Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 523: difficult

  Chapter 523 Difficult

  December 15, morning

  Laizein, North District Prison, reception room

  Verak didn't expect to meet Celt again so soon.

   This is not good news.

  Yesterday Celt said that if they didn't make any significant progress in the work of the suppression operation team, then they would not meet with him.

  Meeting again means—something happened to the action team.

   "Have you guessed anything?" Celt watched Verak sitting opposite him.

Byron, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper who was waiting with him in the reception room, politely poured a glass of water for Veraker, and then sat on the edge by himself, clutching a pen and a notebook, as if to record Verac and Celt's next conversation.

   "They rescued me, but you caught them." Verak glanced at Byron who had been wandering in front of his eyes these days, and analyzed expressionlessly.

  Before they were arrested, they informed other comrades to protect themselves.

  So under normal circumstances, even if the comrades of the scattered action team are arrested, not many people will be caught.

  The number can be so large that Celt came here specially, which means that quite a lot of people in the action team gathered together.

  The purpose of gathering together can only be to plan and execute tasks.

  The cemetery of the martyrs has been burned down, and all they can do now is to rescue Verak and others.

   "Smart." Selter nodded, "Yes, in the early hours of this morning, dozens of comrades from your action team wanted to arrest important government personnel, in order to blackmail the government into making a deal, and exchange you back."

"and then?"

"Then they were all arrested by us. They underestimated the strength of my defense during this time. I deliberately tightened my defenses in order to lure people from your action team to appear." Celt won another victory, I'm in a good mood.

   "Where are they kept?" Verak asked.

"It's not in this prison anyway. You don't have to ask about related topics in the future. No matter where you are locked up, it is impossible for you to be allowed to see them." Celt continued, "In addition, the fees established by your International Equality League On the other side of the Tier defense line, something happened in the early morning."

  Verak narrowed his eyes, and felt a faint feeling of being tightened in his heart.

  The Fetier line of defense is related to the safety of the main station of the International League of Equality. Once something happens to it, the government forces can reach Leliste within three days.

"People from the Equality Army took advantage of the night to attack our military supply depots and material depots to distract our focus, delay our offensive, and open up the situation. Unfortunately, it failed. Your comrades in charge of the attack suffered heavy casualties. Listen Said that few returned alive." Celt and his colleagues in charge of fighting on the front line did not deal with it very well, but the counterattack against the disintegration of the International League of Equality is still very happy to see.

   "If you say that, do I have to believe it?" Verak didn't dare to judge the situation outside just based on the other party's words.

"You can see what it means, so you dare not admit it?" Celt laughed, "You have defended the Feitier line for a month, and you have never taken the initiative to attack during this month. Now the Dunmans are here. Support, tens of thousands of shells bombard you every day, you chose to take risks and try to sneak attack us to turn the tide of the battle because you couldn't hold on. Now the sneak attack has also failed, and the outcome is clear at a glance."

   "..." Verak was speechless.

  He is indeed worried about the overall situation of the International League of Equality, as well as the situation of the Feitier line of defense.

  Byron sat on the side and quickly recorded something in his notebook, and looked up at Verak from time to time.

"By the way, this trip, I actually have another question I want to talk to you about." Celt changed the subject at the right time, "Now there is something that is not very good for you International Equality League, saying that you You are not really fighting for the people, you are just wolves in sheep's clothing, spreading a kind of terror, and may have connections with Pluman's gang of executioners...I reviewed the three years since your Equality Association, the International Equality League was established I have done something, and I think what they said is quite reasonable.”

  Villac scoffed at the notion: "What did we do?"

"During the Equality Fair, you sabotage, incited the people to riot, and made countless people's painstaking efforts over the years, the World's Fair come to nothing." Selter said, "Later, you assassinated, threatened and lured government officials. Back to you. Reorganized the International Equality Alliance, after occupying Laizein, arrested people, confiscated property, imprisoned and sentenced people, subverted the system, and caused Lezeine, and even Bresi's economy, to regress..."

