Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 8: Ximu Town 5

The news of this banquet spread quickly, and only nobles and some important figures were able to attend, but all the people who came from the surrounding towns and tried to meet His Highness were very excited. Some unclaimed knights - such as Sir Bill - also took out their IDs after hearing that the prince would soon be heading west. If he can join His Royal Highness's team as a guide, there may be a good turnaround.

Therefore, on the day of the banquet, the most respectable people around Ximu Town, as well as those who thought they were up to the standard, gathered at Elvis Manor, making the place very lively. As a follower, Siegel could not enter the central banquet hall and could only move around in the corner of the manor, but this was exactly what he wanted. In order to gain the attention of His Royal Highness, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance also made a fortune because of the recent agreement, so they prepared a large amount of food - even the servant area was full of delicacies.

Holding a plate, the squid deftly squeezed through the crowd and approached the target. A table more than five meters long was full of dishes. Warm roasted meat and freshly baked bread were recklessly fragrant. A huge roasted wild boar was staring fiercely at Siegel, provoking the young man's appetite.

'It doesn't get any better than this! ’ The squid took a large string of ham with a knife, slammed it on the plate, and then stacked a few trotters and two spoons of onion sauce on top. Holding the food, he returned to the corner safely with strength and agility. Here he found an empty table with a clay pot on it. Siegel picked up the clay pot and smelled it, and there was indeed a fragrant sweet wine inside. "Perfect!" He held the pig's trotters in both hands and couldn't help but admire.

The hall was even hotter, and the appearance of His Royal Highness the Prince pushed the atmosphere to a climax. They shouted their blessings for the king's health and the prince's bravery, charging desperately to the side of His Royal Highness like knights shouting battle slogans.

The Dawn Guards are very familiar with this kind of situation. They prayed to the holy power to let their body emit a soft light, quickly soothing the excited emotions around them, and separated a safe area. Everyone involuntarily made way for the prince, calmed down, and listened to His Highness's words.

"Let the banquet begin!" The prince said loudly, holding Ms. Elvis' hand.

In an instant, the music and cheers became loud again, and there were staggered scrambles and laughter and cheers everywhere. But Siegel couldn't hear the prince's words, and he had already started his own banquet outside the house. Siegel munched, filling his hungry stomach quickly.

After a while, another person was ushered at the table, and he sat opposite Siegel with a plate of various seafood. The squid looked up and saw that they were all shrimps, crabs and shellfish commonly found in the sea on the New World side, and he was already tired of eating them.

"Hey, friend, do you know how to eat this thing?" The man held a giant rock crab and asked curiously.

Siegel couldn't speak with the ham still in his mouth, but he put down the pig's trotter in his hand, grabbed the rock crab, and quickly found the seam of the carapace with his fingers. Remove. Then his ten fingers moved nimbly, which was faster and faster than using a special crab-eating tool. The giant rock crab disarmed and surrendered in a few breaths, exposing its tender and delicious flesh.

"Thank you!" The man was very polite.

"Bayongxue (no thanks)." There was only the last piece of meat left on Siegel's plate, so he stood up, looked around, and found no container larger than the plate in his hand. So after he took two sips of sweet wine, he had to continue to use this oily plate and kill the long table again.

After a while, the plate was filled with all kinds of meat again, and Siegel killed it. He noticed that the man at his table had wiped out rock crabs and was staring at a multi-clawed lobster.

'Help people to the end. ' Siegel thought. He put his plate aside and reached into the man's plate. Under the surprised eyes of the diners, all the seafood seemed to be dismembered in an instant, just waiting to be eaten.

"It's your first time to the New World, right?" Siegel clapped his hands and asked, "These things can only be eaten here. You must be here for the first time."

"That's right, thank you." The man stretched out his hand and said friendly: "Introduce myself, I'm Evan, Evan Jinkui."

"Siegel-Squid." Both hands clenched hard. They both found each other's fingers and wrists strong, but at the same time not lacking in the flexibility of young people.

Evan was a head taller than Siegel, and his shoulders and chest were much wider. He has long flowing golden cape hair, a pair of shiny pale gold eyes and a strong and straight nose, which is very handsome. This man has a short stubble and thinks he is older than the squid. He was wearing a gray shorts and trousers, with a golden belt around his waist, and black boots under his feet, looking neat and energetic. Evan spoke with a heavy accent, mixed with some dialects near the East Lake Territory of the Starry Kingdom, but this did not affect the communication between the two. While discussing the food here, they brag like ordinary young people.

"Forgive my loneliness, what's the squid's surname?" Evan asked.

"I was born on a boat, in a tank with squid, so that's my name." Siegel explained, and then asked, "What does your surname Jinkui mean?"

"Oh, my father made me in the sunflower field, so he gave me this surname." Evan replied casually, "It's just a title anyway, and I don't want to inherit anything."

