Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 196: Elf Forest Five

There is no difference between the elf master and the last time he separated, and he still looks handsome. She had her long hair braided at the back of her head and wore a sideguard breastplate. However, her weapon was replaced by a green longbow decorated with silver filigree, and the quiver on her waist was full of complex magical enchantments.

There was also a tall and strong elf man who came with her, with blond hair and handsome facial features without any weather. When he saw Siegel, he was full of joy. His eyes twinkled, and his fingers tapped a long staff of twisted brown branches like they were playing a musical instrument.

Siegel asked tentatively, "Master Leah, when did you have a boyfriend?"

"This is my father!" Leah kicked Siegel in the calf and introduced him, "Alamir. I have the same last name. He's a Druid, and sometimes it's weird."

Siegel hurriedly said: "I'm very sorry, it's still difficult for me to tell the age of the elves by their appearance. If I offend you, please forgive me."

"It's nothing, I can't remember the appearance of human beings sometimes, they change too fast." Alamir's voice was as sweet as music, but there was a majesty in his voice that could not be rejected. From all angles, Alamir looks like a figure with authority and wisdom, and must not be underestimated.

"I heard from my daughter that I saw a human with black hair and black eyes, so I was very curious." He looked at Siegel's appearance with interest, and then said, "I have to say, you are indeed very unique."

Leah hurriedly explained to Siegel, "My father likes to see rare creatures, like a three-horned deer or a six-legged frog."

Alamir laughed happily, and then said, "You're going to frighten this little kid by saying that!" Twisted and twisted around each other to form three small stools. A note from the dharma tree next to it hangs down, and a short table is set up in the center of the stool. A flock of birds brought acorns, pine cones, and raspberries, and flew away singing.

All three sat down and shared a few fruits.

"Why did you come to the Elf Forest at this time?" Leah asked straight to the point: "Has something happened to Heim? I remember that you sent a letter not long ago. You said everything was fine. But why did it suddenly appear? "

Siegel looked at Alamir, who smiled slightly and said, "Little Siegel, under the protection of the power of nature, you can speak freely here."

Siegel took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions. Then he said, "This needs to start when I set out on the road of adventure."

The elf father and daughter listened carefully to Siegel's clear voice as he described the entanglement between him and the Knox Common Club. Casual encounters at the goblin camp, nighttime shadows in Creekwood, spell traps at Dragon Lion Cliff, Bacon Town and the ghosts of Macabuda. Leah knew part of the story, but this time Siegel told the whole story. When he talked about the eerie red magic tower in the hub castle, even the well-informed Alamir took a deep breath and looked at Siegel with fear and surprise.

"Isloris also has sorcerers from the Knox Common Society. They have been eyeing this place, so they will send people to monitor those who enter and leave the elf forest." Siegel said: "The half-elf wants to get from me. Gathering information, or simply trying to kill someone - but that doesn't affect the outcome - the Elven Forest is an obstacle for the Knox Common Association."

Siegel paused for a moment and sighed: "In the current situation, the Knox Common Club has a great advantage. Their spells, resentful spirits and undead creatures cooperate with each other, and no living creature can take advantage, but This isn't the scariest thing yet - most people are ignorant of their plans and have no defenses. Their purpose is hidden deeper and there is no clue at the moment. But if we wait until they attack, it is probably too late. "

Upon hearing this. Leah interjected: "Can they still break through the elf forest? Every tree here stores a powerful spell energy. As long as the elf survives, they can continue to fight."

"You don't know spells, things are not so simple." The Elf Druid explained: "From the description of the little friend, the spells of the Knox Common Society are very similar to our Druids' high-level magic: the silence of nature— - Eliminate the fighting spirit and return to nature. This spell can only be used by very few druids. It is quite difficult to learn and quite difficult to resist. Under this spell, you cannot generate the will to fight at all, all thinking is suppressed To the level of natural animals. Only the most basic survival instincts remain."

"The magic of the Knox Common Society may have suppressed even the survival instinct." Siegel added: "The three mages would rather eat themselves and die than leave that room."

There was a long silence under the magic tree, and the surrounding voices also quieted down. The bird stopped singing, the squirrel stopped jumping, and even the leaves swayed with the lightest amplitude. Alamir pondered with his eyes closed, seeking answers from the philosophy of nature, but nature made him learn from mortals. So he opened his eyes and said solemnly: "Little friend Siegel, you are also a mage, tell me what you think."

