Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 118: Macabada Thirteen

The arena has been an integral part of the Macapoda since its inception, and is essentially where the orcs made sacrifices to their racial gods. In other cultures, the arena may carry different meanings, such as a display of courage, skill and strength, and team sports can embody the spirit of cooperation and synergy. Humans have also developed the arena into a martial arts ceremony for warriors, and will grant knighthood to the final winner. But in the orc arena, there is nothing but **** death.

Siegel has never been to the arena since he came to Makabuda. He was worried that he would not be able to endure the cruel scenes in the arena. According to Feizak, the arena of Macabuda is the closest place to **** in the world. When there is a large-scale gladiatorial fight, the corpses can cover every inch of the ground, and large groups of flies are densely covered. It will rise like a black cloud, and those who go in to collect the corpse may choke to death by the smell and flies. The clamor of the orcs and half-orc spectators was deafening and could be heard clearly throughout the city. The gladiatorial fight will not stop until all orcs' desires are satisfied. There was a time when gladiatorial slaves died too quickly and too early, so that more than a hundred labor slaves in the city could only be captured and stuffed into the arena. Their fight was nothing to watch, and at the order of the former orc warlord Hammer, 30 hungry wolves were released in the arena. It took five rounds of this frantic hunt-and-eat show to finally satisfy the audience.

Fortunately, it was only early in the morning, and the daily routine of gladiatorial fighting would only start in the afternoon, so Siegel could just wrap up a quiet area. Orcs like to sit as close to the battlefield as possible, so there is a circle of "reserved seats" under the stands, and the terrain is slightly lower than the field, so that the blood in the arena can flow into the "reserved seats". Siegel chose the reserved seat closest to the slave rest area, claiming that he wanted to serve the master, and came to clean the environment of the reserved seat in advance, and no one was allowed to disturb him.

The raven stayed outside the door, acting as a sentinel. If there is an orc witch sacrifice, he will immediately call the police through the soul link.

Since he has to prepare an instant potion, he can only do it in the key space to minimize the risk of being detected. This results in very little space for him to use for pharmaceutical operations. The space key can't be a palm away from the dice, and the dice can't be too far from Siegel's body. In this way, even after opening the space, Siegel could only shrunk his shoulders and could not stretch his elbows into the space. All the medicinal powders, reagents and alchemy utensils were concentrated in this small space, which put a great test on Siegel's manipulation ability.

If in other places, using the magician's hand spell and relying on the mind to operate the alchemy equipment can greatly reduce the difficulty of the work, but not here. Detection magic is always running, and the hand of the mage can't work through the space door. Siegel moved as slowly as possible, maneuvering carefully into the tight space. There are more than 20 kinds of materials that need to be mixed together, and no mistakes can be made at every step.

The physical foundation he laid during his martial arts training helped Siegel a lot. Whether it was precise movements or quick reactions, he was above alchemist Eric. Two hours later, he finally finished the preparation of the potion. Although there was only one teacup, it was enough for Siegel to test the spell.

Using the last dragon tooth dagger, Siegel scraped off a small piece of the flame soul crystal and put it into the potion. Siegel watched carefully as it glowed brightly in the potion, and strong magic waves continued to emanate from the reagent bottle.

Fortunately, the key space can isolate energy fluctuations, so it will not be discovered by the detection circle for the time being.

After about five minutes, the fragments of the flame soul crystal completely disappeared, as if they were dissolved. Siegel knew that the manifesting potion did not have the ability to dissolve any substances. It stands to reason that it only interacts with magical energy. He looked at the reaction bottle in confusion, and waited until it stopped emitting light and became silent. what is the reason.

When the potion stopped emitting light, it meant that the magic wave disappeared, so Siegel took out the reagent bottle and closed the key space by the way, and the mutation protruded. It seemed to sense the changes in the surrounding environment, and five black smoke burst out from the mouth of the reagent bottle like open fingers. The palms were first separated, then clenched into fists, transforming into the twisted faces of tumbling resentful spirits. This gathering of resentful spirits went straight to Siegel, and the mage responded quickly, immediately activated the power of the dice, and transformed himself into a skeleton. The black smoke passed through Siegel's body, unable to find a gap to break through, and immediately split into five pieces and flew away, penetrating the walls and ceiling, and began to wreak havoc in the arena.

Screams and cries came from next door, and then I heard the sound of the chains swinging. Most of the arena slaves will be restricted by shackles and hand shackles, and they are kept far apart except for training and performances, lest they kill each other and cause the slave owner's property to shrink. Fortunately, with this mechanism, the chaos did not break out immediately, and the killing was temporarily stopped. But Siegel knew that those shackles wouldn't last long, guided by the violent force of the Wraith.

