wanted to protect Shimura Danzo very much, but he wanted and was able to do it, which is another matter.

Not to mention, with the current self, can he stop the Uzumaki Goddai.

People are just in front of you, so they use space ninjutsu without any scruples.

Presumably the speed, compared to his own brother, I am afraid that the methods of Qianshou Jianjian are not too much, Qianju Zhuma knows that he is already a dead person.

I want to replace Shimura Danzo and kill Uzumaki Kandai again, but does it look like that kind of person?

Looking up or down, I couldn't tell whether Uzumaki Kamiyo would let Shimura Danzo off.

Therefore, Senshouju can only ‘compromise’, and he can’t do anything now.

In addition to chatting with Uzumaki Goddai, it is best for Uzumaki Goddai to be persuaded by himself to give up revenge.

"Your name is Uzumaki Kamdai, right? My wife is also from Uzumaki clan. She is a beautiful and Shude girl..."

"Oh? The first generation of Hokage's wife is actually from the Maelstrom clan? Coincidentally, do you know that the Maelstrom clan is now annihilated? And the reason for the extinction is that your two apprentices did not help? "

Senshou Zhuma:...

"You said the whirlpool clan was annihilated!?"

This amount of information is so large that Chishou Zhujian's body stiffens for a while.

The doubts in my heart have also been solved a lot. No wonder this young man of the whirlpool clan will be from Yuyin Village...

"Well, shortly after the death of the second generation of Naruto, the Wunin Village of the Water Country launched a war against the Uzumaki Country. Now in this world, there are only a few people from the Uzumaki Clan. I happened to be there two days ago. Konoha.

I also saw a kid from the whirlpool clan, but that kid's brain didn't seem to work well. But that kid seemed to value Hokage very much, with his attitude towards Hokage. Maybe he will inherit you, maybe the last will? "

Senshou Zhuma:...

Well, looking at Uzumaki Jindai's ridiculous ridicule, Senju Zhuma already knew it, and Shimura Danzo was also indispensable.

‘Is this what people outside now think of Konoha? ’

Thousands of hands were a little suspicious of life, and helplessly covered his face with his hands. This is definitely not Konoha in his heart, okay?

Sitting and watching the demise of the ‘Allies’, in exchange, he would never let Konoha make such a stupid decision.

From Uzumaki God’s ironic smile, I recalled the Konoha that Uzumaki God said before.

The only Uzumaki tribe, Senju Zhuma already knew what Shimura Danzo was thinking.

Even though Senshou Zhuma admitted that he didn't, his younger brother Senshou Jian was so smart.

But a fool, can he become the patriarch of the thousand hands clan? How could it be Konoha's Hokage?

"Yes... Is it... That's really an unfortunate thing..."

Looking at Senjuzuzuma, who was in a depressed mood, Uzumaki Kamdai smiled undiminished, as if there were two little devil horns on his forehead.

"It's really unfortunate. If Shimura Danzo, you can't get on the stage with so many thoughts.

So, I want to talk to you today, not just to know what you think of the world.

The first question is, what is a village? What is Hokage again? Isn't it all means to climb to that position?

Eliminate all those who are ‘possibly’ threatening to yourself, whether it is Konoha’s own people or outside the village?

Is this Hokage? "



Unexpectedly, the Uzumaki Goddai will suddenly be in trouble, Terumi Ming and Guren are still deep in the Uzumaki Goddai problem.

All were taken by Uzumaki Kandai, his hands were smashed on the table, and the sound was shocked.

"No! This is definitely not Hokage, and it has the original intention of Hokage! The compatriots in Konoha hidden village are all part of my body. The people in the village believe in me, and I believe in everyone! This is Hokage's original intention."

Qianshou Zhuma absolutely does not allow him, anyone doubts his original intention, even if he knows Uzumaki Goddai.

Between Uzumaki Goddai and Senjuju, the two eyes stared at each other, and the momentum between the two was constantly rising.

A dead person, a living person, but the two of them convey their own ‘will’ to each other through their souls.

"The first generation of Hokage, right? I can see from the bottom of your heart that you still have a chance to keep Shimura Danzo.

Although I admire your personality, this is definitely not a reason to forgive Shimura Danzo.

People in the whole world who don't make sense are hurt by Shimura Danzo. You can put it down with a word.

What kind of ambition Shimura Dan has, I think you know better than anyone now, so wake up, the first generation of Hokage, don't let me be disappointed in you. "

Senshou Zhuma:...

‘My name is Senjujuma, I have encountered something. There is a junior in front of me many years later. He actually looked at me with disappointed eyes? ’

This world doesn't know a fool, especially the one in front of him, who still uses such strength.

It's definitely not just a firm will, but the same thing is not just one or two words that can affect the weak at heart.

If it could be easily changed by people's words, Senju Zhuma believed that Uzumaki Goddai would never have such strength.

For each, the strong are not only strong, these strong are still firm paranoia in some aspects.

This, whether it's yourself.

It can be seen from the attitude of his younger brother to Uchiha, from the "friend" and opponent Uchiha.

Senshou Zhuma, who knew he was incapable of changing something, vented as if he had returned to the autistic state.

"Today I can't make you give up the hatred in your heart. However, this young man named Uzumaki Goddai, remember your promise and your original intention, not to involve innocent people."


Uzumaki Goddai snapped his fingers. In Oshemaru and Terumi Mei, they still couldn't believe that Uzumaki Goddai was able to talk about the autism of Qianshouzhujian.

The Uzumaki Goddai was present again, and they released a larger atomic bomb in front of them!

"Then let's talk about it, another thing, of course, is also about you.

The original Naruto, right? If I told you, which of your friends was the one named Uchiha Ban, right?

Uchihaban is with you in the valley of the end, and hasn't died after the battle? "


"What are you talking about? Uchiha Ban is not dead yet? What do you mean?"

Looking at Senjujujuma, who was still autistic before, he heard the news that Uchihaban was not dead.

The whole person was excited, Uzumaki Goddai seemed to have succeeded in a prank, and the little devil at the corner of his mouth had to take advantage of the arc to widen.

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