Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 626: In and out

"You are an archmage now, why did you suddenly come to be the priest of the temple? The Federation still needs you, and life here will be very different from the Federation." Siegel looked at Wen who was standing quietly in the room. Di, patiently persuaded.

The golem Rhett has left, and he welcomes his fellow priests who have like-mindedness, so he has been eagerly preparing a place for Wendy. As a golem, it doesn't need to rest, it just needs a quiet corner to pray. Wendy has her own residence in the city, but she said she wanted to temporarily live in the temple recently.

There is nothing in the temple except for the reliefs on the walls and some Changming lamps, just like an empty warehouse, lacking vitality and vitality. The dwarven runes on the walls absorb the sunlight from outside, transfer it inside, and cast a soft glow from the ceiling. But this light cannot drive away the sense of purity, order and indifference of the temple.

Siegel is the second light source in this room - if you use psionic vision or detect magic to see. The power of the elements slowly radiated from him, and spells and divine power were mixed in the power of the elements. Those who are sensitive to magic will feel the proximity of some kind of heat source, which will cause the skin to sweat slightly, but never hurt.

Compared with him, Wendy was much quieter, with her hands folded in front of her, her head lowered to avoid Siegel's eyes, and instead staring in the direction of his heart. Legends and gods will be controlled, or at least charmed or hypnotized. Wendy didn't know if her protection spell could avoid that situation, but she was very determined.

"I choose to be the priest of the God of Magic, and I am willing to dedicate everything to the God of Magic. It doesn't matter whether I have magic or not, the important thing is that it is my own choice. In doing so, I can not only gain peace of mind, but also experience it again. to the vitality of life.”

"It's not going to work," Siegel said as softly as possible, but there was always a cruel indifference in his voice.

"Yes, you can't give me a result anyway, so does it make any difference what I do?" Wendy clenched her fists hard, digging her nails into the skin of her palm. She raised her head vigorously and looked directly into Siegel's eyes with all her concentration: "As a friend of the Federation, you are not qualified to stop me; as the lord of Heim Land, you should be happy that there is an archmage in the temple; And as a magic god, can you deny my determination and sincerity? What is the reason for you to stop me here? Are you disguising your inner joy as guilt? Siegel, you are too much! I'm going to be a priest, and I'm not rushing to give birth to you! That boy in Myr who used paint to change his hair and eye color... I'm not even better than her!"

"You...I..." Siegel hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't bother about this topic. "Okay, since that's the case, you can stay here if you want. I'm talking too much and I'm too broad!"

He turned and left, leaving the temple without looking back. Wendy yelled from behind him, "Siegel, as a human being, you're an asshole!"

Siegel didn't have to look back to see Wendy's silent tears. He raised his hand, and the spell to modify his memory was on his lips. It wasn't that difficult to make things change according to his wishes. But if this spell continues, the majesty of God will overwhelm the mortal nature of man.

He finally put his hands down, sighed, and teleported away from his temple.

News of the establishment of the Temple of Magic spread quickly, but it was far less surprising than the news that Lord Siegel Marquis had become the God of Magic. There are polarized attitudes towards this matter. On the one hand, it is unbelievable, and on the other hand, it has aroused the ambition of many people to become gods.

After all, in the entire history of Thunder Wall Continent, this is the first time that someone has clearly become a god, overcoming obstacles that everyone thought was insurmountable. Some people began to inquire about the priest, asking where the gods were. Some people even delusional that as long as the previous gods can be stabbed to death, they can automatically take over as the new gods.

This made Siegel a little unexpected. He didn't expect that human ambitions could be so big. Other gods hide far away in their own kingdom of God, and it is delusional without the ability to travel between planes. But everyone knew where the Magic God was, so many people came to Myr City to assassinate Siegel.

This is completely futile. One of the abilities of the gods is to perceive what is about to happen to them. This does not require prophecy to support at all, as long as someone mentions his name or title, God can immediately know what that person said and what he is going to do. When the gods are immersed in this state, all information will not be missed. But Siegel obviously doesn't want to be bothered by this kind of thing all Since they want to assassinate, let's try it.

Those who are truly capable will weigh the pros and cons, or at least make plans for their actions. Those who slammed into Myr were pure idiots. The city defense troops in Heim Land are elites under the training of Humke. Nearly one third of them have received basic magic training. It is still difficult for them to use a spell rod to cast simple spells. Simple stealth and stealth could not escape their detection, and the soldiers who were all equipped with firearms had amazing combat effectiveness. Most of the invaders were cleared in this level, and their endings were relatively better, at least most of them kept their lives.

Those "elites" who were able to avoid the soldiers, found themselves facing the double barrier of the elemental rune warrior and the lamp god. They easily saw through the disguise and pulled out all the enemies who had infiltrated Castle Myr. These people were eventually hanged on the execution ground, and their bodies were burned and sprinkled in the Shield River.

Only one person infiltrated Siegel. He didn't come to Myr City after Siegel became a god, but started stealth operations very early. She started as a washerwoman and went through almost all the work outside the castle before she was transferred to Janet to help take care of Meghan's little baby.

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