Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 298 Winning or losing

Master Xie Shi thought that the young guy in front of him was just idle and bored, but he really started to look for it in the waste rocks all over the ground. From time to time, I picked up a piece and took a photo with a spotlight flashlight.

"Young man, if you can find a piece in it, how about I give you a stone for free today? If you can't find it, how about I only charge you a third of the price?" For the sake of this cigarette, Xie Master Shi also showed a little sincerity.

"Okay then, help me get a piece and try later."

Li Mo rummaged among the waste rocks for more than ten minutes, and then walked to the stone breaker with three fist-sized rocks.

"Master, try this one first, you can just cut everything down."

Li Mo handed a piece of gray-skinned waste rock to Master Jieshi.

"Okay, let's see if your luck is really good."

Master Jieshi opened the cover of the machine, fixed the waste rock the size of a fist, and then started it. There was a piercing sound, and the waste rock was soon split into two.

Turn off the machine and pour it with clean water. Master Jieshi let out a startled sound. He hurriedly picked up a piece and immediately shouted: "There is green."

There were still many people who wanted to enter the warehouse one after another, but now I heard Master Jie Shi shouting that there is green, which means that the cut price has risen. Stone gamblers like this scene the most, and they all want to get lucky, so they quickly form a semi-arc.

Master Jieshi holds half a piece in one hand, one of which is completely stone, while the other half has a hint of green.

"Little brother, I will grind out half of this piece, don't worry, I will be careful."

Master Jieshi began to polish slowly with sand chips. After about ten minutes, a jadeite the size of a chicken heart was decomposed.

"The waxy seeds are floating green, not bad." Master Xieshi was also very happy, this was untied from the waste rock, which is really a good sign.

"Master, thank you."

Li Mo took the waxy jadeite the size of a chicken heart from him, which can be made into a pendant or a few rings.

"Little brother, you still have two in your hand, why don't you try to disassemble them?"

Master Xie Shi wants to make persistent efforts.

"How could luck be so good all the time, I'll take these two back and try to untie them myself." Li Mo put the remaining two fist-sized waste rocks and the waxy green jadeite that were untied into his backpack. Among the remaining two waste rocks, there is still better quality jadeite. Although it cannot reach the quality of glass species, it is also the best among ice species.

Li Mo and Master Xie Shi started chatting one after another, and soon someone came over with the bought rough stone, probably hoping for luck to find Li Mo's master directly.

"Master, there is a prize for cutting up."


The machine started, and the screeching sound stopped for a few minutes. Master Jie Shi poured water on it, and immediately shouted excitedly: "When the firecrackers go off, ten thousand taels of gold."

This is cut up, and the firecrackers that had been prepared for a long time exploded immediately.

It has been cut again, although the quality of the jade that was solved for the first time was only mid-range, but it was cut from discarded waste rocks. And this price cut is selected from the warehouse, and the significance will be even more extraordinary.

The owner of this gambling stone is a fat man in his forties. He wears a floral shirt with short sleeves, a gold chain the size of a thumb around his neck, and a gold watch on his wrist, especially two gold rings on his left hand. Son, dress like a real local tyrant.

Beside him was a slender girl in her early twenties, with a delicate appearance and a strong dress. At this time, she hugged the fat man excitedly and kissed her.

"Honey, this cut jadeite is for you as a gift."

The fat man said proudly, he didn't care about it in front of everyone, but was very happy, and one of his exposed teeth was inlaid with gold.

Li Mo was speechless.

Didi, Niu Sanpang called.

"I'm outside at the quarry, come here."

"Brother, I can't make it through. I came across a very good jadeite rough, and it was snatched away by others as soon as I let go. Come quickly and help me, it will cost half of us brothers."

That fat man is quite capable.

"You wait for me, I'll be right there."

