Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Chapter 320: Take advantage

"Are you OK?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Chelsea wished to slap herself a few times, and being able to speak so openly about the molesting girl, it didn't look like something was going on!

Liu Xu stared directly at Chelsea, his slender figure silently seduced him.

"My name is Liu Xu, what is this place? And, how many years and what day is it now, um, I mean what is the current empire's name?"

Chelsea was first stunned by Liu Xu's deep black-hole eyes, and then he was pulled back by what he said.

If Liu Xu only asked what place it was, Chelsea could still understand that he might have been "lost" and entered the Rocas Forest by mistake, but Liu Xu also asked about the current empire's name?

Hearing this kind of question that she had never thought of, Chelsea was visibly stunned, but she still took a few steps forward and said: "This is the Lokas Forest in the northern part of the empire. The empire's year name is ten. The first year of the Eighth Century, 206 years in the imperial calendar..."

Liu Xu was taken aback after listening to Chelsea's words, and as expected, an accident happened.

If Liu Xu remembers correctly, the night attack was founded by Najie Xitan in the 209th year of the imperial calendar and began to carry out the funeral mission. In other words, for unknown reasons, Liu Xu passed through three years ago.

Fortunately, it was not the worst. If a "Pansi Great Immortal, five hundred years ago" or something came, he really couldn't cry.

"It's really embarrassing!"

Liu Xu sighed and walked towards Chelsea.

"Sister Myoko, no, stop!"

Obviously, Chelsea didn't say this to Liu Xu. He could see this. After all, the target Chelsea was looking at was not Liu Xu, but his rear.

More importantly, Chelsea called Taeko's name.

Taeko is behind, this is something Liu Xu has already noticed.

Liu Xu made the move that he wanted to turn around to meet, but when he first moved his body, his movement was slow.

At this point, Taeko's hand knife was slashed on the back of Liu Xu's neck. The last sentence he heard before pretending to be dizzy was Taeko said that you must never let you hurt Chelsea.

Taeko is a very powerful assassin, cultivated by Barbara since she was a baby, she is outstanding among her peers, but she is not an emperor, and she has a great potential to transform into a free [Gaia foundation]. Compared with Ersi, it is undoubtedly inferior.

So Taeko's mission is not only to train and supervise, but also to protect Chelsea's safety, even if necessary to sacrifice herself, to protect Chelsea from harm.

"Taeko, what are you doing? He fought with Trensu. Although he won, he must have been injured. You made such a heavy move. What if you are...?"

"But he just treated you...obviously..." Taeko wanted to say that he was frivolous to you just now, obviously not a good person, but was interrupted by Chelsea: "What your eyes see is not necessarily true. The breath is very clean, there is no "lust" in the eyes. Desire..."

"Okay, I was wrong, let's go!"

No longer paying attention to Taeko, Chelsea walked over, came to Liu Xu's side, and squatted down.

Although Liu Xu's face was covered with dust, which obscured his appearance, he couldn't see his appearance. In terms of face, voice, and body shape, the teenager who had fainted on the ground in front of him must be a sunny teenager.

He didn't even have a weapon by his side. How did he defeat Terrance with his bare hands?

This is not an apparent conclusion, but a thought that suddenly popped up in his head when he saw Liu Xu. After thinking about it carefully, I didn't know why this happened.

He didn't seem to want to appear here, otherwise he wouldn't ask what place it was. It seems that he is definitely not a member of the empire. He is unprecedentedly powerful. If he can join the revolutionary army...

All kinds of mysteries plagued Chelsea and made her a headache.

"Let's get out of here soon!"

Taeko is on guard with a sword. Although Terensu is killed, such a big disturbance will definitely attract countless dangerous species. If even more terrifying existence is disturbed, the result will be...

In her mind, a horrible picture of super dangerous species running from the center of the forest to the human city, turning the city into scorched earth.

"What are you doing?" Taeko frowned.

"If you don't bring him back, maybe he will die here."

Chelsea struggled to support Liu Xu's body.

"Forget it, let me do it!"

Taeko returned the sword to its sheath.

"Taeko wants to take advantage of him?" Chelsea asked suspiciously.

"What? I'm just afraid that you will be tired." Taeko said in a huff: "Just forget it if you don't want to."

"Thank you, then." Chelsea stuck out her tongue and made a face.

With Liu Xu pretending to be "unconscious", Taeko had a pair of jade hands on his arms.

At this moment, Liu Xu would naturally not make any resistive actions, but silently enjoy the intimacy from her hands.

He practiced swords since he was a child, but Taeko's hands were very soft. This effect was achieved through special methods. Otherwise, he could judge whether a person was an assassin or not by just looking at his hands.

Well, then this assassin failed too much.

Taeko put Liu Xu's hand on her pink shoulder, and at the same time leaned her body.

Unexpectedly, Taeko would be so empathetic, so she put Liu Xu's hand on her fan's shoulder without hesitation.

"Okay, let's go!"


The two left quickly, Liu Xu secretly opened his eyes and glanced at Terence, who was being headed by the owl, and thought to himself: "Five-level dangerous species is worth a lot of money, right?"

Along the way, Liu Xu occasionally bumped into Taeko and made physical contact. Unknowingly, there was a ripple in his heart.

"Chelsea, do you need to rest for a while before leaving?" Taeko saw that Chelsea's forehead was already sweating.

"Sister Myoko, I'm fine."

Although Chelsea is an emissary of Emperor Gu, she is not a "hands" type or even a weapon type, so her physical fitness has always been one of her weaknesses.

In the cold weather, Liu Xu and Taeko walked on their bodies.

Before he knew it, Liu Xu actually fell asleep like this.


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