Traveler Of The Multiverse


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At the forefront of the Kengan Cruise Ship, Sora and the other fighters, and their respective companies, were all in front of the Kengan Association Chairman.

Many men in suits were around the old man, all prepared to fight at a moment's notice. The shocking thing was that all the fighters were peak Masters and some low ranked Grand Masters.

The shocking thing was the fact that Grand Masters should be little in number, yet there were so many grouped together.

'This is interesting,' thought Sora with a rub of his chin.

However, something more interesting caught Sora's attention. It was the heavy aura around the chairman as well as the air of luck in that heavy aura.

'Such amount of luck,' thought Sora, 'If he was shot to the head, he would most likely survive somehow and only lose some memories.'

After some small talk and a fighter being thrown off the ship for being obnoxious, Sora and the rest were led over to a party on the cruise ship.


Sora looked at the surroundings with interest, seeing many women that are ripe for picking. He even noticed a familiar face in the large number of people in the cruise ship.

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Kamiyama. I hope we see each other again," said Kaede as she bowed to Sora with a small blush on her face.

"I hope to see you again as well Kamiyama-san~," said the black haired woman next to Kaede, Kushida.

Kushida was the other secretary to the company Kaede was part of. Kaede was more like the supervising secretary that came from another company.

Sora smiled at Kushida, noticing the slight seduction in her voice, "Yeah, I hope to see you both soon as well."

Waving goodbye to them, Sora also noticed the old man he had ran into on the first day he arrived in this world. He chuckled and went around to meet people, eating was of course his first priority.

When Sora approached the food table, he ran into Hiyama Shunka.

"Oh, it's you. The one who tried keeping track of my every movement whilst in a fight," said Sora as he grabbed a small cake and placed it on his plate. His eyes looked at the small woman next to him that was grabbing food for herself.

"..." Shunka frowned and looked to the side, trying to ignore Sora.

"Wow, so cold," said Sora as he revealed a wisp of a smile.

"... are you participating in the tournament?" Shunka finally asked as she glanced at Sora.

Nodding, Sora said, "I'm helping someone out, so I will be trying my best."

"Can you serve me those cookies? As you can see, I can't do it," Sora turned and showed Shunka his right shoulder.

"..." Shunka looked at Sora's shoulder before passing some cookies onto his plate. She looked up at his cute/handsome face before looking away.

"Can you serve me those fruit rolls now?"


"How about those mooncakes?"


Sora walked around with Shunka after he had her help him with the food. He ate the food and talked with Shunka, having fun teasing her.

"You're very smart. To be able to mentally analyse and calculate numerical problems at superhuman levels is pretty amazing," noted Sora as he looked at Shunka with interest. "You could naturally become better than most with that mind of yours."

"..." Shunka looked up at Sora with wide eyes before giving a small smile. She drank from her cup and looked at Sora as the flush from drinking covered her cheeks.

"You're an amazing woman. One who can easily accomplish many things by herself," said Sora as he looked into Shunka's eyes. Since Sora had talked with Shunka for almost 10 minutes now, he had already picked up on her habits, likes, and dislikes.

It was quite easy for someone like Sora to figure out a person's entire life by just talking with them. It would be quicker if he looked at their palms, their skeletal structure, or even looking at their facial structure.

With his mastery in divination, stuff like these were the easiest.

Sora even found out that Shunka had quite an obsession with the man who helped her before she almost died at the hands of her cousin. Breaking her out of that isolation won't take long for Sora.

It only took a couple of words.

Using suggestions like in hypnotism, Sora can slowly help out the woman from her unhealthy obsession.

"Thanks. Can you excuse me, I need to enter the restroom," said Shunka with a flush and a straight face. She didn't wait for Sora to say anything before jogging to the restroom.

Sora smiled and decided to walk around and talk with other people since Shunka will take a while to come out the restroom.

'Now, how many beautiful women are left here,' thought Sora as his gaze swept across the entire room.

Noticing a beauty, Sora smiled and walked over to her.

"Hello, I am Kamiyama Sora. Suoh Steelworks' fighter," he said as he bowed lightly before a beautiful woman.

"Oh, well aren't you a cutie," said the woman as she seductively smiled. "I'm Soryuin Shion, chairwoman of Koyo Academy Group."

Shion is a woman with long dark red hair, full lips with neatly applied lipstick. She has a notably large bosom and wears formal clothing in such a way that shows them off. Shion also usually has a cigarette on her that she smokes regularly.

Her eyes looked at Sora with interest despite looking tired and gloomy. Shion gave a small smile as she leaned forward to Sora.

"Where's your employer cutie?" asked Shion with a corner of her lips raised.

"Who knows. I haven't seen her since we got here. She might have ran straight to the restroom or maybe to some important business," voiced Sora.

Truthfully, the insane amount of money Mihono had won from the bet still needed to be dealt with. She was stuck sending the money out to many different areas for her company. Since the money came straight out from her personal account, she kept 40% of the money before transferring 50% of the money to Sora.

The rest was for the company and other items she had to pay for.

