Chapter 271

"Chang Xia, I'm from the Yuanhu Tribe, and my name is Tai Ge."

Clan leader Tago came, ignoring the murderous eyes of the snake-snake clan leader, and introduced himself with hearty laughter full of enthusiasm.

Chang Xia glanced at the patriarch Gen at the side, retracted his eyes from the snake cub, and said with a smile, "Hi, Patriarch Tago!"

"I heard from Wu that you like new things. I'll bring you a few baskets of beans, a specialty of the Yuanhu tribe. I guarantee that there are absolutely no beans in the Heluo tribe." Tago waved his hand, and the tribe behind him took off the vine covering the leaves above the basket, revealing the beans in the rattan basket.

Chang Xia was overjoyed when he heard Dou.

Stepping forward quickly, he leaned over and looked at the beans in the rattan basket.

The more you look at it, the more surprised you are. The beans of Yuanhu Tribe are not only a kind of soybean, but also broad beans, kidney beans, mung beans, green beans...

It seems that the Yuanhu tribe has everything related to beans.

This situation made Chang Xia think of the peppers of the Tianshi tribe, and the Dusk Forest is really interesting. As a result, the Heluo tribe seems to be behind.

so far.

Changxia has not found any unique products of the Heluo tribe.

"Chang Xia, are these beans edible?" Gen Qing asked.

All of a sudden, all the orcs in Tribal Square turned their attention to Chang Xia. In the distance, Wu and Bai Qing watched quietly and did not come to disturb.

Everyone knows that the root food is different from the food they understand.

The Yuanhu tribe sent beans, which are naturally edible. Beans are a specialty of the Yuanhu tribe. The tiger tribe naturally eats beans. Just like the lion tribe of the Tianshi tribe, the tiger tribe likes to eat beans.

It's just that the Tiger Clan eating beans is as simple and crude as the Lion Clan eating chili.

Boil and bake.

Boiling is to eat when the beans are getting old.

To bake and eat, it needs to be when the beans are just ripe.

These two eating methods have been passed down by the Yuanhu tribe for thousands of years, and they have been perfected from generation to generation. Only then does the Hu tribe eat beans today.

In fact, the same is true for other orc tribes.

In addition to barbecue, each tribe has a food culture that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Lions eat peppers,

The Tiger Clan eats beans, and the Bear Clan eats laver. Each tribe will exchange these things with other tribes, but because of the backward cooking skills, it is difficult for the things that each tribe is proud of to be recognized by other beast tribes.

"Yes." Chang Xia said happily.

beans, edible.

Among them, soybeans are eaten in the most diverse ways.

Looking at the bright yellow soybeans, Chang Xia's mind is full of all kinds of soybean products. As a flower grower, who has not eaten a few soy products? Especially the baptism of all kinds of spicy strips, from children to the elderly.

Soy products are an indispensable food for flower growers.

"Congratulations, Tiger!"

"Chang Xia said that beans can be eaten, so it must be edible. Tagomo forgot the kindness of the Heluo tribe and Chang Xia."

Suddenly, all kinds of discussions and jokes sounded all around.

Tago smiled happily, and promised again and again.

Prior to this, the situation of the Tianshi tribe and the earth tribe had already been known to all tribes.

The Tago patriarch didn't hesitate, and immediately promised to donate ten thousand catties of beans to the Heluo tribe for free every year, which did not include the part given to Changxia.

This moment.

Other orc tribes who didn't have a chance to come forward to talk.

Looking enviously at the five major tribes, at the same time, he became more and more grateful to Wu. Wu promised that as long as the tribes agreed to enter the tribal territory for hunting and picking, the Heluo tribe would give ginkgo fruit free of charge. At the same time, he also helped them to exchange fans with the Heluo tribe.

The noodles are made by the Heluo Tribe, and each tribe wants to eat them, so naturally they have to exchange them with the Heluo Tribe.

Among the ginkgo practices, milling is not included.

The powder making method is the secret method of the Heluo tribe.

It's the same reason that the Bird Clan knows how to spin cloth.

The method of firing pottery was taught by the witch to the orcs in the Twilight Forest.

