Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 71: , Mitarai red bean trap!

However, just when Zhang Xiang muttered to himself. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

A hundred meters away, he turned his head. Under the floating black hair, under the vertical veil that slightly obscured his face, his golden elongated pupils suddenly stared at Zhang Xiang. Direction.

It was this movement of Da She Wan that awakened Zhang Xiang from thinking.

‘Did he find me? ! Zhang Xiang, who was perfectly hidden behind a big tree, flashed a hint of shock in his eyes, and he couldn't help but cried out in his heart.

He didn't expect that at such a distance, his mental power was only slightly perceivable from his body, and it was convenient to find his hiding place.

This powerful perception and experience shocked Zhang Xiang.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't know was.

After Dashemaru realized that every time she reincarnated, there would be a flaw in his soul, or should be said to be wastage and pollution, Dashemaru began to pay attention to things like mental power and illusion.

After all, every time he reincarnated, mental and soul attacks increased his danger by one point.

In addition, he is alone now, in the most powerful Naruto Village on the mainland.

All of this had to make him not vigilant, to guard against possible attacks.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang's mental power of not exerting all his strength and paying attention to concealment was discovered by Da She Wan.

Moreover, with his rich experience in the vertical and horizontal ninja world, along the direction of the emission of spiritual power, he successfully found Zhang Xiang's location.

If Zhang Xiang was more careful, or Da She Wan's vigilance relaxed a little.

Zhang Xiang's secret observation will not be discovered.

And just when Oshemaru wanted to rush over, the sound of "Peng" sounded in the room, attracting the attention of most people in the room.

At the same time, I also wanted to rush over to see who was peeping at his Oshe Maru, his eyes narrowed dangerously, stopped the steps he was about to take, and returned his eyes to the court.

Because, this person is the only female disciple he ever had-Mitarai Adzuki beans!

After so many years of absence, meeting again, but he was very looking forward to it! (As a digression, I always feel that Oshe Maru's betrayal of Mitarai Adzuki beans at the time was just to better keep Adzuki beans alive and prevent them from being killed by Konoha as a betrayal. There is another reason, that is, Adzuki beans' character It was too soft at that time. If Oshemaru defected with her, the other party would not accept it and could not give up his relationship with Konoha. In other words, it was to protect the red beans.)

However, in the perception of Zhang Xiang's mental power that quickly retracted.

The moment Da She Maru turned his head, there was a dangerous smile on his mouth.

Such a dangerous smile immediately made Zhang Xiang feel a sense of crisis from his heart.

Because, he knew, he was being targeted!

Perhaps, in the next moment, a direct attack or a tentative attack from Oshe Maru will come.

However, perhaps that kind of crisis may just be Zhang Xiang's illusion.

Because, after Oshemaru showed such a smile, the other party did not make any more movements.

And what happened next was the same as the original plot.

Naruto, the silly big man, annoyed Adzuki beans. Adzuki beans shot a kunai, which scratched the skin on Naruto’s face a bit, and stretched out her tongue and licked Naruto’s bleeding face. After licking, Naruto was suddenly startled in a cold sweat.

And the kunai that shot out was picked up by Kushinin who pretended to be Oshemaru.

Moreover, as if to reveal his identity, Da She Maru also stretched out his long, non-human tongue, and licked the next kunai.

However, things also developed this way, and it subsided.

Next, it’s time for Mitarai Azuki to talk about the test content.

That mission is in this mission. There are a total of 13 sky scrolls and 13 earth scrolls. They are randomly divided into 26 groups. Each group gets a pair of heaven and earth scrolls to reach their destination through the dead forest in 5 days. Then passed.

Then, it's time for Mitarai Red Bean to show off his power, explain to them, and ask candidates to sign a "life and death contract".

When the candidates entered the tent and received their respective scrolls, almost half of the half-hour had passed.

As a result, without the lively watching Zhang Xiang, he rushed to his mission area.

However, when Zhang Xiang left with the'Shattering Technique', what he didn't see was that Dashemaru, who was staying in a corner not far away, stuck out his long tongue and smiled unclearly. His lips were added meaningfully.

Moreover, one of the people in Otoninja Village who was with Otoshimaru had already separated a clone before everyone saw it and mixed in the team.

But his real body quickly chased up in the direction Zhang Xiang left.

It's just that Otonin, who also wears the vertical hat, is not chasing after Zhang Xiang, but because of the traces Zhang Xiang left behind.

At this time, Zhang Xiang hadn't noticed the sound of the pursuit behind.

It was also not long since Zhang Xiang joined the Anbu, and he hadn't fully learned to hide his tracks to the greatest extent.

However, even if the Yin Ren who had left the team wanted to chase, with Zhang Xiang's current speed on the road, it would become extremely difficult for the opponent to successfully chase Zhang Xiang.

Two hours later, in the G area of ​​the Death Forest, Zhang Xiang was quickly jumping between the thick branches, with his hands behind, looking at the surrounding environment somewhat leisurely.

However, at this time.

Since Zhang Xiangna entered the death forest, in order to prevent himself from being attacked by the beasts that are good at sneak attacks and certain ninja beasts in the death forest, he has been using mental perception ability, his face suddenly changed.

Because, in his perception.

On the thick branch that was about to jump in front of him, there was actually a three-chain trap.

It is one light and two dark, a steel wire that activates the trap is placed in the light, and the other steel wire coated with reflective material is hidden in the shadow of the previous steel wire. As for the last wire that triggers the trap, then It was used by the opponent with an unknown ability, embedded under the bark of the tree, covering all the places that can be trampled on outside the trap area, and dozens of dangerous traps with detonating charms were set on the back of the tree.

If Zhang Xiang didn't have the unique mental perception ability, then he would have avoided the first and second wires.

Then, when he dodges those two steel wires, he will also detonate the dozen or so detonating charms attached to the back of the tree and blow him out.

At that time, even if he is not dead, he will be seriously injured and difficult to exert his strength.

After all, he is still flesh and blood!

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