Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 565: something that doesn't change

War, war never changes.

The end of the world is like its birth, with light from the sky, heat from the ground, wind, rain, and blood. Starting from a good motive, the creator **** created all things; ending with a crazy thought, the creatures chose to destroy. Dust to dust, dust to dust.

The loud roar masked the dying scream, and the bright flash kept the goblin from seeing the way to heaven. If there is an eternal destination, why rush there? The goblins bought their tickets to the end long ago, and now they are just using them.

No one knows how many nukes the goblins fired. When the black goblin was nukeed, he decided to make the world black with death. The balance created with nuclear weapons was broken, and destruction and death took over.

The Society of Mages, the Star King and the Marquis of Heimland watched on. They saw white lines across the sky, traces of long-range nuclear weapons flying past. There is dawn in all directions, and countless suns rise over the horizon, bringing with them devastating light and heat.

The sorcerers chanted the incantation and set the magic tower to work. The obsidian dagger became hot and bright, and its power radiated out, absorbed by the entire magic tower, and gradually enlarged after being shaken by the elemental energy. A layer of pale yellow light film radiated from the magic tower as the center, covering a hundred kilometers. Within this range, all burning more violent than flint and all temperatures higher than ironmaking are prohibited, and the rules of the world are artificially modified.

Siegel and Evan looked at each other, and they both felt their obsidian daggers resonate. These obsidian daggers were originally a set of four daggers made from shards of four-sided dice. The four daggers wanted to reunite, and their intentions were known to the two holders.

But now is not the time, until the threat of goblins is completely eliminated, the obsidian dagger must still sit in the center of the magic tower.

His Majesty the King does not understand magic. But his role in this magic circle is very important. He needs to donate a dime cup of blood to pour on the obsidian dagger, and at the same time, he also needs to pray continuously during the opening of the magic circle. Although there have been many explanations by the members of the Mage Association, Ai Wen still does not understand the necessity of his own in this magic.

Plus the king's bodyguard. There were many bystanders at the scene, but the only one who could understand the magic circle was Siegel. He concentrates all his energy. Analyze the flow of elements. He found that the structure of the entire magic circle is very simple, that is, it constantly vibrates and amplifies the magic effect, which is no different from the structure of the general mage tower. But since this place can be called a legendary magic circle, there must be something special about it.

The light-yellow light film that spreads outwards has a unique temperament, sacred, powerful and inviolable, just like when the saints go all out to show the majesty of God. If the power of God is the power of rules, and the legendary magic circle has touched the rules, isn’t this magic circle similar to a god?

Siegel knew why his analysis didn't work. That's because oneself is trying to invade a deity from the outside. He had made such an attempt before, every time he saw the saint, and analyzed the body composition of the saint of the Mother Earth again and again. For external influences, no matter whether the elements are violent storms or mild rains, the divine power structure is soft and hard, and they are all repelled. But if the elemental spell can be integrated with the surrounding environment, the divine body will not be able to distinguish it, so that it can penetrate the surface.

Siegel didn't think of this at first, but it was Alexander the Lion's special ability that reminded him of it. Integrate the rules and disguise yourself. See yourself as a spy to get inside the enemy. With his precise control of the elements, Siegel adjusted his spell bit by bit to match the fluctuations of the surrounding environment. Finally able to pass through the outer line of defense.

On the divine body, he saw the links of countless space spells and spiritual spells. The prayers supply their will to the gods, and the gods convert it into power, which is condensed in the saints in the same way. Divine power is an aggregate of elements on another level, and Siegel cannot yet grasp its structure, but knows that it is a form of existence, not an ethereal concept.

This time, he blended himself into his surroundings in the same way, and stopped focusing on elemental fluctuations. Instead, focus on the glow emanating from the obsidian dagger. He vaguely had a feeling that those rays of light were also false appearances. Its real power is not light.

In many accounts, when God himself used power. Always accompanied by various lights, appearing holy and great. But what does the spell need so much light for? Is light necessary in the process of casting divine power? Maybe these lights are meant to cover up something, or is it a phenomenon beyond the control of the gods, an additional effect of the gods' use of power? Siegel looked at the obsidian dagger and the entire legendary circle with this suspicion.

The process of activating the circle was long, estimated to take several hours, which gave Siegel plenty of time. If the entire spell is being cast by a wizard who masters a legendary spell, it's really possible that Siegel won't see anything at all. However, among the leaders of the various factions of the Mages Association, the chief of the Enchanting Department is only a magician, and does not know legendary spells.