Sora talked with Shion for quite a while after noticing her fetish for rather muscular men. Luckily, Sora was good in that department.

Every muscle in his body was packed with insane power and his body was slender yet well-built. With the muscles of his body, Sora didn't have the body of the typical 'small' 15-16 year olds would have. His body was more or less that of a 20 year olds that has worked out for a long time.

All the muscles in Sora's body were well outlined and very well toned. Sora's height reached well over 1.8 meters (5' 11") tall and his looks were rather mature. Despite that, Sora's face still contained some of his young features making people realize that he was still a young boy.

Despite wearing a loose tang suit robe, Sora's pec's were naturally protruding nicely thanks to the robe. Every casual move of Sora's was also filled with just 5% of his strength, still a lot more strength than the average human.

Shion's eyes twinkled as she watched in excitement at Sora's muscles wishing to explode out of his clothes. Biting her lip as she put out the cigarette in her hand, Shion walked up to Sora and placed a hand on his chest.

"Your body is well built, I would love to see this body of yours without this clothes on," Shion felt one of Sora's pecs and gave off a rather seductive gaze.

"I'm sure we can work something out," Sora whispered into Shion's ears. His eyes trailed off to Shion's secretary and he winked at her. "I'll see you later, I still have other people to meet."

With a light smile, Sora caught Shion by surprise as he planted a quick kiss on Shion's lips. Yet that one short kiss was filled with indescribable pleasure and a tasty flavor in her mouth.

To any woman who experiences the pleasure Sora cna give them and taste his bodily fluid would all fall victim to him. Sora was like a drug to the women, making them get hooked on him.

Sora looked at the time and found that it will still take Shunka a bit longer to exit the bathroom.

'I will walk around a bit more,' thought Sora as he revealed a sly smile after his gaze landed on another beautiful woman.

A beautiful young woman with long fair hair that falls past her neck to her sizable chest, an hourglass figure and full lips neatly painted with lipstick was standing not that far from Sora. She was an overall classy looking woman who looked very alluring.

Sora smiled and approached the woman, "My name is Kamiyama Sora. It's a pleasure to meet such an amazing woman like you, especially someone with a controlling ability like yours."


The woman lifted her eyebrows in alarm after hearing Sora's words. She looked at Sora warrily before saying, "My name is Kurayoshi Rino, representative of Gold Pleasure Group"

"Nice to meet you, I'm the fighter of Suoh Steelworks. No need to be so alarmed, I only pointed out your ability so that we can talk normally," said Sora as he looked at the woman with bright and clear eyes, no l.u.s.t or desire present within them.

Rino looked at Sora for a second before sighing in relief, she turned to her side and looked at the man that had been right by her side the entire time. She gave him a quick order and he quickly left, but not before shooting Sora a nasty look.

"Don't mind him. He's under my control," mentioned Rino as she looked at his back.

"Haha, he must be weak then. To be able to fall prey to some control ability," Sora shook his head. Even in his past life, Sora had a strong sense of self, making his will pretty strong. He was hardly affected by any optical illusions and never fell prey to even the master hypnotists.

Master hypnotists were people who could hypnotise people by the smallest of actions. Whether it'd be a look, their voice, or even just a light tap on the shoulder, anyone would instantly fall hypnotized at a Master Hypnotist's actions.

Sora on the other hand only felt irritated whenever it happened. It was like an annoying fly buzzing right next to your ear, refusing to leave. He could keep calm, but he would rather take out the master hypnotist out quickly to kill the annoying fly.

Rino frowned at Sora's words and quickly said, "I hope you make it to the end so that my fighter Mikazuchi Rei can take you down."

"Oh? What if he doesn't make it to the end, or I defeat him?" asked Sora with a smirk at Rino's words. Having thrown out the bait, all Sora had to wait for was for Rino to bite onto the bait.

"I'll let you do me once," muttered the woman with a confident look on her face. Her chest was raised and a proud smile was plastered on her face.

She took the bait!

Time to reel it in…

"Oh? What do you want in return if you win then," asked Sora as furrowed his eyebrows. "It has to be something on the same level as your bet."

"Hm… how about you apologize to my fighter and you become my bodyguard."

Rino gave a smile as gentle as a rose, yet equally thorny and filled with unknown dangers. Once Sora agrees to the bet and she wins, she will have Sora within her grasp. Having another strong fighter like Sora will naturally be best for her and Gold Pleasure Group's interest.

"Tsk..." Sora pretended to think about it before 'begrudgingly' nodding. "You better not back out when I win this."

Sora looked at Rino with a frown before leaving with a wide smile.

'That was almost too easy,' thought Sora as he chuckled inwardly. 'Should be about time Shunka comes out the restroom.'

By the time Sora made it back to where he last talked with Shunka, Shunka had just stepped out of the bathroom. Her face was still red from being slightly drunk and yet her face looked more refined like if she had put on makeup.

'Looks like the suggestions are beginning to heal her.' Sora smiled seeing one of his patients already beginning to heal after a few words of his. 'All I need to worry about is that guy I fought against before to keep her from relapse. Although a single suggestion more can keep her from relapsing.'



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