Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 440: Magic Railgun III

readx(); In order to find the right direction, Siegel used the method of flying to cross the walled mountains instead of teleporting, which gave him the illusion of being an eagle.

In his magically enhanced vision, he could see things far away with precision as if they were right in front of him; he could also look out to the ends of the earth and embrace the world in his arms. Seen from a high altitude, Myr City is not much bigger than Soap, and the Federation's spaceship is just a small black spot.

The wind was blowing head-on, bringing the snow on the city wall mountains, freezing to the bone. Siegel's robes soon became covered in frost. He chose the shorter mountain as possible to fly over, but the overall height of the city wall mountain still caused him a lot of trouble. It's a hassle to find a way to keep yourself warm while flying. How can a therapist make himself look embarrassed? He summoned the air element to carry himself on his back, and then cast shadow walk into the dark world.

There is no color in the shadow world, only varying degrees of black and varying degrees of white. It's silent here, icy but not freezing. Here is the reflection of the real world, the outline of everything is exactly the same as the outside, but there will be no real light and heat, the pure black place is always lurking dangerous shadow creatures.

The monsters in the shadows that the elders used to frighten the younger generation and the hands that stretched out from under the bed are all creatures of the shadow world. Siegel flew across the sky, his body exuding magical radiance. Both his position and the radiance of magic warn these shadowy creatures away from approaching.

The shadows of the Walled Mountains quickly moved away, and Siegel was no longer suffering from the freezing cold. Even with the help of the Shadow Realm, it took him more than 40 minutes to cross the city wall and mountain range, and finally came to the position where the loud noise was heard.

A missing spherical shape with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared on the mountain, as if it was forcibly plucked from a cake with a finger. The constant collapse was still in progress, and the rumbling sound echoed in the valley. The majestic and solemn mountain shows its fragile side, aren't the fallen stones just like tears?

In the very center of the sphere, lightning still shot out inexplicably. Siegel didn't have to get close to feel the danger there. Void, this feeling is no stranger to him. Time, space, matter, the end of all annihilation. Nyx's residence. Do I use the electromagnetic gun to create a void environment? Siegel felt more and more doubts, and the situation in front of him completely exceeded his expectations. How did the metal projectiles "explode" here, spanning such a large distance and avoiding countless mountains? What's with this lack of pure spherical shape? How did the void come about?

He summoned fire elemental warriors. Send it to the center of the void. The fire element is reluctant, but it cannot refuse the master's orders. Before it could reach the center, a strong attraction grabbed it and ripped it in the middle. The fire element screamed, and the color turned dark red. Gradually fade away. It struggled to escape, but was still sucked in.

Siegel felt his connection to the fire element getting weaker and weaker, as if the distance had grown too far to never reach. After a while, the connection was completely interrupted, and the fire element officially disappeared.

"What is this, does it disappear completely? How come there is no annihilation, and no external energy?" Siegel thought for a while, and threw a few stones at the core, still the same effect. The matter disappears, and only some unpleasant flashes of light shine through.

This phenomenon cannot always be invincible. Neither element nor matter can harm it. Siegel thought about it, and then came up with an idea. He chanted the incantation and cast a disintegrating ray at the core of the void.

The only way to deal with this thing is to disintegrate rays and anti-magic fields, one for matter and one for magical effects. The disintegration ray worked, and its core was destroyed. The energy equivalent to a small elemental tide is released, and the space is filled with flames and lightning. Siegel stepped back quickly, and was safe behind the protection of the air element and the barrier of the protective spell. The mountain here suffered a second violation and finally completely collapsed. The earth kept shaking, roaring at the culprit who caused it all.

"Mother Earth forgive me. I'm just doing an experiment..." Siegel sincerely prayed, but he didn't know if Mother Earth would ignore him this time. After sincerely praying for forgiveness, he was overwhelmed with excitement. His experiments have achieved unimaginable results, and he does not think there is any force in the world that can stop this destructive force. Take into account the speed at which the sound travels and the distance it travels. Almost as soon as Heimland was launched, this end of the City Wall Mountains suffered a blow. The distance of nearly 600 kilometers comes in an instant. Unless it is a teleportation technique, even lightning cannot fly so fast.

How many unknown secrets does it contain? Siegel was already unimaginable.

He hovered silently in the air, watching a mountain bow its head in front of him. Just keep the research going. Not just a mountain, but a magic tower, a city, a country or even a world. After being excited, he began to tremble at this power. What if one end of the launcher was not aimed at the city wall mountains, but aimed at Siegel Master Squid? He still had time to dodge the torrent of metal. This kind of void attack wouldn't even have a reaction time for triggering, right?

