Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 532 Royal Hunting Ground (4)

The car drove from the inner city to the outer city, then crossed the moat, and finally went straight to the Imperial Street. After exiting the gate of the capital, we embarked on the official road to the royal hunting ground.

When the emperor travels, it is natural to impose martial law in advance and clean the roads. There is no sound along the way, except for the clatter of horse hooves and the rolling wheels of carriages.

After Chaoyang and Helanna were choked back by Caiwei, they became much more honest. Although they were not angry, they did not dare to do anything. They were both blue-faced and barely spoke along the way.

Caiwei was so happy that her ears were clean, so she just chewed her melon seeds leisurely and ignored them.

The royal hunting ground is more than twenty miles away from the capital, but because the emperor was leaving the palace, there were many cumbersome pomps, and there were many guards, maids and eunuchs walking there, so it took nearly two hours to arrive.

The last time Caiwei came here was on the night of collecting spiritual energy. At that time, because she was in a hurry to collect spiritual energy, she didn't have time to take a closer look at the scenery here. And even if she wanted to, she couldn't see anything in the dark night, not to mention She was sitting on the back of a white-haired tiger. The guy was moving so fast that she had no chance to see any of the scenery clearly.

This time she came with the group. The group moved slowly, which gave her the opportunity to carefully appreciate the beautiful scenery on the hunting ground.

The royal hunting ground is full of towering ancient trees, mostly evergreen broad-leaved forests, which are vigorous, tall and verdant. When you enter the depths of the dense forest, the sunlight pours down through the cracks in the branches, reflecting the ancient trees' curling branches and old trees. The skin makes people quickly appreciate the artistic conception of "the noisy cicada forest becomes quieter, and the bird singing mountain becomes more secluded" in the ancient poem.

A mountain spring flows through the forest ravine, leaving a string of tinkling melody. Pine trees drink water by the spring, and small fish swim happily in the spring water.

The breeze blows, and the spring water is dripping and sparkling, spreading like bright brocade in the dense forest in the mountains. The fragrance of wild flowers is overflowing, and the fragrance is refreshing, refreshing. Looking up at the blue sky, white clouds, and birds flying in the mountains, it is like a picture carefully drawn by nature. !

The chariot stopped, and before the servants came to invite them, Princess Chaoyang threw up the curtain, got out of the car first, and walked away angrily. Helanna followed Chaoyang out of the car, gave Caiwei a hard look, and headed in the direction of Princess Chaoyang.

Caiwei smiled nonchalantly and supported Anxiang's hand to get out of the car. Aunt Qingqiu came forward and said respectfully: "Princess, please follow me to rest."

Caiwei smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie."

Aunt Qingqiu said: "Princess, you are so polite. It is my blessing to be able to serve the princess!"

Aunt Qingqiu took Caiwei away from the car battle and walked a short distance to a slightly flat place in the mountains. There were more than a dozen houses built near the mountains. They were the palace where the emperor rested when he came here to hunt.

The buildings are limited. Except for the emperor who lives alone in one room, the queen and concubine Jin live alone in one room each. The remaining rooms are shared by several people.

Even so, there were still not enough rooms, and many royal children had to live in temporary tents on the grass like ministers and their families did.

Caiwei was lucky enough to get the right to live in a house and was arranged to live in the same room as Helana and Chaoyang.

Although the small house they live in is small, it has a lot of earth dragon incense burners, dressing tables and wardrobes, and high beds and soft pillows. However, the bed is a bit too small. I wonder how the three of them can sleep tonight!

Anxiang and Hongrui put the packages in their hands into the cupboard, and they were so tired that they almost collapsed and had no strength to move.

The journey of more than 20 miles from the palace to this place had made the two of them extremely tired. If they had not held on to the idea of ​​competing for glory and glory in the future, they might have collapsed halfway.

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