Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 1129 I’ll scare you to death if I say it

Small and exquisite eight-treasure inlays like this one handed down from the Qing Dynasty are rarely seen on the market, and they are not expensive in terms of value, estimated at two to three hundred thousand. Although it is not as rich and noble as porcelain, it is better because of its scarcity. It will also be a good gift to give to friends in the future.

"Boss, this street stall has come to an end. Should we go shopping in the antique shops along the street?"

"We can go to the antique shop owned by foreigners first."

Li Mo was about to choose a family to enter when his phone suddenly vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was Sirui calling. There must be something important. After getting through, he smiled and said, "My dear wife, do you have any advice?"

"Where is your noisy and loud voice?"

"Your husband, the place I am most interested in is the Antique City Night Market here in Guangdi. Let me tell you good news. Today I found a piece of porcelain from the Qianlong Emperor's period. The glaze craftsmanship is very special, which makes up for my museum. shortcomings."

"Forget about Taobao for now. My cousin's cousin happens to be filming in Guangdi. She just called and asked for help. She said that the director insisted on letting her go to dinner with the investors, and she also hinted at some dirty words."

Li Mo couldn't help but frown. That woman was deceived into losing everything. Why didn't she just stay at home and reflect for a while, and why did she go to Guangdi to film.

"Send me the address."

Li Mo hung up the phone and soon received an address location text message. When he opened it, he saw that it was quite close to here. It's only around seven o'clock in the evening, and it only takes about twenty minutes to get there.

"Tongchui, let's go to another place to take care of some things. Come visit the Antique City Night Market tomorrow."

Li Mo returned immediately, and then the two cars drove towards the five-star hotel, arriving in less than twenty minutes.

"Tonghammer, the two of us will go up first, and the others will wait for orders."

"Yes, boss."

Li Mo looked at the private room number on the text message and walked over there with his hands behind his back.

"Boss, which floor is this?"

"Fifth floor 5023."

When the two arrived on the fifth floor, they saw several waiters standing at the door of the box, chattering.

"The female stars in it are all so beautiful. They are even more beautiful in real life than in the TV series."

"It's good to have money. You can have beautiful female stars accompany you even when you have dinner."

"What's great about being a star is that if you don't have a big background, you're not at the mercy of others. Whatever investors and directors want them to do, they have to do it obediently, otherwise their roles may be replaced or even banned directly. From now on, I will be mixed up in the entertainment industry.”

"Just now when I went in to deliver the food, several of their grown men were taking turns drinking wine from a female celebrity. They seemed to be determined not to stop until she got drunk."

"Rich people are not good people. Being rich is disgusting."

Li Mo just heard what they said and remained calm. The copper hammer behind him pushed them aside and opened the door directly, and there were waves of cheers.

"Liyang, your drinking capacity is okay. As the saying goes, those who are capable work hard. You can have another drink with Mr. Zhou."

"Clinking glasses and drinking is no fun, why don't we have a drink with each other."

"Okay, let's have a glass of wine."

There was a screen at the door of the room. Li Mo went around and saw this large round table in a hall. There were more than ten people sitting around it, most of whom were young men and women. Yu Liyang sat on a table in her forties. She didn't know how much wine she had drunk next to the 20-year-old man, and her face was already red under the light from the overhead light.

The two men and women next to her were cheering for a drink, and the woman among them was filling her wine.

"Liyang, let's have a drink."

The middle-aged man has already taken action.

"How about I drink this glass of wine with you?"

It's not loud, but it's deep. Everyone at the wine table immediately looked toward the door, and saw a man wearing glasses walking over with his hands behind his back. He glanced at Yu Liyang across the wine table and said lightly: "Liyang, you are drunk. follow me."

Yu Liyang was indeed drunk. Her body began to sway as she stood there, her eyes blurred, and she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Who is your special number? You are yelling here."

A burly man standing in the corner rushed up and stretched out his hand to stop Li Mo. The latter did not move, but the copper hammer beside him moved. He jumped up, looking very light, and stepped to the side of the opponent in two steps. , his hands reached out, and turned into eagle claws. He grabbed the opponent's right wrist joint with his right hand, and grabbed the opponent's shoulder with his left hand. He didn't know how hard he used it. He only heard the menacing man suddenly scream, and he felt the whole body. His arm seemed to be scratched alive, and the pain instantly made him lose any resistance. His legs went weak and he knelt on the ground, half of his body tilted.

Li Mo glanced at Tongchui with a stern face in surprise, "Good guy, no wonder Chen Xiaojun and Brown Bear chose him to be their guard. This eagle claw skill has really been mastered."

As soon as they met, the burly man let out a scream, causing the entire hall to fall silent.

"Shut him up."