Will the five-second early warning ability of the twenty-sided dice still be effective? Siegel, too, remained skeptical. At the moment when the projectile is launched, I am afraid that it is not only space that is distorted, but there must also be time, otherwise it cannot explain its incredible speed and how to fly over the entire mountain area without encountering any matter. Maybe he still has an early warning, but how far in advance? If it takes a second or two, even the protective spell is too late to use. Look at this round hole with a diameter of one kilometer. The mountain is much stronger than the **, but it has completely disappeared. So as long as it cannot be avoided, it is a dead end.

Great fear between life and death. The transmitter is life on one end and death on the other. Siegel suddenly felt sick in his stomach, so sick that he just wanted to vomit. He endured it, fell to the ground, knelt on the heavy ground, vomited hard in the diffuse dust, emptied his stomach, and filled his eyes with tears, which made him feel better.

"Void Cannon." He named the weapon that way, reminding himself of the horrors of Nekos and the Void. The way to destroy everything is clear in front of his eyes, if the method to obtain this power is also in his mind. All he needs to do is continue to study and understand the relationship between all the phenomena.

He vowed never to spread the technology until a way was found to counteract its threat.

After cleaning up the dirt around him, he flew into the air to have a look. It seems that it is not far from the starting point fortress, so I just stopped by to take a look.

With the help of the stable teleportation array, the development speed of the starting point outpost has become very amazing, and all the tribes in the wasteland already know that there is a stable and fair trading place here. Theoretically, anything that goes ashore from Rabbit's Ear Port can reach the starting point in just a few seconds. Transportation costs are also all waived by the power of Myr's core. The price of sea salt, once very valuable in the wasteland, has also dropped significantly. The rock salt produced by the dwarves of Mora Pinnacle is completely uncompetitive.

Siegel thought it was fine until Janet pointed out its shortcomings. Now shipping things through teleportation arrays, and tax is paid to Heim based on the weight or volume of the goods. Businessmen cannot be allowed to enjoy benefits without paying. Part of this money was handed over to the Mage Federation to slowly repay the manufacturing costs of the teleportation array, and the other part was used to hire those caravans to open passenger and postal services between territories.

"If you don't do this, a lot of people will lose their livelihoods," Janet reminded.

Everything has two sides. Siegel's magical reformation of Heimland was just the beginning. Just as he had acquired a powerful weapon, a little trouble was also besetting him.

The entire starting point was deaf - temporarily deaf, thankfully enough.

Through written communication, Siegel finally knew from Moore what was going on—even though he had guessed more or less. The Void Cannon's fire created a huge sound wave that swept the nearby area. Those who were closer were killed by headshots, those who were further away were like the starting point fortress, and most of them suffered from bleeding in both ears and were temporarily deaf. Fortunately, through the teleportation array, various temples in Myr City can send priests to use divine magic or potions to treat them, but it will become chaotic here for at least a month.

"We have to send some healthy knights to guard the city. To prevent the robbers in the wasteland from attacking. I have received information that several outlaws have been eyeing here. If they come, the deaf will not hear the alarm. bells," Moore wrote.

"Okay, I'll arrange Hunk to discuss with you about the temporary defense change. It's just to let your men go to Myr City to see and experience, and it will also facilitate your management in the future." Siegel directly used illusion to write in the air, faster than Moore. many. Of course, it is more convenient to communicate directly with the mind, but Siegel does not want his men to worry that he is capable and will easily enter their minds.

"I heard that Lord Mistress is back? I sent her a gift, did you receive it?" Moore wrote.

Siegel nodded. The white fox fur is soft and smooth to the touch. Always has a glamorous radiance. Janet naturally liked it very much, and brought it to Siegel to discuss what kind of clothes would look good. The two had different opinions, but in the end Janet made a scarf according to Siegel's idea. "It's for you to see after all," Janet said.

"Are you in a tight battle here? Do you need help?" Siegel wrote: "The knights at Heimland are dying, and I just want them to be That's great I only have the strength to stick to it. I am worried about how to protect the trade route." Moore was very excited: "Not all the wasteland tribes have the ability to transport long distances, some weak but friendly tribes have been harassed by robbers for a long time, they should help them."

"Discuss with Mana about the specifics, and I'll give her the order to mobilize the knight. But you have to balance the gains and losses, and pay for everything yourself. Just a reminder, if you go to Henke. According to his character, you should be able to save money. Less money." Siegel patted him on the shoulder and wrote: "The starting point fortress is developing very well. This is your credit. Although I allow you to send troops now, you can't expand now. It's not time yet."

"Yes, Lord Earl." More would not ask why, he knew that Siegel would tell him the reason when he needed it.

Much of the wasteland is borderless, but many tribes are sensitive to the sprawling spirit of the starting point fortress. After there is a teleportation array, where can the world not enter?

What if it was a crystal wall? Can you stop the Void Cannon? Siegel shook his head. (To be continued.)

PS: Infinite ammo, space and time warping, temporary black holes. Black technology or black magic? Ha ha ha ha ha

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