Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2278: ,sleep together!

"Uncle, Sister Xiaokong, Sister Meiyu, Xiaoshu, can I sleep with you tonight?" Xiaoshu raised his head, widened and slightly moist eyes, and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang and others.

"Sleep with us?" Mei Yu pointed at herself and Zhang Xiang and the others, and asked with some surprise.

"Well, it's like being in the little uncle's house. Everyone sleeps together." Xiao Xiao nodded and said.

"Why?" Mei Yu continued to ask with some curiosity.

"There is no reason, Xiao Chi just wants to sleep with everyone. Can you?" Xiao Chi hugged the pillow in her arms tightly, and asked Zhang Xiang and others nervously.

"Then, Xiao Xiao, you can sleep with us tonight." Xiao Kong said from the side.

After speaking, Xiao Kong turned his head to look in the direction of Mei Yu.

"Miyu, you go and take the quilt to my room. Let's accompany Xiao Chi to sleep together tonight." Xiao Kong took Xiao Chi's hand and wanted to walk toward his room.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chi actually grabbed Xiao Kong's hand instead.

"And my little uncle... my little uncle will come with me too." Xiao Chi turned his head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction, a pair of eyes full of eagerness.

It's just that Zhang Xiang was a little embarrassed when he heard Xiao Chi's words.

Because it is not two years ago anymore.

Two years ago, he could still comfort himself with the small house, Xiao Kong and others who had no big relationship.

However, now Xiao Kong has grown more and more beautiful, and Miyu's body has also begun to grow gradually, entering puberty.

Under this kind of situation, if he still sleeps with the two of them, something embarrassing might happen.

Moreover, because of the difference between men and women, Xiaosora and Miwa had even restricted the area where he could go to the toilet.

Although these restrictions have been cancelled now, he doesn't think that Xiaokong and Miyu will accept sleeping with him again.

"Well, you should sleep with Xiaokong and Meiyu first today. Tomorrow, tomorrow, will you sleep with your uncle?" Zhang Xiang replied to Xiaochun with some embarrassment.

It's just that, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, mist already appeared in Xiao Chi's eyes.

"Don't your uncles and uncles like Chicks either..." Chicks sobbed, and started crying loudly as she wiped her eyes with her hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang quickly walked up.

"Well, why doesn't my uncle like Xiao Chi?" Zhang Xiang hurriedly comforted.

And Xiao Chi was sobbing while responding to Zhang Xiang's words.

"But, but, Little Uncle doesn't want to sleep with Xiao Chin... Little Uncle, it's a badass..." Xiao Chi said sadly.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a little headache listening to Xiao Chi's appearance like this before.

Because Xiao Hina has never been so headstrong.

However, when Zhang Xiang was worried, Xiao Kong next to him suddenly spoke.

"Don't cry, Xiao Chi, Uncle will sleep with us. So don't cry." Xiao Kong squatted down, took out a hand towel from the pocket of his pajamas, and wiped Xiao Chi Tears came from the corner of his eyes.

Listening to Xiaokong's words, Meiyu beside her blushed.


However, Xiao Kong gave her a look and shook his head slightly.

And Xiao Chi also raised his head.

"Yes, is it true?" Xiao Xiao wiped her eyes with her hands, turned to look in Zhang Xiang's direction, and asked expectantly with her big eyes.

"Well, yes!" Zhang Xiang answered after looking at Xiao Kong.

"Then, okay, Miyu, take Xiao Chi to wash her face. You are almost becoming a small cat." Xiao Kong touched Xiao Chi's head and said to Mei Yu next to her.

Listening to Xiaokong's words, although Meiyu didn't know why Xiaokong would agree, she still took Xiaoxiao to the bathroom.

After Miyu left with Chicks, Xiao Kong finally felt relieved.

Then she turned around and came.

"Um, brother, I will trouble you tonight. Um, please go and take out the sleeping berth in the closet. It is a bit heavy. I will spread it in the hall. My room is a bit small. There can't be four people on the ground." Xiaokong put his hands together, begging to Zhang Xiang.

"It's okay. However, Xiao Chi insists that we sleep together. It's okay." Zhang Xiang said with embarrassment on his face.

In this slightly dark environment, Xiaokong's heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit when he heard this sentence suddenly.

"Of course it doesn't matter. In my brother's house, don't the few of us often sleep like this? As long as the brother is honest, don't behave like when we are alone." Xiaokong said pretendingly.

Listening to Xiao Kong's words, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhang Xiang's face.

During these two years, as Xiao Kong grew up, Zhang Xiang no longer restrained himself.

The relationship between the two people is getting close again.

After all, you can get married at the age of sixteen.

However, Zhang Xiang was still a little embarrassed when he heard this one suddenly.

"Well, let me move the quilt first." Zhang Xiang said this way, but he fled a little bit.

Seeing Zhang Xiang fleeing in the wild, Xiao Kong couldn't help but press his mouth and laugh.

"Brother, become innocent..."

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang didn't specifically listen to it now. Otherwise, he was holding a four-layer quilt and his sight was hidden. He was afraid that his feet would slip and fall off the stairs.

Soon, Zhang Xiang had already taken down the four-layer quilt.

By the way, he also pushed the sofa in the middle of the hall or something.

Xiao Kong was kneeling on the ground, laying the beds one by one, connecting them in a row.

And at this time, Xiao Chi also trot down the stairs under the leadership of Mei Yu.

Looking at the four beds laid together, Xiao Chi's face was considered to be smiling.

"Sleep, sleep." Little Chin hugged two little rabbit dolls, while singing her self-made nursery rhymes, pulling Zhang Xiang and others to sleep.

"Well, my uncle sleeps on the far right, sister Xiaokong sleeps on the far left, sister Meiyu sleeps on the left side of sister Xiaokong, and Xiaochun sleeps on the right side of uncle. Okay, that's it." Zhang Xiang and others pulled to sleep on the bed, and said happily.

"Xiao Xiao, this is not the way we sleep in Uncle's house. At that time, isn't Xiaokong sister sleeping next to Uncle?" Mei Yu asked Xiao Xiao jokingly.

"But, Xiao Chi is going to sleep like this." Xiao Chi pouted and said.

Finally, she came down by herself.

However, at this time, Xiao Hina put forward another request.

"Well, uncle and sister Xiaokong, can you hug Xiaoxiao?" Xiao Xiao said to Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong in a very nervous voice.

Of course, Zhang Xiang and others would naturally not refuse this kind of small request.

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