Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 506: War of Public Opinion (27)

  Chapter 506 Public Opinion War (27)

  December 6, evening

  The cold and lonely outside of Lelister

   A car slowed down slowly and stopped in front of the checkpoint.

   "Hello, please show me your ID." After saluting the people in the car, the Equal Army soldier stood beside the car.

   "Okay." The comrade in the car lowered the window and handed the certificate to the other party to read.

  The soldier of the Equality Army saw the unique expression on the certificate, and his brows became more solemn. Soon, he returned the certificate to the comrades in the car: "Do you need us to provide protection?"

  The comrades in the car smiled back: "No, thank you."

   "Okay, let's go." The Equality Army soldiers saluted the comrades in the car again, and then scattered on both sides of the road.

"Thanks for your hard work." The comrades in the car returned the salute and drove into Leicester City. They drove through the streets without block checkpoints and curfews, and arrived at the office building of the Propaganda Department in about 20 minutes. Down.

  I don't know when the building will start, and there are already more than a dozen people waiting.

Among them, Comrade Piaf, director of the Propaganda Department of the International Equality Alliance, stood in the middle and saw a car parked in front of him. One of the comrades came with a suitcase and took the initiative to meet him and shook hands: "You have worked hard these days. .”

   "It's nothing hard." The comrade first saluted Piaf, and then walked into the building surrounded by crowds.

   "Look, everyone is in place ahead of time. We will officially start work tonight, trying to catch the Provisional Government by surprise." Piaf pointed around, and most of the comrades in the Propaganda Department gathered, waiting for her to give an order.

   "I heard on the road that the provisional government already knew the news this morning?" asked the comrade carrying the film.

"Yes, we don't know exactly how much we know. We may just know that Capa is missing, and we may be aware that Capa has been collecting evidence for a long time. But no matter what, we are all preparing for the worst possibility." Piaf said.

Comrade    laughed: "Since they know, how can we be caught off guard?"

"From the moment they learned about the situation to our full counterattack, the period did not exceed 24 hours. Do you think they would be able to respond in such a short period of time, especially when our evidence is extremely strong and sufficient? .” Piaf was full of confidence.

   "Indeed...but you also have to be careful of our internal spies." While agreeing, the comrade reminded in a low voice, "The provisional government can only rely on these people if they want to reverse the situation again."

"Don't worry." Piaf patted the shoulder of the comrade who took the film, walked straight to the center of the hall of the building, and faced the comrades from the Propaganda Department who were urgently summoned, "Comrades, I think most of you People still don't know what the purpose of coming here today is, and they are puzzled by the collective welcome of such a comrade who doesn't know where he went or what he brought back at such a late hour."

  The comrade carrying the suitcase instantly felt all eyes on him.

  With his rich experience, he can keenly feel that there is a small amount of hostility mixed in these gazes, but it cannot be ignored.

"This is actually a top-secret operation that we carried out a long time ago, but today, this operation can finally be made public for everyone to know." Piaf said loudly, "This comrade is carrying a hand There are a lot of films in the box, and the contents of these films are a series of evidence of the provisional government’s falsified reports, which were photographed by the Kapa reporter of the newspaper office where the provisional government carried out the public opinion war at the risk of their lives!”

  Suddenly, the hall was in an uproar.

   Except for the comrades who quietly participated in this secret operation, the rest of the people are about to lose confidence completely, and the view of "can only let it go" is gradually becoming the consensus of the Propaganda Department and the International Equality League.

  None of them thought that when the public opinion war could almost be declared a failure, a person would jump out from the enemy and approach them, giving them key evidence that could immediately reverse the situation!

   "Is this true? Comrade Piaf!"

   "I really can't believe it. Could it be April Fool's Day?"

   "So comrades are here today, are you going to use these decisive evidences to launch a counterattack?"

"That's right!" Piaf's voice was loud and powerful, easily overshadowing everyone's excited discussions and inquiries, "With these evidences, we can regain the initiative in public opinion and let all the deceived people see Halal truth!"

   "Good! Great!"