'Think,' Siegel said to himself, 'to figure out what to do. ' The appearance of the ghosts will definitely attract the attention of the witch priests, and the army will arrive soon. How to take advantage of this chaotic situation, Siegel needs to come up with a solution immediately. Running away while no one is paying attention is the easiest way to go, and it seems to be the safest. But Siegel had a long list of hero names in his mind, and they all tried to use everything around them to make their hero's career possible. Siegel also decided to follow their spirit and rushed forward like a giant wave at sea.

"Go to his fate script, go to his escape." Siegel smiled and encouraged himself loudly: "A hero is someone who wants to lead the stage."

Siegel's brain was running fast, and all kinds of thoughts converged in a symphonic movement. He wants to dance on a chaotic stage, and naturally he has to have the right music to accompany him. It only took a few breaths for the mage to form a rough plan, but the details need to be adjusted at any time according to changes in the situation. In the first step, he took out the spell-casting material bag from the key space, changed back to human form, and then cast an anti-evil spell on himself, trying to protect himself from being possessed by resentful spirits. He must test the efficacy of this spell, because the risk of using undead form is too great, it is easy to be detected by the shaman, and it is difficult to maintain secret operations. The role of the anti-evil spell is to prevent evil thoughts from controlling the mind of the protected person, but it is unknown whether it can stop these strange resentful spirits.

Siegel pushed open the door and came to the gladiator rest area, where a melee has already started, that is, cannibalism. Some of the strong gladiators had torn chains from the walls and used them as weapons, beating each other in the passage. When the iron chain slid across the stone wall, sparks continued to burst out, and the harsh collision and friction sounded one after another. Both human and orc slaves have forgotten their own language, leaving only beast-like instincts. They open their mouths wide, use their teeth to intimidate each other, and let out huge roars from their throats. They confronted each other first, then attacked each other with weapons, and finally bit into each other. What happened in the narrow passage was even crazier than the biggest competition day, where the walls and ceilings were constantly shaking with echoes of fighting.

A half-orc slaughtered at Siegel, his hands were covered with the blood of his companions, and the blood vessels and flesh of the previous opponent's throat hung from the corners of his mouth. Under the control of the resentful spirit, there is only the urge to keep attacking in his eyes, and he has no previous wisdom and combat skills at all. Siegel deftly avoided his hands, slashed his throat with the Dragontooth dagger, and then stabbed him in the heart. Before death could take hold of the orc, the Wraith emerged from his back and contorted into a vicious, angry face before Siegel. Siegel was careful, and as soon as he felt that the situation was bad, he would immediately turn the dice into an undead, and then change to the second set of plans. However, the resentful spirit did not rush forward. It seems that the anti-evil spell has played a protective role. It may also be that there are many objects around that can be possessed. The resentful spirit does not need to waste time on the mage.

Now that it is known that anti-evil spells can make the Wraith temporarily ignore the target, there are prerequisites for the next plan to be carried out. Siegel noticed just now that a total of five grievances were generated from the fragments he cut, so the flame soul crystal like the one owned by alchemist Eric could draw up to 300 grievances at most, which was the limit. Three hundred resentful spirits faced tens of thousands of troops, especially the troops protected by many witch sacrifices, and they could not raise too many waves. Siegel's plan is to expand the scale of the resentful spirits, so that the orcs have no time to care about the internal strife.

I remember the common sorcerer Saduo I met in Bacon He once said that the flame soul crystal in Siegel's hand was the best in size and quality. Siegel had never understood the function of this stone in the past, until now he finally mastered a way to release the resentful spirit. Driving the undead into battle is generally considered an evil act, and if the orcs knew about Siegel's actions, they would name him "Undead Calamity Maker". Siegel will not deceive himself and blame the Knox Common Guild, which created the Flame Soul Crystal. He will only try to make the place where the resentment erupted closer to the orc army camp, and closer to the house where the general and the thousand commander lived. closer.

Each time the resentful spirits control one person to kill other creatures, their resentment will weaken by one point, the color of the smoke will become lighter, and the speed of flight will also decrease. The chaos in Bacon Town can last for a night. On the one hand, there are a large number of resentful spirits there, and they quickly occupy almost all the townspeople's bodies. Killing each other will slow down the speed of dissipating resentment. On the other hand, there are sorcerers from the Knox Common Society who constantly control the magic circle and strengthen the power of the resentful spirits. Siegel estimates that without the magic circle, each wraith would disappear completely after nine deaths.

The witch sacrifice can communicate with the gods of the orcs, whether it is to fight the undead or expel grievances, there will be corresponding methods. In this way, the threat of resentful spirits will be lowered to another level. Siegel estimated that with Eric's Soul Crystal alone, he would not be able to cause chaos in the whole city, and could only fight for half an hour of action time at most. Whatever the alchemist's real purpose and means, Siegel just wanted to focus on destroying the shipyard first.

When he was thinking and observing here, he suddenly heard a clear muffled hum from not far away: "Hunk! Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular. The serialized works are all in mobile phone users, please go to read.

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