Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3947 Eyes are red

Luo Bi's nagging meant nothing more than that Sanfang didn't know what was going on.

Why do you need to be in the limelight? Luo Bi didn't think it was necessary.

After playing for a long time, they went to the main house.

The wedding was coming soon, and Luo Yuan dressed brightly every day, took care of her hair, brought expensive hairpins, and tied her hair up to look like a lady.

Nowadays, everyone wants to be a lady from aristocratic families, but they don’t have that fate, so they have to try their best to supplement their clothes and temperament.

Relatives from all the families came, and the atmosphere in the main house was lively and lively throughout the day.

The girls had never seen Luo Yuan in such a beautiful dress. They were all attracted by the gold, stone and jade dress, and they just like Luo Yuan's little followers came close to her and obeyed everything Luo Yuan asked.

At this time, the girls' eyes were full of envy and their eyes were red.

"Your jade necklace is so beautiful."

"This skirt looks good too."

"Mom, do you know how many interstellar coins there are?"

"I don't know, but I love it."

"We can't afford it."

"You can dress so well when you get married."

"Remember to find a child from a big family."

"People look down on me."

"The Zhan family is a big family, and there must be many children from the family at the wedding."

The girl looked forward to it and had a plan in her heart.

Several elders of the family discussed and decided on the candidates to attend the wedding.

The shameless aunts will definitely go with them, as will their peers, cousins ​​Luo Huan and Luo Rui, and cousins ​​Luo Jiao and Luo Yan.

Promising children from relatives will also go, and Luo Wan and Luo Sha will go from Emperor Star on the wedding day.

Luo Bi didn't come forward, and Liang Meng didn't ask Luo Bi to go.

There are many people in the family, and it is impossible for everyone to attend the wedding. Some people stay in the main house and entertain others. With this arrangement, it is clear who is the most proud in the family.

Relatives are also used to looking down on others, so they naturally know whose family they will be close to in the future.

Luo Bi's family only had the opportunity to attend the wedding.

Attending the wedding is not for nothing, you need to get interstellar coins as a gift.

Hua Ran has thought about it, he will not give more or less, just like Luo Qing.

Hua Ran will not always be in the mercenary group. If he wants to go further, he must develop connections. Almost all other younger generations have the same idea, gathering together to chat and get closer to each other.

In the future interstellar era, it will be difficult to achieve success without the help of the family.

When it gets dark, Luo Bi goes home.

Luo Hang asked her: "Do you still have a headache?"

"I don't have such a headache anymore." Luo Bi sighed: "It's not even possible to eat melon seeds."

Luo Bi ate a lot of fried river melon seeds, and even Guan Zhuting knew that Luo Bi had no headaches after eating fried river melon seeds. The couple discussed it and went to the material warehouse to count the number of river melon seeds.

Luo Bi returned home. After Fengling heard about it when she came back in the evening, she also counted the stock of river melon seeds in the material warehouse.

If Luo Bi didn't save food, river melon seeds would be enough for her for two years. Even if her family members didn't eat them, she would be reluctant to eat them.

The next day, Luo Bi played with the jadeite again in the morning.

The ones with wind and lightning will break after being fiddled with for a while.

This doesn't work. People in the family thought she was a useless talent. It was one thing for her to make her clan members think she was a useless person, but she couldn't really work in vain. Luo Bi picked out a gold jade stone.

When the spiritual power is explored, the broken gold is dazzling and dazzling.

Oh my god, this is good. Luo Bi suddenly felt a lot more relaxed mentally and picked up the little golden balls one by one. (End of chapter)

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