Li Mo hung up the phone and walked from the third warehouse. Sure enough, he didn't need to look for it at all. When he got there, he saw a lot of people crowded there, and heard San Fatty shouting: "The rough stone is in my hand, who are you?" You can't take it away, or you will break the rules."

"Please let me go, my friend is inside."

Li Mo was polite, but others don't care who your friends are, they are blocked three layers inside and outside.

"Squeeze in if you have the ability." A hardcover man in his thirties turned around and warned.

Since whoever has the most strength is qualified to squeeze in, it is such a simple matter. Li Mo stretched out his hand to grab that sturdy man's waist, and suddenly a force pushed him and the people beside him to the side, and then calmly squeezed in through the gap.

"Brother, you are finally here. Come and help me see how this rough stone looks like?" Niu Sanpang saw Li Mo as if he saw the backbone. In front of him was a rough jadeite the size of three basketballs. Huang, hit it with a spotlight, there is obvious light transmission reaction inside, and the halo is not obvious, indicating that there is emerald inside, and the quality is very high.

Experienced people can tell at a glance that this kind of rough jadeite is very interesting, no wonder San Fatty also protects food.

Li Mo took a closer look with the spotlight flashlight. In fact, he was using different pupils to see through, and then his face showed a slightly disappointed look. stones.

Look at the price tag again, 860,000.

Fuck, if the emerald flesh untied from this rough stone can be 30 centimeters deep, it will definitely make money with the quality of the ice seed. But now it is only one finger deep, and the distribution of the ice jadeite meat is uneven, some places are turbid, and the quality is even lower, which belongs to the waxy ice variety. Calculated in this way, the jadeite separated from this rough stone can be used to make three or four bracelets at most, and then make some rings, earrings and the like.

The cost of 860,000 can be recovered from 80,000 to 100,000 at most, which is just scratching the itch for rich local tyrants, but it is a blood loss for professional stone gamblers.

"Three Fatty, the price of this rough stone is 860,000 yuan, and the combined funds of the two of us are less than 500,000 yuan, so we can't bargain with the organizer, right?"

Li Mo said helplessly.

Niu Sanpang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He looked around at the people around him and said, "Can't you bargain?"

Hahaha, there was a burst of laughter all around, these two rookies also want to get rich overnight, but unfortunately the capital is too shallow.

"Let's go, don't leave any embarrassing things behind." Li Mo pulled Niu Sanpang out of the crowd, and walked outside, "Didn't you say you only want to see?"

"Brother, that piece of rough stone is of good quality and good gambling, don't you like it?"

"How did your 200 million yuan bet last year and you forgot it so quickly?"

Niu Sanpang looked at Li Mo's back, and immediately patted his forehead, the scar was healed and he forgot the pain. No wonder there are so many gamblers, anyone who encounters this will put all his eggs in one basket.

Looking back, a middle-aged man in his fifties had already snatched the rough stone, and even those who started late sighed.

"Wait for me." Niu Sanpang trotted up to follow, but he still refused to give up and said, "If we don't want to go and have a look, I'm sure the stone will be interpreted on the spot, and if the bet goes up, a jeweler will bid to buy it on the spot.

Then ring the alarm bell again, lest you will have a hot head next time. 860,000 won't hurt his muscles, but once this gambling starts, it will get deeper and deeper. If you lose your bet, you want to get back your money, and if you lose your bet, you want to make persistent efforts, and then fall into an endless loop.

"Let's go and have a look. You don't need to squeeze inside, as long as you set off firecrackers, it means a cut price, otherwise you lose the bet."

The two of them left the warehouse and stood outside the square. Several machines were dissecting stones. After about six or seven minutes, they heard a sigh, which was obviously broken.

Then I saw the man who was over fifty years old come out in a daze, holding two rough stones in his arms.

Niu San shrank his head, but fortunately Li Mo turned the corner and reminded him, otherwise he would be the one who was disappointed at the moment.

Be sure to stay calm next time, don't get hot in your head, win or lose in a single thought.

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