Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: , Touwei is resurrected!

Countless aquamarine branches and buds grew crazily from under the barren yellow earth. In an instant, a huge tree was formed. Numerous branches were waving, and even the roots of the tree were crazily under the ground. Squirming.

Moreover, the place where these trees grow is not only a radius of 100 meters, but a huge area of ​​one square kilometer.

Before that, whether Zhang Xiang's front, back, left, or right sides were all caught in the ocean of big trees.

Numerous maddened branches lashed towards his body frantically.

If this is the case, Zhang Xiang is not worried yet.

Because, with this level of attack alone, it is simply impossible to break the defense of Zhang Xiang's lv5 physical enhancement.

However, in an accident, Zhang Xiang was drawn by one of the branches.

However, Zhang Xiang keenly felt that the Chakra in his body had lost a small amount.

Yes, drain!

At this time, Zhang Xiang remembered that the first generation of Hokage had a name, that is, he was invincible in the forest.

This does not only mean that he is good at Mu Dun, but also because as long as he is in the forest he opened up, he can use the contact of the trees he spawned to devour the chakras of the ninjas he comes into contact with. Replenish yourself.

This powerful ability is the foundation for him and Uchiha Madara to lay the foundation of the Ninja Land!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang's eyes could not help but become solemn.

It doesn't matter if it is hit by a branch, the chakras that have been absorbed are only a few.

However, looking at the frantic dancing in front of him, densely packed, at least no less than tens of thousands of branches.

Even if only one hundred are drawn, what will be the result once it lasts for a long time?

Thinking of the consequence, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shudder.

At the same time, the "Sora no Taiblade" in his hand also began to dance frantically, cutting all the branches that were attacked into two.

‘It seems that it’s time to use that trick to liberate all your strength! An idea flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

However, he was in hesitation.

Once he uses that trick, he will only have fifteen minutes to make a full shot.

If he missed it, the three energies in his body would definitely fall into a runaway.

At that time, even if the scarlet energy barrier was strong enough to be broken, he would be in trouble.

However, at this time.

A crazy roar that was enough to spread across a small half of the continent, accompanied by a tyrannical and powerful Chakra fluctuation, instantly spread across the small half of the Ninja continent.

"That voice..."

"And that tyrannical chakra far beyond the nine tails..."

"No, it can't be wrong!"

"The roar just now was..."


The Five Shadows, who had just escaped from the edge of the tree world, looked at the distant one, even if it was crawling on the ground, it was hundreds of meters high. Ten tails danced wildly behind him, possessing a blood red The huge eyes, and the monster with huge mouth.

That's right, that monster is the legendary Ten Tails!

However, he is only in the first stage now.

And in the forest, Zhang Xiang was quickly avoiding.

However, his surroundings were completely covered by a tree wall formed by countless branches.

"It seems that there is no way. Even Tentails have already come out? Originally I thought that the most annoying Uchiha Madara could be dealt with first, and then take the hole cards to deal with Toyou. However, Naru is still overestimated. Are they people?" Zhang Xiang's face was flat, and said helplessly.

"Just use my last hole card!" Zhang Xiang said slowly, watching the tree wall that was gradually advancing and said softly.

At the same time, he completely condensed his mental power into his body, condensed highly, and instilled it into his body every time.

Just like the sea, the calm mental energy covered his whole body, giving him a feeling of being immersed in the sea.

In the ocean of mental power that was completely exercised by oneself, the various energies that were portrayed with Zhang Xiang's brand began to move around...

"The last step, lift the ban!" Zhang Xiang suddenly opened his eyes and cancelled the blood red barrier soaked in the sea of ​​mental power.

Suddenly, he lost the blocking energy and began to surge wildly.

However, a miraculous thing happened.

The three energies of the blood red barrier were lost, but there was no conflict.

Because the three energies immersed in the ocean of spirit are precisely controlled by Zhang Xiang at this time.

And at the moment his eyes suddenly opened, the frantically squirming branches and roots had already compressed all of their existence and pressed them to Zhang Xiang.

Even a thick branch was already volleyed over.

"The obtrusive things, disappear to me. Yan Wu!" A red light flashed in Zhang Xiang's pale golden indifferent eyes.

At the same time, a tyrannical fire magic power suddenly formed around Zhang Xiang.

Then, after being compressed to the extreme, it burst into madness.


Just like a super big explosion, the infinite flame accompanied by a powerful shock wave turned into a hemispherical flame ball, spreading in all directions, covering everything within a radius of 500 meters.

The ocean that had approached the trees in front of Zhang Xiang turned into countless fragments in an instant. The countless trees were either burnt to coke or torn into thousands of pieces by the powerful shock wave, and moved in all directions with the shock wave. Surging away.

As for the thick branch that volleyed in front of Zhang Xiang, it had completely turned into nothingness.

In front of his eyes, it was evaporated by the high temperature of over 8,000 degrees at the beginning of the outbreak!

The entire forest created by the arrival of the tree world, except for the outer part, has been razed to the ground by flames and shock waves.

From a distance, except for the outer circle of green, everything else is scorched.

And in the center of that piece of scorched earth, a figure with jagged, water-blue wings and surrounded by powerful waves slowly floated into the air...

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