   "We finally don't have to just watch them do whatever they want!"

  “Recently, I’ve had enough of those reports and people’s misunderstanding of us!”

  Everyone spontaneously applauded and cheered.

   The sound waves followed one after another, making people outside wonder what happened inside.

Under such a voice, Piaf had to wave her hand to calm everyone down and continue to listen to her: "Comrades, don't be so excited, wait for me to finish, and wait until we win this public opinion war." It's not too late to be happy."

  It was getting late, but every comrade became more energetic, waiting for Piaf to continue.

"I won't go into details about the specific process of this top-secret operation. Everyone will have the opportunity to learn about it in the future. I want to answer some more important questions and concerns here." Piaf said, "Many In addition to the process of action, people should also be curious about one of the most important things, that is, whether the interim government knows our current achievements, and how they will respond to our next counterattack."

   This point is also what the comrades responsible for transporting the film back want to know.

  As a part of the top-secret operation, he actually knows very little about it, and how much layout the terminal has made for this can only be announced bit by bit by Piaf.

"One thing that is certain is that the interim government was completely unaware that the Kapa reporter had been secretly collecting evidence inside the newspaper. Until this morning, the Kapa reporter was successfully rescued and protected by our action team stationed in Laizein. Only then did we realize the danger. This means that we have the absolute initiative in terms of the evidence we have and the time, and it is precisely because of this that we have to fight back overnight and try our best to reverse the situation." Piaf asked herself answer.

   "Comrade Piaf, I have a question." A comrade raised his hand to ask.


"Although the provisional government only found out that Capa was rescued by us this morning, logically speaking, as soon as Comrade Capa was rescued by us, they would immediately realize that we wanted to collect evidence from the other party and fight back. Then why do you use words like 'possible' to predict the attitude of the interim government?"

After hearing this, Piaf laughed and said: "It's very simple. They know that Comrade Capa was rescued by us, but they don't know that Comrade Capa betrayed them early in the morning and secretly collected evidence, so it is even more impossible to accurately judge us. How much power do we have that threatens them? If we don't know, in their eyes, the danger we can create can be great or small."


"Let me go on to the last point, which is how the provisional government will fight back, or prevent us from fighting back." Piaf looked at the comrade holding the suitcase, "In fact, he has mentioned this issue just now. For a long time, the provisional government The government is committed to instigating our comrades and sending undercover agents to break into our interior. It is undeniable that they have succeeded in this. Even our respected Comrade Morais was assassinated by the undercover agents of the Provisional Government, and finally... "

  Among the crowd, some comrades became unnatural when they heard this.

"Based on the actual situation, we can foresee that when I say these words publicly and the Propaganda Department is operating at full capacity, the enemies lurking within us will simultaneously report the situation to the interim government. And the interim government is fully grasping our movements Finally, the way to deal with it is not difficult to guess. In such a severe situation, they will most likely ask undercover agents to prevent us from counterattacking at all costs and destroy this hard-won evidence." Piaf's eyes turned colder, and she glanced All the people present.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  As soon as her voice fell, a large number of Equality Army soldiers and comrades from the Intelligence Department began to pour in quickly outside the building.

  Seeing so many soldiers and comrades with live ammunition and expressionless faces, the people in the Propaganda Department fled in shock, thinking that there was some danger.

   "Everyone, don't panic! Comrades from the Ministry of Intelligence and the Equality Army are here to catch undercover agents!" Piaf stood on a high place, trying her best to maintain order.

  Maybe it was because they heard what Piaf said, maybe they were stopped by rows of black gun muzzles, and the crowd who had been in chaos for a long time were surrounded and no longer dared to act rashly.

   "Isn't it a bit early?" Minister of Intelligence Charles walked up to Piaf wearing a dark coat with his hands in his pockets.

   "Just right." Piaf said.

   "Thank you." Charles looked at the subordinate carrying the suitcase and nodded slightly to him.

   "No hard work!" The comrade who belongs to the intelligence department and is responsible for transporting the film raised his head and saluted Charles with a standard alliance salute.

