Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 18: Hub Fort Five

Next to the storage room is a row of empty small rooms with many bunk beds, which may have been an underground barracks for the guards to rest in the past. At the end of these restrooms, a heavy gate blocks, and on the other side, there is a prominent sign on the wall that reads "Canteen."

The cafeteria has been turned into a kitchen by trolls. When Siegel gently opened the door, he saw the troll chopping meat with his two-handed sword. The man who came down the chute had been dismembered, his arms and legs were in a barrel, and his body and head were resting on the troll's meat board. There is also a special bucket under the chopping board to catch the blood that drips.

Siegel's stomach felt like he was being beaten, he couldn't help it, and vomited out in a gulp. He held on to the door frame and barely escaped being knocked down by this **** scene. When the troll saw Siegel, he laughed happily: "Add meal? And you don't even have to clean your internal organs!"

This monster threw the two-handed giant sword used by humans directly, just like throwing an ordinary flying knife.

Siegel felt threatened, jumped back quickly, and closed the door. The two-handed sword slammed into the thick door with a bang, about half of the sword body penetrated, and the other half was still stuck outside.

Through the hole in the door, Siegel saw the trolls charging.

He threw down the door and started to run away, running hard towards the bonfire room. The door of the cafeteria shattered into pieces with a loud bang, and even the entire underground barracks was shaking. The troll yelled from behind: "I want to hear stories, I want to eat you!"

Siegel leaped into the bonfire room, untied a small bag from his waist and held it in his hand. Without turning his head, he ran towards the passage behind the corner. The troll didn't think much of it, and rushed in. He felt his foot stumble and a noose pulled his ankle. The huge troll lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Siegel then turned back around the corner, spilling the bag in his hand **** the ground, causing a lot of iron beads to roll around on the ground. The troll tried to stand up, but his feet kept slipping, so he could only slow down and get up carefully.

These iron beads were brought to Jeff by Master Leia to train Siegel's balance ability, but they were all used on the trolls. The balance of the infinitely powerful monster is not good. Now he dare not turn around or move too quickly, otherwise he will fall.

Siegel has adapted to this environment in training without much impact. Through the battle with the last troll, he initially knew the weakness of this monster. In the dancing light of the knife, Siegel always strikes at those fragile blood vessels and tendons. Even if the troll's recovery ability is extraordinary, he can't **** back the blood that comes out. The ruptured tendon further slowed the monster's movements, giving Siegel a fighting advantage.

One of the troll's ankles was also tied to the wine barrel by ropes, which made it move as if it were dragging a heavy anchor. Siegel first chopped off the machete, then picked up the rusted greatsword by the wall and continued to attack. After several hundred rounds, he finally turned the troll to the ground.

The troll's eyes widened and he remained motionless, almost no blood was flowing from his latest wound—all of which had been drenched in battle. Siegel dragged his two-handed sword and stood beside the troll's shoulder, and he tried to raise the greatsword high to chop off the monster's head.

At the moment the knife fell, the troll suddenly moved. He grabbed the shard of the wine bottle in his hand and stabbed Siegel in the ribs. The pain shook Siegel, but he still clenched his teeth and slashed the greatsword. The troll's head rolled aside, and Siegel was covered in blood under his right armpit.

Fortunately, wearing a chain shirt, the broken bottle only pierced through the skin and did not hurt the internal organs. Siegel tore off his trouser legs, compressing the wound, and applying a simple bandage. Then he kicked the troll's head into the fire and walked back with a twist.

It took a lot of effort for him to struggle back to the hotel. At the door he saw that Sir Bill was preparing his horse, and Master Leah was fully armed and ready to go. The elf was the first to see Siegel, exclaimed, and rushed up to support him. The Jazz picked him up directly. Siegel only felt relieved for a while, then passed out.

In the room on the second floor of the hotel, Siegel had fallen asleep. The elf examined his wounds and used the ranger's mana to heal the wounds. Siegel was exhausted, his strength and energy were maxed out, and sleep was the best therapy for him right now.

Sir Bill was in the next room, sitting on a chair, and the letter that Siegel had snatched was placed on the side table and had been opened. Jazz looked heavy and overcast. He stared out the window without saying a word until Leah walked in.

"How is Siegel? Will he be all right?" Sir asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, he's alright. Get a good night's sleep now and you'll be fine." Leah comforted him and said.

"What a good boy. You can't imagine what kind of battle he went through when you look at the half-cut machete he brought back." Sir Bill shook his head, then said: "I was horrified to see the note he left behind. One jump, to go to trouble with the trolls. This is the troublemaker."

"It's all driven by a sense of justice. You really have found a good apprentice."

"No, he is not my apprentice, but a squire of knights. He wants to take over the title of knight from me." Sir Bill said to the elf, "You are his master."

"Are you also plotting dwarves and big fools?" Leah thought of the other two good friends and couldn't help laughing. She said, "The big idiot doesn't really need to calculate, as long as you invite him to dinner. The dwarf is very stable and won't listen to you casually. But I can provoke him and he will be fooled every time."