As the weakest point in the entire magic circle, he gave Siegel a lot of hints. Siegel observed the flow of spell power around him, and slowly found the key from the tangled threads—the key to the power of the rules of the legendary spell. Immediately afterwards, the psychic vision and powerful analysis capabilities provided by the dice came into play, and the important pattern of the hundreds of thousands of legendary spells was separated, revealing the secret of the spell to Siegel.

The question of what the legendary spell is, has always plagued Siegel. Although everyone uses the same power, different mages have different perceptions, and the road to legend is also ever-changing. If you rely on these insights to **** yourself, you need to go through the maze in the thick fog to find the answer. But now, the structure of the legendary spell was right in front of Siegel's eyes. He saw a map of the entire labyrinth, and the rest was just parsing.

To become a master requires knowledge of high-level spells, and the secret of high-level spells is to simplify the complex and return to the essence of the elements. Only by finding the most basic unit from the complex combination of spellcasting actions, language and materials, as well as the use of elements, spell models, etc., is like dismantling the entire carriage into basic parts such as wooden strips and nails, it is possible to reassemble into Trebuchet is an advanced spell.

Legendary spells need to be broken down even further, breaking down the basic units of higher spells into concepts, called Legendary Spell Seeds. Nails are equivalent to reinforcement, and wooden strips are equivalent to connections. The four elements have only one aspect at this level, and that is energy; all summoning spells are spells at this level; there are only two concepts for life: healing and killing.

These concepts are used as material for the arts, built up through specific structures. If cast as a spell, it's a legendary spell, and if it exists as a magic circle, it's a mythical lock.

Siegel frowned, how did the word "Mislock" appear in his mind? He had never seen this word in any book, and before he called such a magic circle only "legendary spell circle". But for some unknown reason, he felt that the word "middle" was created for the things in front of him, and there would be no deviation or misunderstanding.

His frown was noticed by Lier. Liel knew exactly what Siegel was doing. He wanted to analyze legendary spells with the naked eye, and no one could do it. Even a magic **** needs to slowly learn the legendary magic that uses the power of the rules, through the user's explanation or inference based on the phenomenon. But this all requires a premise, that is, the person who analyzes will originally have legendary spells. Liel knew very well that Siegel didn't know the legendary spell yet, so he wouldn't be able to parse it out. The frowning eyebrows just now showed this.

The rest of the Wizards' Guild thought the same way, so they didn't mind Siegel watching. Greater spells and epic spells are two completely different things. They build on different foundations and use unrelated rules. They were intent on showing off their power in front of Siegel, telling him the power of legendary spells, but they didn't expect it to be a teaching act.

Siegel let out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was the ability of the dice that helped him. I don't know how many crystal walls with legendary spells in the multiverse. It is possible that one of the sparks of wisdom was caught by the twenty-sided dice, and that's how the word "mystery lock" came to his mind. Along with the word came the understanding of legendary spells, which made it possible to combine chaotic numbers into ordered calculations. While it still takes a lot of work to unravel the equations, having the equations already has a clear path.

So he kept calm and continued to observe the operation of the entire labyrinth. The giant mystical lock used to suppress the entire planet, the knowledge and the seeds of legendary spells used are quite comprehensive, Siegel watched with interest, and used all his attention to memorize it. It's like a landscape that he doesn't know how to paint yet, but he already knows how each stroke moves. After copying and figuring out more, he can quickly improve.

With the countless sun-like flashes and mushroom clouds reaching into the sky, with the death of more than six billion goblins the whole planet began a new round of reorganization. The earth cracked open and disappeared under the ocean, but tens of thousands of volcanoes erupted all over the planet, creating new landmasses. The mighty mountains collapsed under pressure, and the free atmosphere was stirred, sweeping the world with deadly foreign dust. There are more and more flashes, but the sky is getting darker. The rocks were burned and ground to dust and began to block the true sunlight.

The last ray of light in the sky was a beautiful aurora, with colorful and splendid fluttering like ribbons. After that, only the flash of a nuclear bomb detonated the occasional dust cloud, and the rest of the time the world was dark.

The mysterious light curtain isolates the dust, creating an area of ​​about ten kilometers. Although it has also experienced earthquakes and hurricanes, at least it has not sunk into the sea. The magic tower is a little slanted, the mages of the association are a little tired, Siegel has constant headaches due to forced memory, and the goblins disappeared.

Afterwards, the true power of the Mystery Lock erupted, and the power of the rules that prohibited the deflagration spread outward and gradually merged with the world. Soon, even the volcano could not erupt, and the goblins could only use the power of flint and iron at the highest. Even if a goblin survives this destruction, he can only use cold weapons such as swords.

Without the rules of gods to stabilize the world, this is the end of such destruction. (To be continued.)

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