Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 445: See you every week

One man suddenly realized that there was another man obsessed with it.

Zhang Tan, Zhu Hong's earliest stepping stone, rushed into the prison like a lunatic.

But he was stopped by prison guards.

Zhu Hong didn't want to see him at all.

Zhang Tan ran out and ran back shortly after, holding a big horn in his hand.

To the prison, an old man sang one of the most popular songs nowadays.

"How many people have admired your appearance when you were young, know who is willing to bear the merciless changes of the years, how many people have come and come back in your life, know that you and I will be by your side!"

For so many nights, Zhang Tan wailed this song in a dark corner to heal his injuries and seek comfort.

He said that one day he will prove to Zhu Hong that he is the one who loves her most.

The opportunity finally came, she was no longer the successful person in the spotlight, she became a criminal, and the men around her left her.

With a smile on his mouth and affection on his face, Zhang Tan shouted: "Zhu Hong, I love you!"

After yelling this sentence, he never yelled it again. Several prison guards came out and knocked him to the ground.

Although speechless, Zhang Tan laughed freely.

In a certain prison room, Zhu Hong heard the song as well, but she was not moved, but bored.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Zhu Hong cursed in a low voice, "Go!"



A bar in Yanjing City.

Dim lights, soothing music, and drunken people.

Zhang Xiaobai and Cheng Feng sat opposite each other, drinking beer bottle after bottle.

This is the first time that Yanjing really sat down and chatted just by phone.

When you grow up, you have your own business, and people are involuntarily in the workplace.

Blowing a bottle of beer, Zhang Xiaobai breathed out a sigh of alcohol and said: "Second, I'm tired, I'm rolling!"

He hadn't said this to Yao Yuan or Du Mengni before, and finally said it in front of the person closest to him.

Don't look at Zhang Xiaobai's decisiveness and neatness, but sending Zhu Hong to prison personally still left a shadow in his heart.

For Zhu Hong, he doesn't actually have that much hatred, just because each is the owner.

Cheng Feng said: "Boss, I always say that I am soft-hearted, but in fact, are you not? The four of us in the dormitory, we are the most similar in this respect, even if others treat us a little bit better, we will remember it for a lifetime!"

Zhang Xiaobai said: "I am a rural person. I don't want to have so many ambitions or conspiracy. I just want to get together with a few best friends from time to time. The big names drink and eat meat, brag and talk. It doesn’t really matter if you have money, no money, or a future!"

After speaking, Zhang Xiaobai drank another bottle.

Today he is in a bad state and a little unhappy.

Cheng Feng shook his head and said: "People can't help themselves in the world, and in the world, they all have their own responsibilities and obligations. You can't rely on your own heart for everything, so let's deceive the ghost!"

"Boss, your house has been pushed, can we not avenge that hatred? If you don't let yourself become strong, that hatred can be avenged? So there are things that must be done."

"I'm still a rich second generation. Outsiders look very envious, but who knows what I am going to bear? These days, I don’t have a day when I can go home awake and socialize outside, whether it’s a friend or not. You have to drink it if you need it, even if you vomit, you have to drink it even if you vomit, and you still have to laugh with him, cursing your mother in your heart! Am I easy?"

The two touched the bottle and blew a bottle each.

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Yuanda and Huinong, one in the south and the other in the north, do you have to fight to the end? Isn't peaceful coexistence bad?"

Cheng Feng shook his head and said: "A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Sooner or later, these two companies will have to fight a battle, but you just happened to be caught up. Thanks to your presence, Yuanda has a huge advantage."

"Boss, don't think about it anymore. Shopping malls are like battlefields. Even if there are no bones and bones, things can happen from time to time, just because of a good word! The world is full of benefits, and the world is full of prosperity!"

Zhang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I always think that you are actually the most artistic fan of the four of us!"

Cheng Feng shook the part of the sign and said with a smile: "That is, I am a literary youth!"

There is no banquet in the world, and the last two bottles of wine were drunk in one gulp, and they met again on the next day.

After chatting with Cheng Feng, Zhang Xiaobai felt more comfortable. This is the role of friends.

No enlightenment, no relief, no reason.

I drink, you stay with me.

This is enough!

Sitting in the taxi, Zhang Xiaobai looked at the time, and it was past zero.

Monday has arrived, and the critical moment has arrived. It is time for Du Zhongfu and Yao Yuan to explain.



Jiang Feng stayed up all night and finally ushered in Monday.

There must be someone secretly tampering with Zhu Hong's incident, not only cutting off Huinong's financing, but also directly affecting the stock price.

Listed companies have advantages. They can raise funds and increase their popularity. UU Reading may also have disadvantages. People with ulterior motives may even use stock prices to collapse the company.

Jiang Feng had done the stock market before, and he still had some understanding of everything inside, so he paid special attention to this matter.

He was really afraid that Yuanda would find a master to enter this round.

When I arrived at the company early in the morning, Lin Yang was waiting at the office door early in the morning. It seemed that he was also very anxious.

The two walked into the office and Lin Yang said, "The announcement has been made. What will happen to the stock market?"

He doesn't know much about the stock market, and has never traded in stocks, but there are some Huinong stocks in his hands, which is why he pays attention.

Jiang Feng now owns 40% of Huinong's stock, and other senior executives together account for 10%, and the rest are circulated in the secondary market.

Jiang Feng said: "It's hard to tell, our announcement is not a clarification, but a proof of the authenticity of the spread."

The rumor is that Zhu Hong of the Huinong Group has done something to Yuanda. The announcement proves this, but it is clarified that this is only her personal behavior and has been sanctioned by law, and has nothing to do with the Huinong Group.

But with this kind of rhetoric, will investors believe it? Or would they believe it?

If you say it badly, you can only wait.

The long time has finally passed and the opening time is up.

Lin Yang stared at the computer screen nervously, Jiang Feng clenched his fists.

After many confrontations between the buyer and the seller, the final opening price came out, which directly dropped by 5% of the previous trading day.

Lin Yang said in a panic: "It's going to be bad!"

Jiang Feng was not in a hurry, staring at the computer motionlessly, watching the stock price trend.

The price fluctuated greatly, high for a while, low for a while, up and down for a while, so that Lin Yang was about to have a heart attack.

This is related to his vital interests, and every little loss is not a little bit.

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