The sergeant remained expressionless, his mind was not on what the elf said.

Leah discovered this, stepped forward, and picked up the letter. The letter was short, but there was a conspiracy lurking in it. This plan was initiated by Viscount Kira of the Hub Fort, and was shot by trolls, and it was related to the life of His Royal Highness.

"It doesn't make sense!" Leah said with a frown, "The Staat family is from the Starry Kingdom, and Viscount Kira has always wanted to restore the title of earl, but it's too late to curry favor with the prince. How could he murder him?"

"This reason is too far-fetched, but it is a serial conspiracy in itself." Sir Bill said slowly: "It is precisely because things are too bizarre that they guide people's imaginations. Whether this thing is successful or not, Viscount Kira will definitely be punished. On the cusp. Who in this land is Viscount Kira's enemy?"

"It can't be our elves, right?" Leah was surprised: "We won't use the evil means of framing and framing! Only humans do this."

"Yes, I know, I understand you. But the people in the hub city don't. Even if there is no war, the relationship between the elves and here will be greatly tense." Sir Bill analyzed: "If the prince dies, the hub castle will definitely If it is overturned, the new forest of your elves will not be able to escape the war; if the prince does not die, Viscount Kira will also march to the new forest to avoid suspicion. In these two cases, there is only one place to benefit in the end - Waterdeep City."

"What does Waterdeep have to do with this?" Leah didn't understand. "Is your human conspiracy too complicated?"

"Yes, I also think this is too complicated and a little unreal." Sir Bill rubbed his forehead and whispered: "I'm just a straight-forward knight, and I can't stand the intrigue between these nobles. Intelligence can only think about this level. And there is one part of the whole thing that cannot be explained: why are those trolls under the viscount's castle, and what role did Kira-Stat played?"

"Let me catch my breath, it's going to kill me." Leah moved a chair and fell into it weakly. "I understand now why the Erint dwarves always think you are in trouble, and I feel that way now."

After being silent for a while, Sir Bill said: "There is only one feasible option at present - I am going to the Dawn Guard to protect the prince's safety."

"I'll go with you." Leah responded immediately.

"No, you take Siegel to find Erinte, and you stayed at Dragon Lion Cliff before the Lunar Eclipse Festival. I have a title on me, so it will be easier to act. And you all know that Viscount Kira has a conflict with the elves, you Don't show up. Don't tell Siegel about this, just say that I'm taking the letter to find someone important, and you should leave the hub as soon as possible, preferably tonight. If all goes well, I will be with you as soon as possible Rendezvous. Remember not to let the dwarves eat my share!"

After speaking, Sir Bill stood up, carefully packed the letter, and put it in his pocket. He took his weapons and all his combat items, said goodbye to the elf, and was ready to hit the road.

He stopped at the door of Siegel's sleeping room, hesitated and walked in again. He raised his hand to touch Siegel's black hair, but stopped in the air, then pulled it back. Sir Bill smiled and said to Leah: "Discipline this little brat well, don't let him get carried away."

After speaking, he rode away without looking back.

Siegel felt that he had a beautiful dream: he was lying on the sea, he didn't need a boat, he simply lay on his back on the water, knowing that he would never sink. The stars were shining, the moon was shining brightly, and the breeze was blowing the clouds gently across the skyline. After a while, the moon sank and the morning sun rose. The sun moves across the sky, shedding warm heat. The sea shone like a diamond, and the waves moved slowly. Then the brilliance of the setting sun illuminated the entire sky and ocean into a fiery red. Siegel sat up on the water and looked south. A huge red flamingo flew from the sea level.

Then he got up from the car.

Siegel recognized it. It was Jeff's four-wheeled truck, and the carriage was covered with straw to reduce bumps. Master Leah was driving the cart, and three mules meekly pulled the cart forward. Her horse and Siegel's foal followed closely behind the van.

"Master Leah, where are we going?"

"Leaving the hub, Siegel. The letter you brought back is very important. Sir Bill took it to the Dawn Knight to report, and Jeff was with him, doing some chores. You and I have other important business, continue to Go west and north to the Dwarven Hills. You are not fully recovered yet, so rest well."

"Oh." Siegel agreed. He lay back and watched the tall stone walls of the hub gradually disappear in the night, and the light and laughter in those houses gradually disappeared. There is basically no moon tonight, so the entire castle is dark, and now it looks like a huge tombstone, and the soldiers patrolling the city wall are shadowy, like twisted ghosts. Siegel shook his head, guessing that he hadn't fully recovered from the troll battle and was still hallucinating. He thought for a while longer, thinking of the old captain, and Sir Bill, and the dwarf and the buck-toothed sailor. He tried to recall the appearance of Malt-Little Finger, but he felt that the image was gradually blurred, and he couldn't remember it exactly. In the confusion, Siegel left the hub.

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