Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 889: , The jade of the four souls to be used after all!


A dazzling fire burst out from a forest two kilometers away, blowing up everything within a hundred meters.

Even some large trees outside were affected by the aftermath of the explosion, uprooted and blown into the air.

Then, it fell again heavily and bombarded onto the ground.

There was even a thick branch that flew to Zhang Xiang's real body in a whirl, and flew past him.

"Is it just before the big move, when I attacked those monsters, did you hide the true body in the dark by my attack?" A solemn expression flashed across Zhang Xiang's face.

The memory of his killed shadow clone had already been transmitted back to his brain.

You must know that monsters are not terrible, some low-level monsters, even an adult can defeat the opponent with bare hands.

However, the scheming monster is terrible.

Because they not only possess powerful power, but also the wisdom to fully exert that power.

Even sometimes, they can use external forces to accomplish their own goals without using their own power.

And the dark silk thread monster of unknown species just now existed among these monsters.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang also had a faint hunch.

These monsters will come to the door so quickly, it should be the urge of this big monster.

Because the opponent's strength can only be regarded as the bottom of the big monster.

If you fight against Kikyo head-on, if you don't have a lot of cannon fodder to consume the power of Kikyo, there is absolutely no magic calculation.

In the fight just now, Zhang Xiang's shadow clone was killed because he consumed a large amount of Chakra, which happened without being careless.

If it is his body, then it is his careless words.

He can also activate his lv5 physical enhancement at the same time that the pitch black silk thread is coming to block the attack of the pitch black silk thread.

Even if it can't be completely blocked, Zhang Xiang's life will not be saved.

You know, Zhang Xiang's current body has gone through thousands of tempers.

Under the situation of fully launching lv5 physical enhancement, even if the nuclear bomb hit him, as long as he is not in the most central area, it is impossible to kill him.

Those pitch-black silk threads, at best, caused some skin trauma to him.

With his strong resilience, I am afraid that he can recover before the battle is over.

(It is set here that the shadow clone can only play a part of the super power. Because the source of super power is closely related to the brain.)

"However, at such a close range and defenselessness, I was directly affected by the explosion of hundreds of special detonating charms. I am afraid that even if I am not dead now, I am seriously injured?! The focus now is to try to prevent those monsters from approaching the village. !" Zhang Xiang's scarlet three-gouyu writing round eyes scanned the surroundings.

It was discovered that under his successive cleanings, the monsters that had attacked him by nearly two thousand were almost completely wiped out.

In addition, the dark silk thread monster killed about a thousand monsters by itself, and Zhang Xiang’s shadow clone was killed with a decapitating knife, with thunder escape and thunder, and finally nearly 1,500 monsters affected by the detonation talisman. .

Now above the scene, there are still nearly 1,500 monsters left.

It's just that the difficulty of purging these monsters now is ten times more difficult than before.

Because, not only the density of monsters was reduced, but Zhang Xiang's killing speed dropped a lot.

Those monsters that are still able to survive are either lucky, or possess certain strength, or possess certain wisdom.

These monsters were far more difficult to deal with than those monsters who only knew how to charge straight.

And as long as there is a, even if a dozen monsters rush into the village, it will cause considerable losses.

So, at such a tense moment.

It is impossible for him to leave the front line of the battle to track down the dark silk thread monster that does not know where it is going and hides in the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but put his hands together.

"The technique of multiple shadow clones!" With the help of some of the power recovered from the killing, Zhang Xiang instantly differentiated into several shadow clones again, rushing in all directions, trying to stop the monsters that slipped through the net from rushing past.

However, Zhang Xiang was only able to scrupulously get this side of him.

The place where he should have been guarded by his shadow clone, but it could not be completely guarded.

After all, he wasn't the kind of guy with Naruto's physical strength and chakra.

Moreover, he also had to consider the combat effectiveness of the shadow clone he assigned.

Therefore, relying on him and his several shadow clones, it is unrealistic to want to protect this monster attack zone with a width of at least tens of thousands of meters.

However, at this time.

A dazzling pink light flashed past.

Suddenly, due to the lack of Zhang Xiang's original shadow clone, some of the monsters that rushed past were suddenly wiped out.

Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised by the sudden burst of pink light.

Because, shouldn't Kikyo be guarded in the village?

Why is it here?

However, when he looked over.

He discovered that although Kikyo did not guard the village entrance, it was standing on a line of defense hundreds of meters away.

However, in the direction of the village, without knowing when, a powerful pink barrier had already been erected.

With what Zhang Xiang felt, even if he wanted to break the pink barrier, under normal circumstances, it would take at least three blows.

Of course, if you turn on something like this, you can break it with a single blow.

However, this is enough to see how strong this enchantment really is.

And it wasn't this one that surprised Zhang Xiang. As one of the best maidens in the Warring States Period, if she could not display such a powerful enchantment, that would be beyond words.

What surprised Zhang Xiang was the scale of this enchantment.

The scale of this enchantment turned out to cover the entire village.

Even the home of Kikyo, which is a little far away from the village, and the shrine further away are covered in it.

"Wait, the shrine?" Zhang Xiang seemed to understand something.

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