Li Mo curled his lips, and then he saw the copper hammer grabbing his chin like lightning, and immediately shut him up with one grab, with horror in his eyes.

"go away."

Tongchui still didn't act harshly. He took two steps back and stood half a step behind Li Mo, glancing around indifferently.

"Who is the director?"

As soon as Li Mo finished speaking, many people subconsciously looked at the man sitting on the other side of the middle-aged man. He had some white hair on his head, a big beard, and looked rough.

"Who are you? This is our private dinner place. If you don't leave, I will call the police."

The bearded director stood up and looked at Li Mo gloomily. At the same time, he couldn't guess the real origin of the other party, so he just let him leave.

Li Mo walked up to him, looked at him for three seconds and suddenly slapped him hard on the face, knocking him and his chair to the ground. Now the others could no longer sit still and stood up. Step aside.

"What a filthy director. Nothing happened to Liyang today. If a hair falls off on her body, I will chop you off."

The bearded director was knocked unconscious by the slap. He touched his face and didn't even dare to utter a fart.

Li Mo looked at the investor again and said coldly: "Which investment company are you the boss of?"

"Tianxiang Capital." The middle-aged man still straightened his chest and told his origins. A good man doesn't suffer immediate losses. This man is not easy to mess with at first glance.

"What the hell is Tianxiang Capital? Why haven't I heard of it?" Li Mo didn't have this investment company in his mind. He curled his lips and suddenly slapped him again. With a bang, even the chair knocked him down. .

"Security, security."

The investor covered his face and screamed, he must have lost all face today. No matter what the other party's background is, this tone must be regained.

The hotel security guards rushed in, five of them in total, each with a baton in his hand. Before they could figure out the situation, Tong Shui had already stopped them. They saw him unbuttoning his clothes, then pulling them open, revealing the gun hidden in his left ribs.

"Don't get into trouble. I have authorization. If you come within two steps of my boss, I can kill you directly. Your death will be in vain."

Guaiguai Longdi Cave, what is the origin of this stern man in front of you? He carries a gun with him, and he said that he can shoot directly if he is authorized. This kind of person must have a great background and an extraordinary background.

And he was just trying to protect the man with glasses. Oh my God, what kind of master did the hotel get into?

"We are from the security department of the hotel. We received news that someone was committing murder here, so we came to take a look. We don't want to cause any trouble, but if things get too big here, it won't be good for your boss."

Tongchui hesitated, nodded and said, "Let's go out and talk."

The five security guards breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. As long as they figured out where the other party came from, they would have an explanation.

Li Mo waited until they all went out before walking to Yu Liyang. She was lying on the table muttering something confusing and smelling of alcohol.

He was about to help her up and leave when he saw Tong Hammer and a security guard coming over again. The security guard saluted Li Mo and said respectfully: "Sir, if you have any questions, just ask me?"

"Arrange a room for her and find two waitresses to take her back to her room to have a good rest."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. Please wait a moment."

The changes in the security guard's attitude made both the investors and the bearded director realize that this person's background was terrifying.

Li Mo turned to look at the investor and said calmly: "You should finish the wine on the table before leaving."

Then he looked at the bearded director and said with a snort: "You bad bitch."

Finally, he looked at the other young men, women and staff who were standing aside. The sharp gazes made them all frightened to the point where they lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Li Mo then walked away.

The security captain arranged the room and walked into the private hall again, followed by two waitresses.

"Send this lady back to the presidential suite and have a good rest. You two will stay there today to take care of her until she wakes up."

The two female waitresses helped Yu Liyang up and left. The security captain sighed softly, then looked at the two people on the ground with pitiful eyes and said: "I remind you, you must not say anything about what happened just now, otherwise it will cause great harm to everyone." You can't escape even if you want to run away when disaster strikes. When the drunk lady wakes up tomorrow, you must apologize properly, but don't seek death. Also, our boss said that he invited this banquet, now please Everyone, please leave the hotel immediately."

Everyone looked at each other, and the security guard's words sent chills down their backs.

"Brother, please give us a hint and convince us." The investor quickly called to the security captain who was about to leave.

"I dare not say it. If I say it, I will scare you to death. If you want to seek death, just go find out about that person's origins. Don't drag me to death with you."

Li Mo walked out of the hotel, took out his mobile phone and dialed Sirui's number. She was still awake and waiting for his call.

"Xiao Mo, how is Liyang's situation?"

"I was drunk and arrived in time. Nothing happened. Have you heard of Tianxiang Capital?"

"You also said that the drama that Li Yang participated in was invested by Tianxiang Capital? I actually know Tianxiang Capital. The boss's surname seems to be Zhou. He seems to be following a younger brother of San Pang."

