Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3743 Save the elixir

Wen Xiao didn't say anything. Anyway, he made money while he was idle.

Wen Xiao grinned when he thought about the high-level spiritual plant he picked up for free.

The guard bunting was angry: "Next time we will kill one and harvest one."

Now that it was getting dark, the injured children no longer bothered to spread the elixir. They quickly found the team of the Warlord family to camp on the rocky mountain. You must know that the large alien beasts from undeveloped planets are even more powerful at night.

Wei Yu called Wei Yu. The signal was pretty good and asked where to camp. Wen Xiao led the team to a nearby rocky mountain with high terrain. Most hunting teams chose to camp in such rocky mountains.

When they arrived at the place, the Thunder Flame warriors of the Warlord family were already setting up tents.

Throughout the rocky mountain, there were other hunting teams and mercenary groups.

Most of the hunting teams and mercenary groups fought from morning to dark without even bothering to eat. At this time, everyone was tired and hungry, and looked a little exhausted. The injured ones found a place to sit down, took out the elixir and sprinkled it on their wounds. superior.

The children stopped fighting and sat down to check their injuries.

Wei Yu greeted Wen Xiao and Luo Bi. Wei Yang walked over and asked the child, "Are you injured?"

The children waved their hands: "Nothing, nothing."

It's just a minor injury, so save the elixir if you can.

Wei Yun took out a bottle of low-grade hemostatic elixir. Wei Yuan took it and sprinkled it on the child without any explanation. The children of the Warlord family hissed and grinned. They had a cousin who hurt them.

There was a child who was starving, so he took out the dried meat and ate it happily.

Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet, took out the snack bag, and shared it with the children. Wei Yu stopped him: "You can keep it for yourself. We will roast the meat of the alien beasts later and let them eat the meat of the alien beasts. We have to eat it in Blazing Star." After staying for a while, they won’t have enough to eat and they will eat whatever you eat.”

It makes sense. There are too many children and they can't tell them apart. Luo Bi grabbed a handful of delicious ones and gave them to the children. Some dried fruits cost more than ten pieces in a pack. The children could still taste one piece each.

The Weiyang children were exhausted and lay with their eyes closed. The Weiyang children did not call the children.

Wei Yu was fighting intensively today, and now he was lazily leaning on the vines with his eyes closed and concentrating. Wei Yu arranged for the Leiyan warriors to set up tents, while Wen Xiao and Wei Yang cooked barbecue.

There is no Leiyan warrior who doesn't know how to cook barbecue when he often goes on missions.

Wei Wei and the others hunted a second-level combat power flaming duck beast, duck meat! Naturally, the meat is delicious. If it weren't for the talented people in the team, Wei Yu wouldn't be willing to eat it.

This duck beast is about three hundred pounds, which is considered small. No one in the wild has time to perm and pluck the whole duck feathers. Wen Xiao and Wei Yang moved to the spring and cut off the duck wings, duck head, and duck legs. After a while, Boil water and pull out duck feathers.

Peel the remaining duck beast, cut off a piece of duck breast and put it on the grill for roasting.

We were all starving, so we roasted a piece of duck and ate it first.

Luo Bi looked at the grill, estimated that it was almost ready, and sprinkled it with salt and seasonings. The guard bunting smelled the smell of duck meat, got up, and helped listlessly.

Plucking duck feathers is a labor-intensive job. The other children who could still move ran to the spring and helped Wen Xiao and Wei Yang pluck duck feathers. The duck wings and legs were the most delicious after they were roasted.

Wei Zi ran back from the Zhang family's hunting team and was very hungry: "Isn't it cooked yet?"

After it was baked, Luo Bi said: "Just wait!"

Wei Zi knew that she had to wait, so she turned around to find what kind of tent Wei Yu wanted. She had already asked the talents of other teams, and they even brought flowers and plants for decoration.

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