Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 423: appease

Fertilizer is a product of Yuanda Group, which means that there is a problem with Yuanda's products.

What went wrong?

Two hours ago, Zheng Jianda received a call from the team leader, saying that some farmers reported that the rice seedlings were burned to death after using Yuanda fertilizer.

At first, Zheng Jianda didn't take it to heart at all. This kind of thing happened before. Some farmers with ulterior motives spread rumors in order to falsify a sum of money, which is easy to solve, as long as other farmers do not have this situation.

That lie is naturally self-defeating.

However, the development of things went beyond Zheng Jianda's expectation. Within two hours, he received a series of calls from different group leaders and different areas, but the problem was the same. The fertilizers of those farmers were all dead.

Zheng Jianda finally realized the seriousness of the matter, so there is only one possibility that Yuanda Fertilizer really has a quality problem.

Knowing that the big event was not good, I came to Zhang Xiaobai.

After listening to the report, Zhang Xiaobai frowned and did not show how flustered. He thought for a while and said: "Contact all team leaders in Anzu Province and summarize the actual situation to me!"

Zheng Jianda didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried out and responded.

In the afternoon, ten team leaders from Anzu Province came to the conference room.

Everyone had a piece of paper in hand and reported to Zhang Xiaobai in detail. In just one morning, more rice seedlings of farmers were burned to death, and there was a growing trend.

Following the narration one by one, Zhang Xiaobai made notes in his notebook and estimated the losses of the farmers.

After listening to the report, Zhang Xiaobai was still analyzing the situation, Bai Lu beside him seemed to have thought of something suddenly, whispering in his ear.

"According to the current situation, there should be a problem with the last batch of fertilizer!"

Bailu is an accountant and is also responsible for product registration and expenditure. Calculated according to the time point, it was the fertilizer that had serious consequences after the application.

Taking all the circumstances together, this large-scale incident cannot be a small conspiracy of individual farmers, nor can it be a calculation of benefiting farmers. It can only be a quality problem of Yuanda's own fertilizer.

Can be determined.

Zhang Xiaobai put down his pen and said: "First, immediately stop selling the last batch of fertilizers and recycle the unused fertilizers!"

"Second, combine the point of sale to soothe the mood of the masses, and make sure that no mass incidents will occur!"

"Thirdly, make detailed statistics on the losses caused to farmers this time, and promise them that they will be compensated!"

After three o'clock, the meeting ends.

The team leaders hurried back to various places and acted in accordance with the above three points mentioned by Zhang Xiaobai.

Only Zhang Xiaobai and Bai Lu remained in the meeting room.

"Xiao Bai, what should we do?" Bai Lu asked nervously.

She knew that the crisis was unimaginable, and only just learned that Yuanda had received threats in the north. If this incident happened, Yuanda would most likely face death.

The country attaches great importance to agriculture and the interests of the people. It is conceivable that once it is proved that there is a problem with the fertilizer, this matter will spread quickly at an unimaginable speed.

From Anzu Province to the south, then spread to the whole country.

People all over the country know that there is a problem with Yuanda Fertilizer. How can Yuanda Group gain a foothold?

Zhang Xiaobai was not as anxious as Bai Lu imagined, his face remained calm, "Sister, rest assured, it won't be messy!"

Bai Lu believes in Zhang Xiaobai and has always believed in Zhang Xiaobai since he was in school until now.

This is the first time that he has doubts about him, how can such a big thing happen?

"You tell me, what can I do now?"

Zhang Xiaobai squeezed out a smile and said, "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!"

No way, no reason, just a way of spiritual victory.

In the face of high mountains, not an airplane or tank, an ordinary car can drive over it?

Just self-comfort.

Bai Lu looked at this younger brother distressedly, "In any case, don't worry about him, even if it's far down, we didn't lose!"

At this time, Bai Lu accepted his fate.

Don't want to disturb him anymore, quietly walked out.

After lighting a cigarette, Zhang Xiaobai slowly finished smoking, and then dialed Yao Yuan's phone.

On the phone, Zhang Xiaobai was panicked and stammered about what happened.

After Yao Yuan heard it, he yelled, as if he had been greatly impacted.

"Xiao Bai, is that true?"

He really doesn't believe that Yuanda's fertilizer will have quality problems. This is unprecedented.

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Brother, can I lie about such a big matter? Since the matter has already happened, think of a way to deal with it!"

Yao Yuan on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, but still couldn't believe what happened.

After a long time, Yao Yuan said: "Xiaobai, you must be so good to comfort the people, but you can't let them make trouble, once the lofty sign is destroyed, we are all over!"

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Brother, I can only promise to do my best, but to be honest, ordinary people can't stop their mouths, and you know which reporters, they can't let such big news go!"

Yao Yuan said eagerly: "Xiao Bai, you have to do it, even if my brother begs you!"

Zhang Xiaobai was silent for a while, and said: "I will do my best!"

Yao Yuan sighed for a long time. He knew it was better to conceal this!

Zhang Xiaobai suddenly said, "Brother, why did the fertilizer suddenly go wrong?"

A word to wake up the dreamer, Yao Yuan only considered the outcome of the incident and the way to deal with but ignored the cause.

The quality problem of chemical fertilizers is something that has never happened since Yuanda was established, and now the company attaches great importance to this point, and it shouldn't happen.

Yao Yuan trembled and said, "Could it be that someone did something secretly?"

Only this situation can explain this anomaly.

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Brother, I think so too, this matter must be thoroughly investigated!"

Yao Yuan said solemnly: "Check, you must check!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaobai lit another cigarette, but did not take a few puffs, but watched the cigarette burn out naturally, as if watching a big show.

From ancient times to the present, the ruling class has tried their best to do one thing-defending the mouth of the people, but it is too difficult to do.

What can't even the ruling class do, how easy is it for Zhang Xiaobai?

The next day, the situation intensified.

Telephone calls from all over Anzu Province hit Zhang Xiaobai. Those sales outlets and salespersons faced unprecedented pressure and could no longer hold it.

Sure enough, starting from the morning, many people came one after another, and by the afternoon, the yard of the branch was already full of people.

I came here only for one thing, to ask for a statement and a fairness.

At first, Zheng Jianda was maintaining order, but Bai Lu also joined in and suffered a lot of foul language.

Finally, Zhang Xiaobai finally came forward.

The yard was crowded with ordinary people, and even worse, someone opened up a large banner with the charge of the Broad Group written on it.

Most were elderly people, then a group of women, and only a few young people.

The rice seedlings are dead and the planting season has passed, which means that the harvest will be absent this season.

Especially the elderly, in their consciousness, food is their life.

The Broad Group is killing people.

In the crowd, everyone is angry!

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