Qiu Baizhou and Ruan Chu, two law majors, frowned at the same time: "This is a transcendental life."

Although China has liberalized childbirth due to the aging of the population, in many places it only allows three children.

Not to mention that children like Sun Jianmin were obviously born before the one-child policy was relaxed.

Sun Jianmin was obviously used to hearing such words, and he didn't take it seriously. He said with a smile: "I have given birth to children in this life, and I have no choice but to raise them. Besides, aren't births encouraged now?"

"Then why did you think of having so many children at that time? With your family's situation, it would be difficult to raise so many children, right?"

Gu Yang looked around the yard of Sun Jianmin's house.

The most indispensable thing in rural areas is land. The yard of Sun Jianmin's house is also large. It is surrounded by a three-story undecorated cement building and two bungalows. A tall old grapefruit tree is planted in the middle, and there is a garden beside it. A chicken coop.

Of the two bungalows, one is more restful and has a chimney on top, which is obviously used as a kitchen.

The other room was an abandoned adobe house with cracked yellow mud walls and a closed wooden door. There was only a small window that peeked out. There was no light inside, so it was dark when you looked in through the small window.

Judging from the appearance alone, Sun Jianmin's family's economic conditions are not very good, probably average in Qingsha Village.

Gu Yang is beautiful, smart, and soft-spoken. She comes across as gentle, well-behaved, and very approachable, making it difficult for people to be wary of her.

Sun Jianmin just thought that the little girl was kind-hearted and concerned about his family's situation, and sighed: "I got married late, and I still haven't found a wife in my thirties. People in the village laughed at me because I won't have a son to take care of me until I die.

I have been holding my breath in my heart, and after having a wife, I had one baby after another. Now that I have nine sons, who dares to look down on me? "

Sun Jianmin felt quite elated at the end.

However, thinking that these big stars are here to help the poor, Sun Jianmin began to talk about his own difficulties: "It is quite difficult to raise so many children, not to mention that I have an 80-year-old mother and a disabled brother at home."

Sun Kang, the eldest son next to him, saw this and said, "Yes, it's not easy for dad to raise nine of us brothers."

"You have so many sons, but no daughters?" Qiu Baizhou asked abruptly.

Sun Jianmin and Sun Kang were both stunned. Qiu Baizhou, who was a lawyer and was cold and serious, was obviously not as calm as Gu Yang.

Sun Kang did not dare to look directly at Qiu Baizhou, his eyes flickered: "I don't have a sister."

"Girls..." Sun Jianmin smiled honestly: "I'm lucky. They are all sons and not a girl."

Several women present frowned, feeling uncomfortable with these obviously patriarchal words.

Qiao Xuan sneered coldly, not caring that this was a live broadcast, and sarcastically said: "You are lucky if you don't have a daughter? Why did you marry a girl when you married your wife?"

Qiao Xuan was born in a rural area and was born into a family that favors sons over daughters. She has two younger brothers.

Her academic performance has been very good since she was a child, and she was among the best. She was admitted to university, but because she wanted to support her two younger brothers in technical schools, her parents tore up her admission letter and forced her to drop out of school and work.

An eighteen-year-old girl is not yet financially independent and mentally immature. How can she escape the arrangements of her parents?

Her college dream was shattered.

Although she was accidentally discovered by a talent scout, entered the entertainment industry and became a famous star, she still couldn't let go when she thought of the acceptance letter that was torn into pieces and filled with tears.

——521 is happy~ (although I am single)

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