Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3640 That guy understands

Robbie felt that she couldn't cry anymore, they were so kind to her.

Don't watch Luo Bi cry, her mind is not idle.

The more Feng Ling wiped Luo Bi's tears, the more the two-year-old child stretched out his small hands to wipe Luo Bi's tears. Wei Wren took the towel from Feng Ling, soaked it and wrung it dry, and handed it to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling continued to coax Luo Bi, Zhu Xingzhi, Zhu Xingshao, and Zhu Xingrong soon came, Luo Hang, his wife, and Hua Ran also came together, and Guan Zhuting was familiar with the soul caller, and dragged a rake to call the soul on the balcony.

Robbie cried: "I still want to cry!"

Zhu Xing burst into tears anxiously, and Luo Bi said: "You, you, don't cry, I can't bear it if you cry, I like people around me who are in a good mood."

The child wiped away his tears, and Wei Bunting called him, "Let's go boil the water."

Feng Ling couldn't leave to entertain guests, so Wei Bunting and Zhu Xingzhi ran to boil water.

After walking for two days, Luo Bi saw that there were still people with her, so she didn't curl her mouth and cry loudly. She liked to play with everyone, and everyone stayed with her at night, and she felt much better.

Admiral Qi Lan didn't know how he heard about it, so he asked Tang Shao to accompany him.

"I heard that he lost his soul?" Admiral Qi Lan said with a gentle expression.

As soon as Admiral Qi Lan came, Luo Bi became more wronged and cried loudly, it's broken, the better others treat her, the more sad she is, today the family came to ask for a little pig, it reminded her of the life before time travel, this is what happened. Cry aggrieved.

In fact, Robbie knew in her heart that she was not offended.

Luo Bi felt that she was at a disadvantage, and the more she cried, the more sad she became. She has been kind to her all her life.

Comparing the two sides, Robbie couldn't stop crying.

Feng Ling picked it up in distress, and Luo Bi said: "Don't talk to me, I'll cry enough."

Yes, she understands everything.

Admiral Qi Lan asked Tang Shao to bring a piece of top-quality jade, which was also strung with Yunduan beads, which was very valuable at first glance, Luo Bi didn't know the goods, and she couldn't see what Yunduan was, so she didn't accept it.

If she is sad, she is sad, and she can't take advantage of it!

Feng Ling took it, his eyes were poisonous, he knew that this was a good thing that Admiral Qi Lan valued, and it was good for Luo Bi to carry it with him, so don't take it for nothing.

General Qi Lan didn't want to say much, but he knew that Feng Ling held Luo Bi in his heart and doted on him, so he said: "Jade to ward off evil spirits, take it, don't cry for a while, no matter how much good things you eat, you won't be able to make up for your sadness." .”

"I don't want to cry either!" Robbie was still crying.

Tang Shao and Wei Wei sat on the sofa, trying to figure out what was going on.

Call Bai Yan, that bastard understands.

Admiral Qi Lan obviously thought of this, and asked Feng Ling, "Is your name Bai Yan?"

Feng Ling looked at the communicator: "It's called, this is Zhihuangxing."

Admiral Qi Lan went to sit on the big balcony, and he found out that he cried even more vigorously at Luo Bi, as if he was suing someone, to see who wronged him, who made her angry.

Luo Bi cried and looked at Feng Ling: "Going away?"

Feng Ling was startled: "Who?"

"Admiral Qi Lan!" Luo Bi said.

"No." Feng Ling was annoyed: "He went to the big balcony, he won't leave with us."

Feng Ling laughed angrily, this lost soul can be tossed quite a bit.

Tang Shao got up: "I'll pick up Bai Yan."

Feng Ling nodded, and Tang Shao took the military suspension car key and left.

As soon as Tang Shao left, Mrs. Zhu followed Patriarch Zhu.

As soon as Mrs. Zhu came, Luo Bi burst into tears when she saw that she was wronged again.

Mrs. Zhu wiped Luo Bi's tears with a gentle expression: "What's the matter, child?!"

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