"Ah, I see, you are an illegitimate child." Siegel said, "But it's not bad, at least you know who your parents are. Come and try this roast pig's trotter, it's really good!"

Evan was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he saw a guy who was completely insensitive to his origins. In Fanxing Nation, there has always been a very strict hierarchical ladder system. Bloodline and origin largely determine the height that a person can reach in a lifetime. The commoners pay great attention to this method, carefully maintain it, and patiently look for every opportunity to upgrade the class. On the contrary, the nobles are dissolute and often create some illegitimate children, so that these people are free from the system. Compared with commoners, even the illegitimate sons of nobles without surnames can receive better education and resources, and have broader horizons. But because they have no inheritance rights at all, they rarely get the warmth of the family - especially the mother's love, so they also suffer from another kind of pain. And their surnames will also be passed down, affecting their descendants one by one.

And the more senior the nobles, the more they will feel that illegitimate children will damage the family's reputation - it's ridiculous, no adults will think of this idea when creating illegitimate children.

"Siegel, do you like meat very much?" Evan asked.

"That's right, I've never eaten so well before!"

"Then wait for me, I know there is a place where there is delicious food."

After speaking, Evan stood up and slipped into the hall. Siegel originally wanted to stop him. The hall is not a place where anyone can enter. There are servants of Elvis Manor. They will recruit the guards of the business alliance and throw out the lowly people. Siegel had followed Sir Bill and was about to sneak into the hall, but the sharp-eyed servants stopped him at the door, and the plan failed.

After worrying for a while, Evan ran back, which reassured Siegel. I don't know how this guy did it, but Evan actually took a pot directly from the hall and hurried out.

Siegel was very nervous, for fear of being discovered by the servants. He bent down to observe, his black eyes locked on every threat that the guards might throw the two of them out. Fortunately, a loud shout came from the hall at this time: "His Royal Highness, let's do another song", attracting everyone's attention.

"Come on! This is honey stew. I know the owner here will definitely prepare this dish." Evan said proudly.

In the Starry Kingdom, all bees are the property of the lords, which makes sweets made from honey an out-and-out luxury that only nobles can enjoy. Ordinary people can only steal a little honey from bee trainers if they are willing to spend a lot of money. The Dawn Church is an organization that has the right to breed bees outside the noble circle. They sometimes distribute some sweet cookies mixed with honey to the public on Praise Day. The lucky Soth once smuggled a jar of honey, and Siegel stole a finger at the captain's beckoning. This incident was discovered by the first officer, and in order to maintain the rules of the ship, the squid received a good beating.

Now that there is a whole pot of honey stew in front of Siegel, he is stunned. Evan enjoyed watching the shocked look of this new friend, smiling cheerfully. Siegel looked around, pushed aside the stool, and sat on the ground with the pot, hiding behind the table. He beckoned Evan to sit down with him, so that he could enjoy the food in peace.

Evan was stunned for a moment, then grabbed a spoon on the table and sat down cross-legged excitedly. The two young men held a spoon in each hand and bowed left and right. Not because I was hungry, but simply because I was happy. The party did not change at all because of these two people, the atmosphere was still warm, and the prince was still the center of attention.

"It's really enjoyable, I never thought I could eat such perfect food." Siegel lay on the ground, burping feebly, and now he couldn't even put a bean in it. "But if we eat it, no one else will be left."

"Never mind, UU Reading is for the Crown Prince anyway, so what's the lack of a dish? Besides, it's not the best thing to eat. Let me tell you, in the King of Stars, there is a restaurant called The elf pastry shop in 'Moon Dew Runs the Night', the starry sky cake there is much better than this."

"You are so lucky to know so many things, and I have only been to very few places." Siegel said with a smile: "But now I have also begun to take risks, and I will also see the world by following Lord Knight. A lot of novelty things. By the way, I just got my own weapon, and it is estimated that the dividend will be increased soon. When I save up the money, I will also hold such a banquet. "

"You can invite me."

"You are indispensable!" Siegel replied. After a few seconds, he suddenly thought of a serious problem, tilted his head and asked, "But how did I find you?"

"I will make a name for it, you can definitely hear it." Evan was full of confidence.

The two lay down and chatted for a while until late at night. Evan pestered Siegel, insisting that he agree to compete in swordsmanship. "I'm just a knight's entourage, you really find opponents!" Siegel expressed his strong dissatisfaction.

"Wait when you think it's appropriate. Anyway, my swordsmanship will be stronger than yours, and it will continue to be stronger. Do you believe it or not?" Evan said.

"I don't believe it, I still have a lot of time to improve!" Siegel smiled and tried to sit up straight to make himself look stronger and more energetic. He felt that his shirt was torn and his pants were about to reach the limit, which made him a little nervous, afraid of making a fool of himself in front of his friends. Just at this moment, there is a wonderful way to attract attention: "Look, my lord knight is here, and I must go."

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