   "You don't think this is a revolution, to make the world a better place." Veraker said coldly.

"At least there are rumors out there that you don't like to hear, saying that you are the makers of panic, that you are just carrying the big flag hypocritically, you can only talk, and you are complete utopians. Make Brexi devastated, just Waiting for Pluman's invaders to come and sweep." Celt smiled half-smile.

   There was a silence.

  Selter and Byron both had expectations in their eyes, waiting for Veraker, who had a bad face, to reply to such remarks.

   "...The so-called rumors spread outside must have been made up by Mr. Byron." Verak looked at Byron.

  Byron kept smiling: "No, how is it possible?"

"However, I also believe that there will be such voices outside, who have doubts about the International Equality Alliance, and some people will think that the sacrifices we have made and the things we have tried are ridiculous. Conspiracy." Verac did not delve into the meaning of the source of the speech with Byron, "At the same time, I also know that you are waiting for my answer, and as long as there are omissions, you will amplify and misinterpret it. Even if I didn't say anything, you can also According to the old method, use my tone to draw up a fake answer, and finally publish it in the newspaper, forming an impact on the International Equality Alliance and the revolutionary cause."

   "So, what's your answer?" Celt asked.

"In the past, I would not bother to answer. I think actual actions are the best proof. After the public opinion war, I realized that the position of public opinion is extremely important. If we take a step back, you will go further. If we give up, you will fully Occupation. Therefore, we must clearly express and defend our views and positions, and explain all doubts clearly, so as not to give rise to slander and framing." Verak took a sip of water from his glass, "However, everything is different here .I am now controlled by you and regarded as a tool by you. Whether I answer or not, the result will be the same."

   "You refuse to answer?" Byron asked anxiously, unable to record anything of value.

   "Time will tell everything, we will win in the end. That's all, let's go." Verak ignored Celt and Byron and left on his own.

Byron wrote a few lines in his notebook and tore them up annoyedly: "General Selt, you have indulged him too much. He is now a prisoner, how dare he ignore us and treat the prison as his own home. We should use some means to make him realize the status quo!"

   "He is very aware of the situation, and the methods of the prison are useless to him." Celt was very calm, "What? You didn't record anything?"

   "Uh... recorded some." Byron hurriedly presented the notebook to Celt.

   "Do it." Celt didn't flip through the notebook, "This is your last chance."

   "...obvious...understood." Byron was extremely nervous, "don't worry, I... I will definitely stir up public opinion."


   Fetier Line, field hospital

   "Hurry up! Comrade doctor! There are wounded here!"

   "Bring Comrade Gordon over here!"

   "Be careful! The road is not smooth!"

  Starting from seven or eight in the morning, sporadic comrades who were responsible for destroying the government army's military supply depots and material depots withdrew one after another.

  They were basically all wounded, and they were dying when they came back.

  Joseph and Adel wanted to find out the situation of the deputy commander Gordon who was carried back, but Gordon's arm was cut off by the enemy's machine gun during the battle, and he lost too much blood and passed out.

  In the end, Joseph picked out a few of the more than a dozen comrades who survived and came back with minor injuries, and asked about the details of the battle without being frightened.

  It turned out that in the early hours of the morning, the comrades led by Commander Clifford and Deputy Commander Corey were ambushed on their way to the quarters depot.

Although they were careful all the way, advancing in small groups of ten, and dispatching small groups of comrades to conduct reconnaissance at a short distance each time, the government army was obviously more prepared, and deliberately reduced the number of soldiers within a considerable distance. The sentry posts lure the comrades to keep going deep, and after falling into the encirclement completely, they brutally shoot and kill with machine guns.

  Commander Darren and Deputy Commander Gordon were relatively lucky.

  Government forces also ambushed them.

  But the government army did not expect that Darren and Gordon would lead their comrades to cross the glacier under the severe cold, which made the marching route deviate from their ambush site, and they really arrived near the material depot without any hindrance.