"I won't get involved in this matter anymore. You tell San Fatty tomorrow and ask him to order that little brother."

"Okay, then you go back to the hotel and rest early."

"Well, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mo got into the car parked in front of him. He had no interest in going to the antique city night market to hunt for treasures anymore. He had better go to bed early. Tomorrow he would discuss with marine experts how to conduct archaeological research.

The next day, Li Mo walked out of the hotel's supporting gym dripping with sweat. Tongchui sat aside and drank gulps of water. His physical fitness was far inferior to Li Mo's, and he was defeated after running for an hour.

"Go back and take a shower and then we'll have breakfast. Director Zhou sent me a text message and is waiting for us to go to the restaurant together." Li Mo and Tong Chui walked into the elevator, "You practice Eagle Claw Kung Fu?"

"When I was a kid, I practiced a few moves with a martial artist from the same village. It's not really the authentic Eagle Claw Kung Fu. I just practiced the strength of my ten fingers for so many years. I was able to exert some lethality in any fight with people. Yesterday, the bodyguard's arm didn't work. Three months of rest will not make it better. However, the power of your Bajiquan is incomparable to boss, and it is even more vulnerable to your Miao Dao Shu."

"It's amazing to be able to specialize in one martial art all your life and reach the peak of it. I'm going to build a martial arts hall in Suzhou, and then I'll invite famous martial arts masters from all over the world to come and inherit it. It's said that the world's martial arts originated from Shaolin, so Shaolin Temple has become a famous ancient temple in the world. I hope that one day in the future, that martial arts hall will become a new holy place for martial arts inheritance, and the spirit of Chinese martial arts will be passed down forever. If you can practice your Eagle Claw skill systematically, In the future, there may not be a place for you to establish a sect in the Guoshu Academy."

Tongchui's eyes were bright, and the boss's unbridled ideas were simply too poisonous, making people's blood boil just by listening to them.

"Boss, I will take some time and work harder."

The two came to the cafeteria. Director Zhou had already prepared a meal, which consisted of simple white rice porridge, boiled eggs, cold side dishes, sweet potatoes, salted peanuts and other grains. It was mainly light and healthy.

Li Mo and Tongchui are different. Steak, lamb chops, egg fried rice, and pure milk are served to the table one by one.

"Director Zhou, how about some beef? It's highly nutritious."

Director Zhou took a sip of white porridge and waved his hands and said: "If you can't digest it, it's good to eat something light. Academician Li, let's have a collective meeting this morning to analyze the specific situation of the Northern Song Dynasty shipwreck. We can do it in the afternoon The salvage container was opened for careful cleaning."

"I'm proficient in these. Director Zhou, you can arrange it. I will follow your rhythm."

"Academician Li, you are too modest. When the research here becomes formal, will we start salvaging the second sunken ship?"

"Well, the location of the marine archaeological base in Suzhou has been selected and is being constructed overtime. Because it is not a reinforced concrete structure, the construction speed of the base is very fast. It is expected to be put into use by the end of July. The two sunken ships were sent directly to the base over there for research."

"That's good, while we old bones can still move around, we can make as many contributions as possible."

Li Mo smiled and said: "Director Zhou, you have a long way to go in your future work. You must cultivate more outstanding talents for our country as soon as possible."

"This is what we're meant to do."

Li Mo took out a silk bag with a tied mouth from his pocket. There was a round thing inside, and he handed it to Director Zhou and said, "I found this when I went to the antique city night market yesterday. Director Zhou saw it." If you like it, take it back and show it to your children and grandchildren."

How could Director Zhou not understand what Li Mo meant? Since it was found in the antique city, it must be an antique. It just looks small in size, so I don't know what kind of exquisite thing it is.

He untied the rope, took out the antique from inside, looked at it carefully and said with surprise, "Academician Li, is this an eight-treasure inlay?"

"It was passed down from the imperial palace in the early Qing Dynasty. It is small and exquisite. It is made of old rosewood and inlaid with eight treasures."

"It's so beautiful." Director Zhou really liked it. Such an exquisite treasure passed down from the Qing Palace can be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

"Director Zhou, put it in your pocket if you like it. It's not easy to find things like this. I guess these are all brought back from Southeast Asia."

"Academician Li, this is too valuable. How can I accept it?"

"If you don't accept it, I will give it to another expert. Then don't open your eyes and regret it."

Director Zhou immediately stuffed the eight treasures into a silk bag, then carefully put them into his pocket, and then happily ate the white water eggs.

"I won't say much more to express my gratitude. I can only put more effort into salvaging the sunken ship."

The meeting was held in the office of the Guangdi Marine Archaeological Base. From beginning to end, Director Zhou and other marine archaeological experts were expressing their thoughts and suggestions. Li Mo just listened silently.

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