As such, pottery is not uncommon in Duskwood. The six major tribes do not participate in the exchange of pottery exchanged by the bird tribe, the fish tribe and the orc tribe.


Several major tribes send "gifts" to end.

Chang Xia came to Wu, and called out to Wu favorably.

Su Ye got up and pulled Chang Xia, and gently placed his hand on Chang Xia's brow, "You are a blessed one, the mark of the beast god. For thousands of years, few people can get the gift of the beast god. Even if I don't speak today, all tribes will Will not be stingy about letting you into their territory."

The moment Chang Xia walked into the tribal square, everyone saw the mark of the beast god on her forehead. However, no one dared to mention it.

The beast god is the god of all orcs.

Even if Chang Xia went to the Bird Clan or the Fish Clan, no orc would dare to persecute Chang Xia.

The mark of the beast god is more like a pass.

Hearing this, Chang Xia was slightly startled.

She seemed to have underestimated the mark of the beast god between her brows.

"Weishan Holy Land, I need to go there in person." Su Ye said seriously.

Back then, she mentioned that she wanted to enter Weishan in person, but unfortunately the orcs thought that Weishan was too mysterious and afraid of accidents, so all the orcs refused to allow witches to enter Weishan.

After all, Su Ye is not a stubborn and conceited character.

Therefore, she obeyed the wishes of the tribes of the orcs and stayed away from Weishan.

Today I learned that Weishan has a beast totem, as a witch, how can Su Ye sit still? Immediately, I can't wait to give birth to a pair of wings and fly directly into Weishan.

At this moment, there is no rebuttal from the orcs.

There is no concealment of the existence of Weishan Holy Land at all.

While saying the Weishan ape, inform the tribes of the existence of the Weishan Holy Land.

Qie told them that Weishan Ape is the gatekeeper of Weishan Holy Land. Knowing that Yuanhei is in the Heluo tribe, each tribe quietly went to the tribal training ground to watch Yuanhei.

Yuan Hei's intelligence, Yuan Hei's physique.

All the orcs of the tribes were shocked.

At the same time, I sigh that it is indeed the Heluo tribe. In other words, they may have turned against the Weishan ape without knowing it. This time, let alone the opportunity to step into the Weishan Holy Land, make friends with the Weishan ape, and may even start a war with the Weishan ape.

Genming said that the old ape was nearly ten meters tall, and his combat effectiveness was comparable to that of the elder Pukang.

Immediately, some orcs fainted from fright.

In the name of Elder Pukang, anyone who has experienced the era he lived in cannot get rid of the shadow of fear of Elder Pukang.

"Old Yuan is looking forward to meeting you!" Chang Xia said softly.

If it weren't for Su Ye's confession back then, the Heluo Tribe would not have dutifully concealed the whereabouts of Weishan Ape. Weishan Ape can live a peaceful life for hundreds of years, thanks to Su Ye's protection.

Su Ye smiled slightly, stroking Chang Xia's long hair.

Lowering her head, she took another look at the snake cub on her arm.

"Snake Snake, this little brat is a man of good fortune, let the Snake Mountain Tribe cultivate it well."

Survive a catastrophe, but also know how to get close to Changxia.

This is not just a good fortune.

How could an ordinary animal cub stand such a toss?

Su Ye's praise of the snake cub was really not aimless.

Snake patriarch's bright and compelling face, with a smile, respectfully thanked Su Ye, "Thank you Wu for your praise, Snake will keep it in mind!"

From the corner of his eyes, Chang Xia sized up the Snake Patriarch.

In terms of appearance, the head of the Snake Snake clan is three points more gorgeous than Fengye and Daya. Coupled with the coquettish characteristics of the Snake Beastman, even if the Snake Patriarch is two rounds older than Fengye Daya, his posture and style are superb.

Back then, how could the patriarch be willing to reject such a charming and beautiful female?

Still, the xylophone isn't bad either. Unlike the Snake Patriarch, who is bright and intimidating, the xylophone is gentle and beautiful, and is also a rare female.

Speaking of which, there is nothing ugly about the orc clan.

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