On the way, Gu Yang and Feng Jue were indeed stopped by the traffic police for verification.

It's true that the two of them looked too young and indeed underage.

During the Chinese New Year, many second-generation rich people in Jincheng take their girlfriends out for a ride in their family cars without a license.

The spotlight has been tight recently and everything is strictly investigated. This kind of behavior must be zero-tolerated.

When the traffic police saw the driver's license presented by Feng Jue, they suspected that the driver's license was forged and made a special call to verify it before letting him go.

Feng Jue: "Treat everyone equally. Check the car behind you as well."

He couldn't remember the name of that person, but he had a problem with his sister.

So the luxury car behind them suffered a disaster.

Lu Rong, who was in the car, didn't expect that he would be checked. He had been driving for more than a day or two. In the past, the traffic police would not stop the car if they saw the sign.

So Lu Rong unfortunately and sadly offered a gift package of a New Year's fine and a 15-day trip to the detention center.

Gu Yang saw Lu Rong through the rearview mirror, blinked his eyes, and asked Feng Jue: "It's Lu Rong, Lu Wei's twin brother. Did you do it on purpose?"

Feng Jue drove without squinting, with a serious expression: "Like my sister, I abide by the law and report any illegal behavior when I see it."

Gu Yang: "..." To be honest, she didn't believe a word of it.

Feng Jue took Gu Yang to the amusement park.

Guyang was surprised when he got out of the car and saw the amusement park.

She thought that this date would be to watch a movie, go shopping, have a candlelight dinner, or go to the park to spend time under the moonlight, but it turned out to be so...childlike?

This amusement park is the largest amusement park in Jincheng, with complete facilities and high ratings. The important thing is that it does not close during the Spring Festival.

Many parents come with their children to play, and there are also some couples.

The decoration is in the Spring Festival style, with red lanterns, Chinese characters for blessing and other Spring Festival elements everywhere. There is also a lion dance at the door, which is very lively.

Gu Yang raised his eyebrows: "You want to play?"

Feng Jue nodded seriously: "I want to play with my sister."

After parking the car, he looked at the lively and festive Spring Festival-themed amusement park and said softly: "I haven't been here for a long time."

Gu Yang looked up and looked into his eyes, reading a hint of sadness, and felt as if a needle pricked his heart.

Gu Yang thought of Feng Jue's life experience.

He grew up in an orphanage and may be developing his power secretly. He probably has no chance or leisure to come to the amusement park.

Later, whether by accident or on purpose, he was adopted by the Gu family and became her little blood bank. However, whether the Gu family treats him well or not depends entirely on his original attitude.

In my memory, the Gu family's parents only took Feng Jue to the amusement park once, but that time he disliked Feng Jue and didn't want to see him.

Later, when the Gu family's parents took their children to the amusement park, they left Feng Jue alone.

But Little Blood Bank is just a young and fun-loving boy.

Gu Yang looked up at the young man beside him with some distress, and took the initiative to hold his hand, "If you want to come and play in the future, I will accompany you."

"Sister, you must keep your words."

Feng Jue looked down at Gu Yang, pursed his lips and said.

Gu Yang smiled and said: "Of course. When did I stop talking?"

Feng Jue held her hand in his palm, his eyes bottomless.

At that moment, Gu Yang couldn't read his thoughts. She could only feel that his hands were clenched very tightly for a moment, as if he was afraid that she would disappear, but then he relaxed again, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

The palms of my hands were warm, shielding me from the cold wind, snow, and snow.

Gu Yang was in a trance for a moment, feeling that this situation and scene seemed familiar, like images that flashed when the space overlapped, but he could not be found after searching all the memories.

Is it the hippocampus effect again?


Good night, good night~

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