Siegel nodded and slowly spoke his opinion.

Undead creatures are strange and unpredictable, and ordinary weapons can't hurt them at all, but I believe that under the power of the priest of the Moon Temple, all the undead won't take much advantage. Wraiths are a big problem, their numbers and mobility create countless holes in defenses, and while protection against evil spells can keep them away, the power of spells cannot last forever.

As long as the elves do not want to fall into cannibalism, they must shrink their defenses and place the inhabitants under the protection of the Temple of the Moon. But if they can't attack, the sorcerers of the Knox Common Society have a way to deal with the gathered elves. They can safely cast spells outside the range of their bows and arrows, eventually leveling the elven forest.

"I think the key is to deal with resentful spirits." Siegel said: "As long as we can overcome the problem that flesh and blood will be possessed and controlled, we can bring back the disadvantage on the battlefield. Races that are not afraid of being controlled by spirits include the undead. , elements, golems, mud monsters. Although there are some unique creatures with resistance, the dragons have all been defeated under the siege of the wraith, and there is no reason for them to succeed."

"You forgot one thing, plants are not afraid of being controlled by their minds." Alamir said: "But if you want plants to move and fight back in battle, even with the power of the magic tree, it still seems like a drop in the bucket. But we elves, especially It is a Druid, it is absolutely impossible to use the undead as a means of defense."

"I wonder how you can control the mud monsters?"

The Druid shook his head and said, "In the Elven Forest, it is difficult for mud monsters to form a scale."

Siegel took out the elemental rune core, one of each of the four elements, and placed them in front of Alamir. "This is one of my cards, Elemental Rune Guard, a kind of elemental summoning spell that can last. Although they can resist the possession of wraiths, they have no advantage in the face of the mage's elemental spells. Perhaps the elves' spellcasting If you can solve this problem, I will tell you the secrets of the spell—as for the dwarves, I will explain it to them."

"I can guarantee that your spell is only used for this war." Alamir picked up a magic weapon core and frowned at the dwarf rune on it: "We can't use the dwarf rune, do we still have to find a way to get around it?"

Siegel nodded and continued, "From my standpoint, I'd prefer to use golems. The magic resistance they have is useful against mages. I'm a mages, but if Golems who are not afraid of magic can only use the martial arts of my warriors."

"The cost of making a golem is astonishing, and it is not a short time to build combat power." Alamir said: "In this elf forest, our elves have a powerful silver golem, and it took ten mages three years to make them. Done. The threat of the Commonwealth is imminent, how can there be so much time?"

"This is supposed to be a turnaround from a disadvantage." Siegel paused for a while and struggled for a long time before finally making up his mind and saying, "There is another way to gain an advantage: don't passively wait for the Knox Common Meeting. When a disaster strikes, the elves can attack first and assassinate these evil mages. When the number of their spellcasters drops to a certain level, the battle is naturally avoided."

"You know we won't do this." Elf Leah said, "There are no assassins among our elves, and we won't take people's lives just by inference."

"I Siegel nodded. "I also think this is inappropriate, but it's my responsibility to say it. "

The Elf Druid smiled admiringly, but then this smile was covered in worry. "The Knox Commonwealth is now integrated with the Mages Association, and the Mages Association is closely related to the Mages Association and the Academy. The combined power of these three spellcaster organizations is much stronger than that of the Elven Forest, and the golems are also Unstoppable."

"The worst-case scenario is when the elves fall into cannibalism and are killed by their mind-controlled neighbors. Even if we can deduce this and convince the entire elves, we probably won't be able to march to the hub - which would be As an act of declaring war, it caused a joint attack by the Southern Alliance and Waterdeep, which is a melee that we do not want to see."

"The melee makes the enemy happier, and they like it," Siegel said. "The elves should start now to prepare for future battles. Whether it's plants, oozes, or golems, whether it's plants, oozes, or golems. Strengthening the protective barrier of the Moon Temple or relocating those remote elf villages is always better than doing nothing."

"Thank you for your warning to the elves, the members of the Knox Common Association will not get a big advantage." The Druid said: "Siegel, what about you and your territory?" (To be continued)

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