Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 31: Dragon and Lion Cliff III

The sun moved like a snail under the expectations of everyone, and everyone could only wait patiently. When the mountain peaks finally blocked the sun, the shadows spread, and the valley turned out to be half-dark and half-day-light. The elf Leia stepped on the light footsteps and moved quickly on the **** without a sound, and there was not a trace of dust on the ground. Dio followed closely, biting the flying axe in his mouth, and took big strides. He sometimes uses his strong arms to support the ground, and with each force, he rushes forward quickly.

Siegel dragged the dwarf and used brute force to help Erint increase her speed. After the dwarf put on his full body armor, the weight was amazing. Although the cloth bag on his feet was silent, it was more likely to stir up dust. Siegel helped the dwarves share the weight to minimize the impact.

Hearing the heavy breathing of the dwarf in his ear, Siegel added another force to his arm. The dwarf's body has begun to fail to keep up with his fighting spirit, but Erinte doesn't admit it.

Leah took off her longbow from behind while running. With a swish sound, a white-feathered arrow shot through the window. At the same time as the surprised shout of "enemy attack" came from the watchtower, the barbarian had already knocked open the wooden door and rushed into the interior of the tower amid the flying debris.

He was finally able to spit out the flying axe in his mouth, and Dio was about to be suffocated. "Blessed by the gods of wildness, the power of the dead bull! Kill!" A deafening battle cry came from the tower.

"Come on, Siegel!" The dwarf gave a shove and said breathlessly, "That barbarian forgets everything when he is crazy, go and catch two live ones!"

"Okay!" Siegel let go of the dwarf and exploded with astonishing speed. He held a machete in his right hand, took out a net in his left, and strode towards the watchtower.

From the broken wooden door fell a man, dressed in featureless inlaid leather armor, with no weapons in his hands. Siegel looked slightly distracted, and found that the man's skull had been smashed by a giant wooden stick, and there was absolutely no hope of surviving.

Leah stood outside the window, bowing to the arrows, covering the barbarians fighting inside. Seeing Siegel rushing up, she exclaimed, "There's a skeleton warrior inside, don't smash it!"

Siegel didn't understand why, so he rushed into the watchtower. There were two corpses inside, one was shot through the throat by an arrow, and the other was cut in half by a curved-blade broadsword. Three more are besieging Dio, two nimble humans and a mad dwarf. In the corner of the room, Siegel noticed, was an active skeleton soldier, swinging around with a spear. It kept trying to join the Chapter, but was slow, always blocked by those three.

Before a few people could react, Siegel quickly threw the net out and covered the human who had circled behind Dio. The man rolled on the ground, trying to pull the net with both hands, trying to get out. Siegel would never let him do as he wished, stepping over in two steps, slamming the man's temple with the handle of the machete, knocking him out.

A throwing knife flew towards Siegel's side, and was hit by Leah's arrow. The man took out three more throwing knives and went around to a place close to the wooden door - there was no way to aim from the window. Siegel held the knives in both hands, made a nervous look, and watched the three flying knives carefully.

"Boy, I blame you for daring to be right with me! Let you know how serious my **** king is..."

Before he could finish speaking, a battering ram slammed into his side. "Dart King" hung a large piece of dust on the wall and bounced on the ground twice, vomiting blood, and only the ability to twitch was left. "Battering Hammer" blocked the entire gate, and shouted majestically, "Who killed my brother?"

Seeing that the last dwarf attacker was surrounded by enemies, he didn't seem to care, and attacked Dio even more frantically. There was a weird roar from his mouth, completely ignoring the wounds on his body, only knowing to attack with the utmost strength. Dio also seemed to be aroused by brute force, and the giant wooden stick collided violently with the enemy's mace, making a dull loud noise.

"You traitor!" Erinte was furious and threw the warhammer in her hand. The hammer revolved in the room, emitting a crimson fire. Feeling the threat of death, the dwarf seemed to regain his senses, and raised his mace to try to parry the blow. But the powerful magical weapons of the Jewel Clan shattered the mace as easily as a toothpick. In the rising flame, the flying hammer smashed the dwarf's facial bones, and then flew back to Erinte's hands.

The barbarian held up a wooden stick and watched the enemy in front of him fall, but he felt that this battle was completely unsatisfactory. He happened to see the skeleton soldier in the corner of the room, licked his lips, and shouted: "Fortunately, one is left!" He was about to pounce.

Siegel remembered the words of the elf master, and hurriedly hugged Dio's waist. Although he was dragged and staggered for two steps, Siegel managed to pull the barbarian back, "Don't smash the skeleton first, something is wrong!"

