Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 47: bad possibility

  Chapter 47 Bad Possibilities

  On the other end of the phone, the servant woke up Colin, and Colin answered the phone: "Chris? What's the matter? You woke me up so early again."

  Verak looked at Carmine, and said according to his instructions: "I want to travel recently, and discuss it with you."

   "Travel? Are we not—" Colin didn't know that there was anyone around Verak, and was puzzled by the sudden change in Verak's plan.

   "Come here quickly, this matter is very important." Veraker quickly interrupted Colin, avoiding the exposure of the business, "I will explain to you why I am traveling when I come."

   "Okay, I'll go over later." Hearing Veraker's anxious tone, Colin could only agree to go over.

   "As soon as possible, let's meet and talk." Verak was worried that Colin would say more unfavorable words, so he hung up the phone decisively.

  Fortunately, Carmine didn't notice any abnormality, and he also thought up the wording to explain the trip for Verak: "When Colin asks why you want to travel, you just say that you want to relax after your illness recovers."

   "Understood." Verak nodded.

   It's a pity that Carmine's remarks are from his perspective, and they don't apply to the current situation. Verac has already cooperated with Colin to do business, so how can he relax at this juncture? When Colin came, Verac still had to think of some other reason to hide it.

   "Go and have breakfast first, and when Colin comes, take him directly to your bedroom and wait for me to pass." Carmine rubbed the bridge of his nose, as if he was a little tired.

   "Understood, Mr. Carmine." Verac stood up and bowed to apologize again, "I'm sorry about this matter. If I didn't go to the charity gala, such a thing would not have happened."

  Carmine probably felt that Veraker was not at fault, so instead of scolding him, he comforted him: "It doesn't matter."

   "I don't know how the solution is going now?" Virak asked more, wanting to find out the current situation.

   "This is not something you should worry about, go out." Carmine didn't think it was necessary to explain the situation to Verak.

  Knowing that he could not get any news, Verak had no choice but to leave: "Then I'll go first, Mr. Carmine."

  Out of the study, Verac went downstairs to the dining room. In the dining room, Mela, Kellerman, and Julia were eating. Verac greeted them one by one, and sat down to eat.

   I don’t know if it’s like this today or it’s always been like this. Verak suddenly found that they were very depressed at the dinner table. Although there are some reasons for noble etiquette, they don't talk much during meals, but more, there is still a kind of coldness and restraint that seems to be born with them.

  Villac ate ​​his meal quickly on purpose, trying to finish the meal before the three of them, and then went out to contact Daniel while everyone was away, and passed on the information.

  The nobles always eat slowly. Today Verak devoured his breakfast a little bit, causing the other three to look at him from time to time.

   It didn't take long to eat breakfast, Verac got up and said, "Mother, sister, I'll go outside and wait for Colin, he should be here soon."

   "Go." Mrs. Meera said.

  Verak went out and came to the gate of the mansion. After making sure that no one was staring at him, he found Daniel.

   "Mr. Chris." Daniel opened the back seat door for Vera.

"I'm not leaving." Verak stepped forward and spoke very fast, "Something happened, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out for a while, you give this to Chloe, tell them to be careful recently, and there is no need worry about me."

  Daniel took the letter Verak wrote last night.

   "Go quickly." Verak urged, then turned and returned to the gate of the mansion.

  Daniel closed the car door and left quickly.

   Twenty minutes later, Colin arrived.

   "What's going on? Why are you going on a trip suddenly?" After getting out of the car, Colin was a little dissatisfied, "You still wake me up every morning, it's not like you don't know my schedule..."

  Villac was too lazy to listen to Colin's nonsense, and pulled him towards the mansion: "Go to my room and tell, remember, don't mention our business with anyone here."

   "I know, I'm not a fool, you also want to surprise your parents." Colin was pulled into it.

  In the hall, Kellerman greeted Colin. After Colin greeted Kellerman, he was taken to the bedroom by Veraker, and Kellerman went to the study to inform Carmine.

   "Tell me, what happened, I just thought about it after a day." Colin sat on the sofa, waiting for Verak to give himself an explanation.

Verak had already figured out how to respond appropriately: "It's a long story. My sister Kellerman is already engaged to Janos of the Finn family, and now they are starting to arrange my marriage again, wanting me to marry other families. Marriage. You know, I can't accept it, so I want to leave Laizein for a while in the name of traveling to avoid the limelight."

   This is the best reason Verac can think of. When Carmine asks Colin about Elizabeth, Colin will also directly believe that it is related to Chris's future marriage on this basis, and there will be no doubts.

   "Aren't you with Elizabeth?" Colin asked with his head tilted.

  Colin actually knew about Chris and Elizabeth.

  Verak immediately decided that he would have to talk more first, so that he could better understand and deduce the situation with more information: "I haven't seen her for a while."

   "I really think so, I haven't seen you talk about her for almost a month, why, did you quarrel?" Colin asked.

   "I don't want to talk about it." Verak looked unwilling to recall.

Colin became more energetic: "Didn't you call me here to help you find a solution? Could it be that you guys quarreled because of this matter? No, if it was this matter, why didn't you tell me all the time?" up?"

  From Colin's words, Verak has already learned that his previous deduction was wrong. Chris did not completely cut off contact with Elizabeth four months ago, but turned into an underground relationship.

  Thinking about it now, this might not be a bad choice.

   Not only retain their feelings, but also will not affect Elizabeth when Chris has an accident.

   However, this brings up a rather bad possibility.

  If Chris cut off contact with Elizabeth when Francis died four months ago and resolutely took over the position to lead the Equality Council, it made it clear that he did not want Elizabeth to be involved. In this case, Elizabeth would not know what Chris was doing.

   But if they maintain an underground relationship, Verac cannot guarantee that Chris has not talked to Elizabeth about equality. Once Elizabeth confirms that she is not the real Chris and informs the Equality Society, she will surely fall into a situation beyond redemption.

  (end of this chapter)

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