Super Chao suffered such a serious injury, and then fell alive and died! But can you save two people at the same time? One of them was a big man measuring 1.99 meters tall? I don't want to die in the Premier League, but I don't want to die myself!

Question 5: You and your best friend are in danger of life at the same time but can only save one. Who do you want to survive?

************************************************** *******************

Just as I was stunned, Guoer had grabbed me in his arms, and while holding my head firmly with his hands, he whispered:


We sink like a stone into the water with a lot of bubbles in the turbulent current! The nose and mouth were immediately sealed by water, and the ears were buzzed and stung by the water pressure!

Question 5: You and your best friend are in danger of life at the same time but can only save one. Who do you want to survive?

Answer: All!

Am I greedy?

Yes, I am greedy. Especially when it comes to the people around me, I am extremely greedy.

When I was dragging me to swim quickly towards the water, I had made up my mind! Breathing out of the water, I pushed away:

"Go save the Premier League! I can swim!"

After a while without letting go,

"No, the current is too rapid."

"It's okay, save him!"

"He has injuries, the current is rushing here, it's hard to find, it's harder to rescue."

It was because of his injuries that he was likely to pass out when falling into the water. If it is shocked, it is even better, as long as it won't hold the water, there is no danger to life. If we hesitate now, there is really no hope! I almost yelled at the collar:

"How do you know if you haven't tried it? I haven't given up on you ?!"

Then he tightened his hand and whispered, "Go and save him, or I will show you to death."

After a while, he lived and swam to the distance.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately became nervous again. I can swim faster in the river with rapids than in the swimming pool. However, more often I am disturbed by the flowing water in a erratic direction. You will be caught in the strong river water and follow the current, or you will be photographed on the stone. If you encounter a vortex, you can basically kill the gun ...

Struggling in the water, Haikou has already boasted, how can I call for help now? I do n’t know how long I have been fighting in the water. It was n’t until my strength was drained from my body that I was washed into a more gentle zone by the water. The embankment was right in front of me. At this time, the various reports of heroic diving in the newspaper to save people from sacrificing themselves were very untimely in my mind ... Finally, even the high school debate question "Is it worth it for college students to sacrifice the 70s?" Come out! By the way, am I coming in the opposite direction?

Suddenly, his waist was tight, and he was pushed ashore, and his limbs collapsed on the shore and he breathed for half a day before he came alive. Looking up halfway, I found that the Premier League was soaked with wet eyes and not far away. The chest was slightly undulating. It should not be a big deal. I sat in the middle of the two of us and wrung my clothes in silently ... … In the end, I was rescued by children. A little embarrassed to think about it, I struggled to get up and staggered to sit beside me,

"um. Thank you."

There was no silence.

I walked right in front of him, facing his face, "I mean, thank you, that saved us both."

He hummed and turned his face.

What awkward kid is?

No, now it is the biggest salvation benefactor. I quickly pleased and pulled his hand, "Are you angry?"

He stood up staggeringly, headed for the Premier League, dragged his collar and dragged to a dry place!

Come on, it ’s an injury, this guy is really not rude to people outside the scope of his duties ...-_- #

I dropped the Premier League on the ground and pulled out the dagger on my waist, which scared me! No, although I already knew that you do n’t like him very much, and you do n’t have to smash down the rocks to ruin it? !!

After a while, he said coldly, "His wound is going to be treated. You need to burn some water."

Question 6: How to use fire to burn water in the wilderness where there is nothing?

Answer: See the US Army Survival Manual.

* How to make a fire--

If you don't have a match, lighter, or pyrotechnics, you can use other materials to ignite, but keep in mind that you need good lint and a suitable fire. If you have a piece of steel--such as a knife blade--and a flint stone, you can also make Mars to ignite a fire. (You can also use a hard stone instead of the flint.) Hold the flint as close as possible to the tinder, and hit the flint with the scythe down, and Mars will splash into the center of the tinder after it is generated.

There are several methods for quickly firing, three of which are easier: conical, single-slope, and cross-ditch.

Cone. Stack the tinder and the twigs for firing into a cone and ignite the fire in the middle. When the central part is burned, the surrounding wood will fall inward, and then add fuelwood to the fire. This type of fire will burn well even with wet wood.

Single slope. Insert a dry branch into the ground at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground, and place one end of the branch against the wind. Put some velvet (at least one) under the inclined branches and try to get in. Then put some twigs on each side of the inclined branches. Ignite the tinder and burn it with a branch, then add it continuously.

Cross ditch. Dig two cross-shaped trenches on the ground, about 1 foot (30 cm) wide and about 3 inches (7.6 cm) deep. Put a sufficient amount of velvet in the center of the cross, and pile the lighter on top to make it pyramid-shaped. Shallow ditch can let the air pass under the fire and form a cross wind.

(Reader: It's so long ~

Author: Of course, this is after a long knowledge ~ Who says you are not allowed to need it na ~

Reader: Are you sure you aren't making up words?

