Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: ,Luxury cars

Time soon came to night.

But tonight, after dinner, everyone did not go back to the hall to watch TV together.

Instead, they gathered together and packed up some things.

"Go, uncle, take the tram from here to there, but it takes more than half an hour." Wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a pink bow, wearing stockings and a pink lace skirt Mei Yu urged Zhang Xiang to the side.

"Yeah, uncle, set off, set off" Xiao Xiao was also booing beside him, looking very energetic.

But in reality, Xiao Chin didn't even know what he was going to do tonight. He was just excited about going out together.

"Don't be so anxious, there will be enough time later, don't worry. Besides, there will be a big surprise." Zhang Xiang blinked at Xiaokong and the others.

At this moment, Xiao Kong ran back to check whether the windows were closed.

"Okay, it's all ready, you can go!" Xiao Kong ran to the hallway where everyone was waiting, and quickly bent down and put on his shoes.

"Sister, we are just going out. There is no need to check the doors, windows, and gas at home." Seeing Xiaokong who was a little hurried after checking everything, Miyu said helplessly.

"Safety first" Xiao Kong raised his head and smiled softly at Meiyu.

"Sister, you are really becoming more and more like a mother" Mei Yu said with a warm and helpless voice.

"No, I'm still far from my mother" Xiaokong smiled and shook his head, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

"By the way, where are Xiao Ai and Spark?" Xiaokong asked with a curious look. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"I'm already going out with uncle, uncle said, if there are surprises for us, I don't know what surprises uncle will give us?" Meiyu's face was smiling, and she leaned forward slightly, her face appeared. Came with a curious look.

"Okay, let's go out and have a look together." Xiaokong tapped his toes, adjusted the position of the shoes, took Meiyu's hand, and walked outside together.

When they left the entrance and walked out of the courtyard, they were surprised by a black extension car parked in front of their home.

"Rolls Royce...?!" Miyu's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Well, how can a car of this level stop at our door?" Xiaokong was a little confused.

As for Miyu, whose brains are turning faster, she is already skeptical.

"Couldn't, this is the surprise Uncle gave us?" Mei Yu said suspiciously.

But at this moment, the rear window of the car suddenly dropped, revealing the excited little face of the little chick sitting in the car.

"Sister Xiaokong, Sister Miyu, come here soon, this car is so big, and the little chick can roll around in it." Little chick's face showed an expression of excitement, and his little hand was beckoning to Xiaokong and Miyu. With.

And listening to Xiao Hina's words, Xiao Kong and Mei Yu's faces were obviously surprised.

However, at this moment, the window of the driver's seat was rolled down, revealing Zhang Xiang's face.

"Xiaokong, Meiyu, hurry up, everyone is just waiting for the two of you," Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face and said to Xiaokong and Meiyu.

And listening to the highlighted words, Xiaokong and Miyu no longer doubted.

The two of them quickly trot over, looked around at this one that seemed to be a valuable extension car, opened the door and got into the car.

However, when Xiao Kong, who was following behind, wanted to get in the car, the door closed.

"Sister, the car is full. Sister, just go ahead." Meiyu said to Xiao Kong with a sad expression on her face.

And in a hurry, Xiao Kong didn't doubt that he was there, so he walked towards, opened the door of the passenger seat, and sat in.

At this moment, Miyu, sitting in the rear driver's seat, suddenly showed a tricky smile on her face.

Because, in the back of the car, although there are four people in it.

However, this car is worthy of being an extended version of the car. Although there are various facilities in it because of the addition of an on-board refrigerator, the space inside the specially designed compartment is still very large.

Even if it is five or six people, it is not crowded at all.

Not to mention, the people behind are all girls, and they are all girls with slender figures.

Even sitting on Xiaokong is more than enough.

Even, I can still roll in it like Xiao Chi said

After sitting up, looking at the rearview mirror, Xiao Kong knew that he had been cheated.

"Miyu" Xiaokong turned his head angrily, and said to Meiyu who was sitting behind.

However, in the face of Xiao Kong's anger, Miyu still smiled.

"Sister, come on, I can only help you here," Mei Yu stretched her head from behind, with a smile on her face, whispering in Xiaokong's ear secretly.

And listening to Meiyu's low-pitched words, Xiaokong couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Xiang next to him secretly, a blush appeared on his face.

She had never been outside, so close to Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, the passenger seat is usually the place where the closest people will sit.

From now on, it is more like a family going out together, father and mother sitting in the front, the child and sister-in-law sitting in the back...

Thinking of this, the blush on her face can't help but thicken.

"No, you don't need to worry about it..." Xiao Kong said with a blushing face, lowering his head.

"Hee hee, that elder sister is going to work hard." After Mei Yu finished saying this, she returned to her position again.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also spoke.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Zhang Xiang shouted behind him.

"Okay" 4

Different crisp loli voices sounded from the rear compartment.

However, Xiao Kong sitting in front did not speak.

"Wait a minute, I'll fasten my seat belt first." Seeing that everyone was ready, Xiao Kong was a little shy while sitting next to Zhang Xiang, only to remember that he hadn't fastened his seat belt yet.

However, the more anxious, the harder it is to fasten the seat belt.

However, at this time, a warm breath approached her.

Before she raised her head to look, Zhang Xiang's figure had already appeared in front of her, with her hands pressed on top of hers.

"The seat belt should be fastened like this..." Zhang Xiang patiently held Xiao Kong's hands and helped her fasten the safety belt.

It's just that Xiao Kong's face was flushed at this time, and he could only instinctively answer with a mosquito-like voice: "Yes,"...

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