Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1206: , A woman's heart...

"Wow, it's so big." Zhi Shi raised his head and looked in the direction of the pink little Lori Likuluo card. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Whether it's the pink little Lori Likuluo's body, or the clothes on her body, they are all ten times bigger.

The whole person looked like it had been enlarged ten times out of thin air.

And this is the function of the Big Kuro card, which can magnify people or objects.

"Hey, Lily is full of power now, let's tug-of-war," the oversized pink little Lori Likuluo said to Zhang Xiang in a tender voice.

The shocking body shape and the tender voice gave people a peak shock.

And watching the pink little loli's body has grown ten times bigger, and then looking at Zhang Xiang, who looks so'skinny' compared to the enlarged pink little loli, but Sakura's face A worried expression appeared.

However, she just said that she believed in Zhang Xiang, at this time she was a bit tangled.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang seemed to know her thoughts and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I will win." Zhang Xiang's smile was as confident as ever.

Then, he turned his head and nodded to the pink little Lori Kuro card.

"Then, let's start, centering on the emperor penguin, if anyone is pulled over, he will lose," Zhang Xiang said to the pink little Lori Kuro card.

And looking at the broken Emperor Penguin topic in the middle of the park, the little pink Lolita Kuro card, she also nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, Lily will definitely defeat you" Little Pink Lolita, holding her'small' fist, said confidently to Zhang Xiang.

Then, the two people began to use their strength at the same time.

The cable, which was lying on the ground softly, only tightened in a moment.

In the beginning it was the probing stage, and neither of them used too much power.

Therefore, the two people are in a stalemate with each other.

However, the trial period did not last long.

"Well, be careful, Lily is about to start exerting force," the pink little Lolita Likuluo reminded Zhang Xiang kindly.

Because Zhang Xiang promised to compare strengths with him, the simple pink little Lolita Likuluo card had a clear affection for Zhang Xiang.

Therefore, I didn't want the sudden increase in strength to hurt Zhang Xiang.

This is the same as the previous Emperor Penguin throwing Zhang Xiang's pink little Lolita Likuluo card, which looks like two people.

And listening to the words of the pink little Lori Likuluo, Zhang Xiang's face remained smiling and nodded.

Then, the pink little Lolita Likuluo gradually increased her strength.

However, when the pink little Lori Likuluo exploded her strength of 80& at this time, Zhang Xiang still kept smiling and stood still on the spot.

This discovery suddenly made the little pink loli who is proud of her strength feel angry.

Likuluo is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

It was just a moment, and the pink little Lori Likuluo card had already used all her power.

The sudden increase in strength caused Zhang Xiang's body to suddenly change slightly, and he kept moving slightly forward.

This discovery made the pink little Lori Likuluo suddenly feel encouraged and began to work harder.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang smiled bitterly.

He is still a little big on himself.

Of course, it is not because of his lack of strength to say that he is entrusted with the university, but because he has ignored an objective factor.

That is, the ground under his feet can withstand his strength.

Because the pink little Lori Likuluo's body has become larger, the ground she is stepping on naturally has become much larger.

And the bearing area of ​​the ground becomes larger, the bearing capacity is also greater.

Naturally, the ground can withstand the power that she bursts out.

On Zhang Xiang's side, although he used a special force technique to transfer his power to the ground.

However, when the power reaches a certain level, that special power transmission technique will naturally not work.

While moving, it was not Zhang Xiang's body, and the large ground under his feet.

From this, you can see how much power the two are using now!

However, after realizing this, Zhang Xiang immediately made changes.

His primary soil attribute control ability, which he hadn't used for a long time, immediately used it, connecting the ground under his feet with the surrounding ground.

Moreover, a large number of transformed chakras of soil properties were also poured into the ground.

"Soil escapes the earth!" Zhang Xiang used ninjutsu to further solidify the ground under his feet.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang began to fight back.

He began to retreat step by step, pulling the oversized body of the pink little Lori Likuluo, and gradually approaching the emperor penguin slide in front.

And, finally pulled the opponent over the line where the Emperor Penguin slide was.

That is, Zhang Xiang won the opponent.

And just when Zhang Xiang pulled the pink little Lori Kuro card body to cross the bottom line, the pink little Lori Kuro card's huge body also suddenly consumed the magic power of the big Kuro card and changed back to It's as it is.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was when the pink little Lori Likuluo card was restored to its original state.

The pink little Lolita Likuluo card was on the ground.

"Lily loses... Lily loses..." The pink little Lolita used the Kuro card, but she cried like a child.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being stunned.

And Sakura hurriedly ran to comfort him, and when he ran over, she complained a little bit: "Zhang Xiang Oni sauce, don't you want to let children?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but laugh and cry.

I can only sigh with emotion: ‘Lori’s mind, you can’t guess it’

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