Author :( conceal laughter) From what you say ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Welcome to the next issue: Edible wild animals and plants ~~)

All in all, there was a fire, burned water, pulled an arrow, treated the wound, dried clothes, ate dinner, and the three of them were exhausted ... However, the heavenly man was not beautiful, and in the middle of the night, suddenly he got down rainstorm! The three finally managed to get into a dry cave, toss for a long time, and the Premier League started to burn again.

"What to do? You're hot!" I kept helping him to change the cooling wet cloth.

"Calmdown ~" His voice was also burning dumb, "Fever is a good thing, it means that the self-protection system is activated inside my body. You see, like a group of virus troops came in, the Self-Defense Force in my body, ah, oh It ’s from Japan. I mean, the guards in my body are fighting heroically. The two teams are killing and killing, not too high. So I got a fever ~ Hehe ~~ Cough!

"You are ... idiot ..."

Yes, big idiot! The helpless woman who met Pingshui met me with such a severe injury and would still hold me down. Now she has a fever and a cough, and desperately says something easy to reassure me ... seeing his handsome face glowing red, I coughed for a while, and unconsciously softened my voice:

"Stop talking and sleep for a while."

"No ..." The voice was faint.


"No, no pillows." He looked at me pitifully ... I really strangled him! This kid can't figure out the situation! !!

... forget it, he's a patient ... I'm angry ...

"Push on my leg."

He immediately jumped over with great energy, so fast that I wondered if he had a fever? With my head in my arms, I adjusted to a most comfortable posture, reached out and hugged my waist to begin to coquettishly:

"I want to listen to the lullaby ~~~"

"I strangle you!"

"I'm a patient ... can't even listen to a lullaby? Minmin is so cold ... ohh ... this world can't live ... cough! Cough ... no, cough ... "

"Okay, that's enough, I'll sing it for you, shut up and sleep!"

"Um ~~" I closed my hand around my waist, and looked at me lazily with hazy eyes because of fever.

"Ah! Hmm ..." I cleared my throat a bit awkwardly and glanced at the other side of the fire. The black strong suit was still a little tide, and it stuck to the skin to outline his healthy and beautiful figure like a black panther. At this time, he was sitting straight and rubbing his sword. The near cold temperament made him even more slender and beautiful, but the eyes of the Premier League staring at my arms were all murderous, destroying the overall beauty ...

"Sing!" Suddenly there was a Premier League voice in her arms. Did I stare for a while? Turning my head in a panic, I missed the glance that faintly fell on me.

Taking a breath, I slowly began to sing, an old English song from the 70s, every time I sing, there is a sense of loneliness under the sun ...




I'mhangingaround, I'mwaitingforyou



Looking down, looking closely at the beautiful boy in his arms, his nose is high, his eyes are blond, and he does n’t speak like an exotic prince. His mouth is a big boy who is a little silly next door ...




Ifeelsolonely, I'mwaitingforyou



He's so tall, his shoulders are so wide, but his expression is like a big dog, and he is also coquettish ...






He looked at me with his eyes open, lazy, sloppy, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, bad, warm, his body burning red, sweating from the neck to the collarbone. Manly, very **** ...





The man in his arms was as hot as the sun, and the men on the opposite side were as cold as they could, and they did their best to save me. How wonderful, this torrential rain trapped three completely different people from different worlds in the same place. The rain was smoking outside, and the fire inside was crackling, and I felt a sense of chaos in time and space, as if I had returned to my second European-style house, thick carpets, warm The fireplace, the walls are full of Christmas lights, the sofas are full of Christmas presents, some are unsealed, and some are not yet removed ... There is a sound of adults playing Mahjong next door, and a group of our children are sitting around On the carpet, play house, sing ...






"Hey, close your eyes, it's dark ..." I said softly, to the person in my arms, or to him who was looking at me in the distance? Or just to myself ...





andIwonder, wonder

The Premier League narrowed his eyes obediently, and gently spoke with my melody. His voice was hoarse, sexy, and lonely ...








After singing, the cave suddenly became very quiet, and only the firewood was occasionally burnt ...

"It's an old song." The Premier League said with closed eyes.

"Yeah." I replied, "You are asleep."

"I feel so missed."

"Yeah." I said, "You are asleep."

"Well, I fell asleep." He said.

I looked towards the unrelenting heavy rain outside the cave, feeling a little desolate.

"Yeah ..." Suddenly suddenly, I looked at him strangely, but he silently looked at the rain outside the cave ...

The rain is getting heavier ...

No one of us thought that this rain lasted for seven days!

Grandma ~~~~~~~~~~~ Overlord flowers come back to birds ~~~~ Footsteps are close to birds ~~~~~! Look for opportunities to post again!

Tobecontinued ...

I like crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume is for everyone to collect: ( Crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume of literature updates the fastest.

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