  While they were talking, the other side was not idle.

  Soldiers of the Equality Army held guns to control the situation, while comrades from the Ministry of Intelligence picked out the undercover agents of the Provisional Government that they had secretly identified one by one.

  The psychological quality of these undercover agents was not good enough. Before the comrades from the intelligence department came forward, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape or hold others hostage to protect themselves, but they were all quickly resolved.

  Some have great confidence in their disguise all the time, even if they are arrested, they still look incredible, shouting that they are innocent.

  In the end, a total of 18 comrades from the Propaganda Department were taken away.

   Piaf looked at these people, and couldn't help being shocked. Many of them have dealt with her before. They look like they are willing to give up their lives for the new world. They usually work hard and are praised for their dealings with others: "Are you sure you didn't catch anyone by mistake or miss anything?"

   "No." Charles said calmly.

   "That's fine." Piaf was still a little worried.

   If one is missed, the Propaganda Department will not be able to rest assured to do the next work. If one is caught by mistake, it will be a devastating blow to the other party.

Charles glanced at Piaf's thoughts, and said: "We have been working on this for a long time, and many suspicious people have been staring at it a few months ago. In addition, we are stationed in the provisional government. The comrades on the border are constantly sending back reliable information, so you don't have to worry about the possibility of missing or mistaken arrest. Even if there is a real mistake, we will not execute him immediately, and there will be several strict inspections to ensure that everyone Comrade innocence."

   "Okay, I believe you." Piaf said.

   "The farce of the Propaganda Department is over, and you can start working. Today, except for the Propaganda Department, the entire terminal will carry out cleaning operations. I will go first." Charles did not stay longer, "I wish the victory of the public opinion war."

   "I also wish you victory." Piaf watched Charles lead the people away.


at the same time

  In the mansion of General Selter, Laizein

  Different from the enthusiasm of the Propaganda Department of the International Equality League, although many people gathered in the living room of General Celt's mansion, the atmosphere was extremely low and dead.

   "The public opinion war is small. We lied to Mr. President and lied that there are a large number of people from the International Equality League in Laizein, and a large number of people have been arrested." The glasses officer regretted doing such a risky thing with General Selt.

  It's a pity that he has no choice in this matter.

"I don't reject thinking about the worst possibility, but we can't just think about the worst possibility." The cigar officer paralyzed himself, "Byron from the newspaper office can't be sure that the reporter named Capa started collecting these things a long time ago, and we also All the entrances and exits of Laizein were blocked at the fastest speed, and now the more hopeful result is that the action team of the International Equality League captured Capa, and they only received some verbal testimony, and they were trapped here, Unable to contact their large forces, the sick Capa will become their burden, and we may not be able to catch them all with Capa."

   "This matter concerns the future of all of us, of course we have to prepare for the worst possible response." Other officers retorted.

"How much evidence does reporter Kappa have and how much preparations has been made by the International Equality Alliance? We have no way of knowing. Soliciting intelligence support from undercover agents at higher levels is tantamount to self-reporting, so let's just abandon this discussion. General Selt was still calm, and it was his calmness that prevented everyone from collapsing immediately because of this news. What to do when you use this to publicly accuse us of arresting innocent people to make up for it."

   "Byron from the newspaper office said that he will prepare overnight, and as long as this happens, he will use all the power of public opinion to deny it." The officer with glasses said.

  General Selter was unmoved: "Deniation is not always possible. Even if Mr. President raises a half-doubt of suspicion and sends someone else to check it out, we will still be finished."

   "I'm going to find a way to make the matter real. Even if someone goes to the prison to investigate, nothing abnormal can be seen." The cigar officer volunteered.

"The fundamental reason we were able to deceive the president is that he did not doubt us. When he doubted us, all the seemingly seamless layouts we did would appear full of loopholes." General Selter pointed out the key, "What do you want to do? Nothing happened, what we have to do is not to try our best to cover up after the president suspects us, but to keep him from having such thoughts from the beginning to the end."

  (end of this chapter)

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