After the barbarian stopped, the violent power gradually faded from his body, and his mind became better. He also found something wrong at this time: Although the skeleton always wanted to use the weapon to attack the "intruder" in the house, he never left the wall more than a meter away.

Leah walked in and said to everyone, "Don't destroy this skeleton soldier, or its owner will feel it."

"In other words, is there an evil spellcaster who is leading all of this?" Erinte looked at the arm of the dead dwarf on the ground, which had the brand of a broken warhammer on it. Erinte looked disgusted, and then spit on the ground: "Bah! It really is an exiled dwarf, a **** from the Old World!"

"Let's ask this guy in the net." Leah shook her head and said, "You two guys are still merciless and your brains are hot. As a result, only Siegel can remember what to do, otherwise he will not I can't even catch my tongue."

"That's right, we are all a little too excited." The dwarf touched the beard and stepped on the guy in the net with his feet, and lightly stepped on it a few times. The man slowly woke up and found that the flaming hammer was just a finger away from his nose, and he could clearly feel the hair curling under the heat. He said hurriedly: "Surrender, surrender!"

The interrogation was done by the dwarves alone, Dio carried back the items placed under the hillside, and Siegel was responsible for cleaning the battlefield. This is also the first time he has actually implemented a battle plan - he has encountered various sneak attacks or emergencies before. He likes the feeling of being able to get things done when the plan is executed correctly.

After a while, the dwarf came out with a very solemn expression. He called everyone together, and then said, "It's a bit complicated. These scumbags are hired to come here to do some corner work. I think our treasure may be targeted."

"Who will it be?" Leah asked.

"Some spellcasters and mercenary guards came here ten days ago and used spell cover to raid the sentry tower. They still have a camp ahead, this is just a cover. The tongue doesn't know about other things, I tried it , he can't recall the specific details of the employer. I guess his brain has been manipulated by the spellcaster." The dwarf stomped his feet in anger, punched each other, and said: "These **** magicians, either tampering with memory or manipulating death. Spirit, it's not a good thing!"

"What's the next step?" Leah asked, "Spellcasters are not easy to deal with."

The barbarian is naturally not afraid of any battle, and just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by the dwarf. Erinte looked at Siegel, grabbed the two wrists of the young man with both hands, and said to him: "Son, it is very dangerous ahead, it is no longer a simple treasure hunt. You are just beginning to walk on this road, You shouldn't face such danger suddenly. My suggestion is that you stay here and watch over this prisoner. I have promised him that he will live as long as he cooperates, but I am also very worried that he escapes and exposes our whereabouts, so it is necessary here A person."

Siegel thought for a while and nodded. He lowered his head and walked into the house without saying a word. Erinte spread her hands and said helplessly, "It's for his own good, he's still too young."

The prisoner's shout suddenly sounded in the tower: "What are you doing? What are you doing with the rope? Ah... it hurts!" The barbarian pointed to the watchtower and asked suspiciously, "Siegel won't kill the prisoner, right? Doesn't he look like that?"

The voice quickly fell silent, and then Siegel walked out, looking relaxed. "I have completed the task of guarding, the man will never run away to report. I tie a special knot I learned from the boat. He only needs to struggle once the rope will tighten, struggle It is estimated that I will strangle myself twice. I showed him the role of the rope, and he has made it clear that he will never move. And both my mind and soul have told me that I should face difficulties with my companions .Even if you knock me out, I'll find you when I wake up."

The dwarf let out a sigh of relief, this is the Siegel he likes, and Erint gave Siegel a thumbs up. Dio was more interested in another matter, and kept asking: "Can you teach me how to tie the rope? I will be of great use when I return to the tribe!"

They climbed up the desolate mountain road, carefully hiding their figures as they walked, and they went on like this for a whole day, and finally arrived at their destination. The Dragon Lion Cliff is a relatively independent cliff in the entire mountain range. It sticks out from the main mountain and looks like a platform throne overlooking the valley. There are only two paths up there, both very steep stone paths. One of them was destroyed by a landslide a long time ago, making it impassable. The other road is still available, but the entrance to the road is occupied by a camp.

The camp was not fenced, just patrolled back and forth by six archers and spearmen. The camp was surrounded by five bright red tents, decorated with silver-white fringes, with small triangular chess pieces hanging from them, and without any emblem on the flag—a strange thing that caught everyone's attention. In the center of the camp, there is a cremation mound, and a raging fire can be seen consuming the bodies inside. Two men in black robes stood by the fire, waving their arms in strange gestures. The black smoke from the burning body only rose ten meters, then lost its color and completely dissipated in the transparent air. No wonder the group did not find the smoke column from a distance.

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