  Commander Darren had actually heard the gunshots from the other side.

  According to the distance, the other team should arrive at the destination in half an hour or an hour to start the battle. Therefore, Darren judged that the opponent was discovered by the government army and had to exchange fire in advance.

  The situation was complicated, so he acted decisively. Before the government army could fully react, he immediately started destroying its material depot to ensure that this mission would be rewarding.

   What he didn't expect was that the material warehouse was actually empty.

  They went through all kinds of hardships, but they fell into the trap of government forces.

   Realizing that the mission could not go on, Darren began to organize the evacuation of his comrades, and then happened to bump into the government army that failed to ambush and instead came from behind.

  In the chaos, Darren desperately covered the seriously injured and comatose deputy commander Gordon and several comrades to successfully break through.

   Then, and now, Deputy Commander Gordon was rescued in the hospital, and the rest of the scattered comrades fled back one after another.

   "Has the government army been ambushing there?" Joseph suppressed his anger and confirmed to the surviving comrades again and again.

   "Yes, there are their people in all directions. No matter where we break out from, we will be beaten back..." The comrade who was questioned sat slumped on the ground, his eyes were red, and his face was full of tears.

"I see." Joseph arranged for his subordinates to send the wounded comrades to the hospital for recuperation, and then walked slowly to the conference table, smashing his water glass on the ground, "What is Charles from the intelligence department doing! The government army Such an important trend has not been grasped!"

   "The intelligence department must have done their best, and it is not ruled out that our side leaked the news, so don't worry." Adel grabbed Joseph's shoulder.

   After venting, Joseph gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot: "Six hundred comrades... six hundred comrades...only a dozen came back..."

  Before the departure of the two teams, Joseph once said that this mission will lead to a narrow escape. I hope everyone is mentally prepared.

  But when the result was shown coldly before his eyes, no one could accept it.

"Everyone is ready to sacrifice, so don't blame yourself too much." Adel sighed, "For more comrades, for the rear terminus, what we need to study most now is how to break the situation, and Not wallowing in grief and anger."

"What I blame is not the sacrifice! It's the sacrifice that is worthless! They just died in vain! This is not what I want to see, nor what they want to see! Our every move is under the surveillance of government forces! You tell me, what else can we do besides guarding against death?! Send people to die?! Isn’t their life life?! It’s so easy to die?!” Joseph said loudly.

  Adel was very calm. He knew that Joseph had accumulated too much pressure, and finally it was time to explode: "Then we will concentrate on investigating undercover agents and clearing the government forces' eyeliners."

   "How to check? Thousands of people, how to check?" Joseph sat weakly on the chair and laughed at himself, "Heh...we have nothing to do..."

   "Then we must continue to investigate and find a way to win." Adel said, "Could it be that you want to admit defeat from the bottom of your heart and do nothing?"

   "...Fight, of course we must continue to fight." Joseph's emotions were quickly controlled, "Sorry, the past six months have been too aggrieved."

"It's okay, the responsibilities on everyone's shoulders are very heavy, and no one will believe that there is no pressure. It is better to vent than to hold back. After all, if the problem is not resolved, it will always be there. We always have to maintain high morale to face it. right."

"Well, thanks... Send this news back to the main station first, and communicate with Charles. Both of us must carefully investigate and make sure that this kind of problem will not happen again." Joseph stood up. Cover up tiredness.

  Adel reached out and pressed Joseph's shoulder: "Sit down and rest, it's been a long time since you closed your eyes, I'll just do this."

   "I'm fine, I have to go to the hospital to see the injured comrades. By the way, have you sent someone to pick up the comrades who may still be on the way to evacuate?" Joseph didn't sit down, and walked outside the headquarters.

   "It's all arranged, don't worry, we will of course do our best to bring the comrades back."

   "Okay, and beware of government forces taking the opportunity to launch a fierce attack today."

"rest assured."

   As he spoke, Joseph went out, followed by the guards, and headed to the hospital.

  (end of this chapter)

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