Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 1: Kobold Camp One

A kobold is a very wretched, cold-blooded creature that bullies the good and fears the hard way, and likes to abuse its prey. They are short, only about 1 meter, and are also very thin, with a long mouse-like tail dragging behind them. It is only because of their wolf-dog-like faces and horn-like protrusions on the top of their heads that they are called kobolds by other races.

"My lord, since these kobolds are dead, can we go back and get the bounty?" Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, and the dark red sunset was about to disappear behind the mountains, the atmosphere that suddenly fell silent after the fight As the forest continued to permeate, Siegel couldn't help urging: "Maybe we can go back to Oak Town before midnight, finish this mission, and get a good night's sleep."

"Afraid? It's just some kobolds." Tiger Bill said to his battle entourage, "We're just warming up, you're already dead, kid?"

"Of course not!" Siegel forcefully pulled out the arrow inserted in the kobold's eye socket, observed it carefully, wiped off the blood, broke off the still usable arrow, and put it back in his pocket. As a combat attendant who has just "entered the industry", it is his important duty to do this kind of work of cleaning the battlefield and recovering weapons.

"I just think it's too talented to trouble an adult like you to exterminate kobold robbers." The young follower said to himself, completely ignoring that the adult behind him clenched his fists. "Since the robber here is dead, there is no need to waste more time."

Tiger Bill stood in front of Siegel, just covering the last glimpse of the setting sun. He kicked Siegel, who was at a loss, and watched him fall on the kobold's body, his face splattered with black blood that was about to solidify. "What do you know, little brat! I made you a follower, not a jester! Keep your mouth shut and work hard! Otherwise, when I have castles and territories and lack clowns, I will be the first You think!"

Tiger could clearly see the tightly pursed lips of the "little brat", and could feel the stubbornness behind the answer of "Yes sir", just like he was more than 30 years ago. He took this young man off the boat and took him with him as a follower, precisely because of this feeling of deja vu. He recalled himself, a stubborn, diligent young man who tried to change the world. He kept on going through battles. After 30 years of ups and downs, he only became a down-and-out "knight". He hopes from the bottom of his heart that this equally stubborn young man can take a different path.

It was because of this thought that Tiger would not show a mild expression, but still sternly and hurriedly reprimanded: "Knight squires must learn to obey, talk less and do more. So little brat, quickly put away all the arrows and return them. There are those kobold daggers that don't rust, bring them back to the village and melt them to save some iron."

Hearing the constant nagging in his ears, Siegel always felt as if he had returned to the sea, surrounded by the endless sound of the waves, and could not relax for a moment. These messy jobs, like phlegm on the deck, always reappear after you have cleaned them up, and there is absolutely no day when you can finish them. If it weren't for something wrong, how could a sergeant not forget to loot the kobold's things? Remember that the first mate - I would never call him captain - gave this big mouth 5 gold coins, is it all spent?

Siegel looked up and down his employer while packing up the spoils, and it was undeniable that Tiger Bill did have a kind of jazzy air. He was thin, but full of strength, with a straight waist, and now he was turning over and riding the black horse that followed him all the way across the sea. He was condescending and graceful. There was a long sword hanging diagonally around his waist, a long bow slung behind his back, and two daggers stuck in his ankles. Black leather boots, black trousers, black rabbit leather gloves, black leather inlaid armor, and black dome leather helmet. Several woven bags filled with loot hang from hooks behind the saddle, creating a balanced load on either side of the horse that doesn't interfere with combat or income.

Sir Bill was born in a real noble family. Although he was the youngest of the five boys, he was not qualified to inherit the title, but he abruptly won the championship at the Tournament with his superb swordsmanship and won the title of honorary knight. It is a pity that since then, Sir Tigerbill has been accompanied by bad luck all the way, and nothing goes well. He also offended his superiors in a civil war of nobles, and was deprived of battlefield honor and lost the possibility of gaining territory as a knight. Later, he "willed to degenerate" and made a living as a mercenary, traveling back and forth between the "New World" and the "Old World".

It is undeniable that Sir Bill's martial arts are very superb, whether he is a bow, arrow or a long sword. Since following him ashore, Siegel started from scratch and gradually learned the living habits on land and learned various skills that a soldier should master. Unlike the sea, you must pay attention to every adventure in the new continent, and any mistakes in any link may cause bad results. Siegel was improving very quickly, and he was able to do what a knight's squire should do, but he just didn't like being called a "little brat".

"Little brat, did you forget something?" Sir Bill sat on the horse, raised his hand and pointed at the kobold on the ground: "I will reward you if you remember."

Rewards are uncommon, so Siegel carefully turned the body over again to make sure not a single copper plate fell. Fortunately, the dog-headed man is small in size, only as tall and short as a four-year-old human child, and it is easy to rummage.

"Every kobold ear is 2 silver coins, I remember it!" Siegel patted his head, and then covered his forehead: "Why do such a thing, I heard that only the wild orcs in the north can cut ears habit?"

"This is a new continent, not a country of stars, where can there be so much nonsense?" Tiger Bill watched the twilight gradually come up, comforting the gradually impatient warhorse. "I saw a light crossbow hanging on the wall in the grocery store, which is the right weapon for you. Your sailor friend said you can throw the rope very accurately, and your eyes are outstanding. I hope you can get more after you have a light crossbow. some use."

"Thank you, sir." This is sincere.

"But you have to pay for the crossbow arrows, which will be deducted from your income this time." After he finished speaking, he rode away, not knowing what to do.

It took the young man nearly an hour to pack everything up. During this time, the returning Sir Bill just stood by and watched without reaching out to help. The camp they chose was in a verdant valley, with low shrubs growing under the thick trees. Siegel chopped down the bushes with his scythe to clear a level field. Then fold off the branches as a broom, and sweep the fallen leaves on the ground. He picked up the firewood, lit the bonfire, and prepared dinner.

The two are not rich, so they can only eat some minced meat soup. This is a mixture of ground jerky, pumpkin noodles, potato flour, brewed in beer or boiled in water and eaten. When done, it looks sticky, smells sticky, and tastes sticky. Fortunately, there are a few heads of garlic that can be used for seasoning.

"There were twelve kobolds, eleven killed, one escaped. That's what the town says," said the ser. "But you can't just see these. There are no young children among these kobolds, I didn't see the small pots they used to cook, and they even had very little food, not to mention the loot that these robbers looted from the road. So there must be a camp nearby, or a cave."

"That's why you let one go on purpose, my lord?" Siegel wondered, "But we can't track it at night?"

"Ignite the fire, eat, and watch the night, little brat, there's still a lot of things to do tomorrow." Sir said, "I've already detected their traces, and I'll take them out tomorrow!"

Sir Bill went to bed, having a warm leather sleeping bag. Siegel is also responsible for keeping watch in the middle of the night and taking advantage of this time to maintain the equipment of Lord Jazz. First of all, take good care of the black war horse, including digging out the gravel and silt stuffed in the horseshoe, massaging the horse's neck and back with soft grass, and feeding a handful of black beans. Then he also needs to clean up the weapons, which includes sharpening the long sword with a small piece of oilstone, tidying the bowstring of the longbow, and the tail feathers of Shuping's arrows. UU reading After this, it is necessary to take care of the bonfire, repair the damaged protective gear in the battle by the fire, fill the holes with leather scraps, and check the rivets on the inlaid leather armor. He worked until late at night, when he needed to fill the fire, wake up the warhorse, and feed it some hay and black beans before he could sleep.

Fortunately, the warhorse is very alert and can act as a sentinel for a period of time in the middle of the night, so that Siegel will not be kept on the night shift all night. Sir Bill would wake up before dawn, pray to the dawn, and move to prepare for the day's battle.

This day's battle is going deep into the forest, so Siegel's job is to take care of the horses. After the two left the valley, there were bushes entwined with thorns along the way. Using a sword to cut a path was very exhausting and would seriously affect the subsequent battle. If they choose to avoid these places, they can only climb up and down between the huge roots.

God bless, this road did not go very far, Sir Bill led the team up the hill. He broke a branch to make a cane, and pointed to a puddle on the ground: "Little brat, look, there's a handprint here. The kobold drank water in this puddle, and then continued forward."

Siegel stood on the hillside, following the direction the jazz pointed, and looked towards the horizon with his black eyes. Under the verdant foliage, a dense shade of trees stretched from the hillside to the distance, obscuring everything on the road, and only vaguely discernible figures of some forest animal activity—such as a large group of monkeys and a few broods of squirrels. There is an open field in the distance of the woods, which glows pale golden under the reflection of the rising sun, and a few small black earthbags are next to the open field. Siegel concentrated and finally made out that the light was the reflection of a small lake.

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